2020 Arstotzkan presidential election

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2020 Arstotzkan Presidential Election

1 May 2020

All 7 electoral votes
4 electoral votes needed to win
Nominee Ethan Brinkman Zion Ormsby
Party United Government Alliance Arstotzkan Labour Party
Home state Arstotzkan Union Proper Tauranga, New Zealand
Running mate Peter Gedye Brooklyn Le-Comte
Electoral vote 5 2
Percentage 71.4% 28.6%

President before election

Ethan Brinkman
Arstotzkan People's Party

Elected President

Ethan Brinkman & Peter Gedye
United Government Alliance

The 2020 Arstotzkan Presidential Election marked a significant milestone as the inaugural presidential election in the history of the Arstotzkan Union. The incumbent President, Ethan Brinkman, who assumed office on 22 August 2019, found himself compelled to seek re-election. He formed a compelling ticket with Peter Gedye, a former Vice President who had previously served in that capacity prior to the First Civil Conflict within the Arstotzkan Union. Concurrently, Zion Ormsby, who held the position of Vice President during the Second Civil Conflict and beyond, assumed leadership of the Arstotzkan Labour Party. This succession transpired subsequent to the resignation of the Labour Party's leader, Brooklyn Le-Comte, who officially designated Zion as his successor on 9 April 2020.

The electoral landscape was dominated by several salient themes, including deliberations on the proposed Second Article to the Constitution, border-related concerns, and the Arstotzkan Union's reliance on neighboring entities. Notably, a dichotomy emerged between the United Government Alliance, advocating for a policy of self-preservation for the Arstotzkan Union, and the Labour Party, which espoused a more open approach, particularly in relation to New Zealand.

Prior to the Election

Electoral Map of the 2020 Arstotzkan Presidential Election. Colours denote which party won which district. Dark Blue symbolising the United Government Alliance and Light Blue, the Arstotzkan Labour Party.

On 8 March 2020, the inception of the Fourth Reich party was officially declared, initially posited as a rebellion and perceived as a potential threat to national security. In response, the President and members of the Arstotzkan Union Defense Forces (AUDF) prepared for a defensive stance. However, a pivotal shift in strategy occurred when the President underwent a change of heart, opting for a democratic resolution. Originally scheduled for 1 September 2020, the proposed democratic election was rescheduled to 1 May 2020, predating significant challenges posed by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in New Zealand.

President Ethan Brinkman formally announced his candidacy for re-election, leading his party against the newly rebranded Arstotzkan Labour Party. Recognizing the uncertainty of victory, Brinkman strategically formed an alliance with parties led by Peter Gedye. On 23 March 2020, the Coalition Government emerged as a joint effort involving the Arstotzkan People's Party, Arstotzkan Pirate Party, and the Communist League of the Arstotzkan Union.

Subsequently, on 2 April 2020, the Coalition Government underwent a nomenclatural transformation, adopting the appellation "United Government Alliance" (UGA) as the principal contender against the Arstotzkan Labour Party.

A pivotal moment in the electoral timeline occurred on 5 April 2020, when both parties disseminated an election update to their respective leaders, unveiling their policy platforms. Despite overarching similarities in foreign and domestic policies, a notable divergence emerged—while the Labour Party advocated for increased openness to New Zealand, the UGA championed the reinforcement of Arstotzkan sovereignty, advocating a temporary closure to New Zealand until achieving full independence.

The evening of 7 April 2020, witnessed Vice President Zion Ormsby declaring his intent to initiate a coup against the United Government Alliance, leading to protracted deliberations. Ultimately, discussions transpired, resulting in Zion Ormsby's decision to resign.

On 9 April 2020, Zion Ormsby, who had served as Vice President since the conclusion of the First Civil Conflict, officially announced his resignation, concurrently assuming the leadership mantle of the Arstotzkan Labour Party, succeeding Brooklyn Le-Comte.


Poster of the Arstotzkan Elections. In the images are the two flags of the competing parties, the United Government Alliance and the Arstotzkan Labour Party

On the evening of 30 April 2020, the Election Ballot was distributed to all registered citizens with explicit instructions not to open it until the following morning. As dawn broke on 1 May 2020, the commencement of voting unfolded.

The exact moment when the President initiated the voting process remained undisclosed; however, the majority of votes cast throughout the day were in favor of the United Government Alliance (UGA), with a limited number of votes allocated to the Arstotzkan Labour Party.

By 15:30 that afternoon, it became evident that the UGA would emerge as the prevailing victor. However, a pivotal development transpired when Joshua Smith, having not yet cast his vote, contacted the President. In response, the President promptly provided Smith with the necessary ballot, concluding the day's electoral proceedings.

Later that night, the President delivered a momentous broadcast on the Arstotzkan Union News Network (AUNN, now AUNNN), announcing the election results and revealing the individuals designated to assume roles in new governmental departments.

Results & Aftermath

The United Government Alliance emerged triumphant, securing 57.1% of the vote, while the elected Presidents, Ethan Brinkman and Peter Gedye, garnered 71.4% of the overall votes. Conversely, the Arstotzkan Labour Party faced less favourable outcomes, securing only 42.9% of the vote, with Zion obtaining 28.6%.

During the evening of 2 May 2020, President Ethan Brinkman received communication from Zion Ormsby expressing the intent to transfer the Arstotzkan Labour Party to the United Government Alliance. Consequently, Zion Ormsby was slated for reinstatement to the position of Vice President on May 18, 2020.

On 12 May 2020, the United Government Alliance underwent a structural reconfiguration, transforming into the Second Democratic People's Party of the Arstotzkan Union.

See also