Peerage of Monmark

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The nobility of Monmark is complex, broad, and flexible, allowing one person to possess many titles. Nobility is hereditary and meritocratic, in which a person gains nobility through merit then if hereditary nobility is granted, there are heirs to that title. Nobility don't hold much power as they merely possess titles, however have the right to armorial bearings granted by the Heraldic Authority of Monmark as well as the right to sit on the Privy Council.


The following structure is defined in the Act on Nobility Structure 27, November, 2020, as well as Amendments I and II. Titles of nobility are organized into the categories of "Hereditary Peerages", "Life Peerages", "Royal Titles", "Discretionary Titles" and "Asylum Titles". Royal Titles and Asylum Titles fall into Hereditary Peerages and Discretionary Titles into Life Peerages.


The titles of nobility reserved for royals are as follows. Royal Titles are defined as titles held by either the Royal Family and the Monarch, or the Federal Monarchs.

  • Emperor/Empress of All Monmark, referred to as "His/Her Imperial and Royal Majesty" in reference and "Your Majesty" spoken. This is the main title of the reigning monarch.
  • Archduke/Archduchess Imperial, referred to as "His/Her Imperial and Royal Highness" in reference and "Your Highness" spoken. This is the main title of the heir to the throne.
  • Grand Duke/Duchess Imperial, referred to as "His/Her Imperial and Royal Highness" in reference, and "Your Highness" spoken. This is the main title of any junior member of the Royal Family that is also an immediate family member of the monarch.
  • Prince/Princess Imperial, referred to as "His/Her Imperial Highness" in reference and "Your Highness" spoken. This title is granted to any of the 21 extended family members eligible for Royal status in Monmark.

Federal Monarchs

  • High King/Queen, referred to as "His/Her Royal Majesty" in reference and "Your Majesty" spoken. This type of Kingdom is rarely granted to constituent countries as it is used as a distinction for constituent countries of note.
  • King/Queen, referred to as "His/Her Royal Highness" in reference and "Your Royal Highness" spoken. This is the title of a federal monarch of a Kingdom, but may not always be the main title.
  • Archduke/Archduchess, referred to as "His/Her Royal Highness" in reference, and "Your Highness" spoken. This is a title of the Federal Monarch of any Archduchy within Monmark.
  • Grand Duke/Duchess, referred to as "His/Her Royal Highness" in reference, and "Your Highness" spoken. This again is used in the same way as the above titles.


Noble Titles are organized into Hereditary Peerages and Life Peerages, Hereditary Peerages are all hereditary titles of non royal nobility, and also include Asylum Titles which are titles granted to non native monarchs and nobility seeking asylum in Monmark, Life Peerages are not inherited and are almost always created at the rank of Baron/Baroness, Discretionary Titles are non hereditary titles that are granted to life peers and hereditary peers alike.

  • Prince/Princess, referred to as "His/Her Serene Highness" or "His/Her Excellency" in reference and "Your Excellency" or "Your Serene Highness" spoken. This title is used as the main title of the head of a Noble Family, and other Principalities may be given out as well.
  • Duke/Duchess, referred to as "His/Her Highness".
  • Count/Countess of the Empire, referred to as "His/Her Highness".
  • Baron/Baronesss of the Empire, referred to as "Lord/Lady".
  • Lord/Lady of the Empire, referred to as "Lord/Lady".

Coronets of Monmark

Current Peers

The following are all titles in the Peerage of Monmark as of 29 April 2021.

Hereditary peers

Royal family

The following are titles granted to royal family members separate from their dynastic titles.

  • Prince Crimson, also the monarch, entitled to all titles of the crown
  • Duke of Yarrow, as heir, also Archduke Imperial
  • Duke and Duchess of Feldstadt, as parents of the monarch
  • Count and Countess of Gibraltar, as grandparents of the monarch
  • Duchess of Kaktusstadt, as sibling of the monarch
  • Duchess of Omaha, as cousin of the monarch
  • Duchess of Nebraska, as cousin of the monarch

Noble and Federal Monarchs

  • Prince Ironside, High King of All Paland, King of Valandia, Grand Prince of Melville Island, Prince of Royal Monmarkia, Prince of the Highlands, Duke of Cambarnia, Duke of Kariznia, Count of Barlad, Baron of Mayfair
  • Prince Crabtree-Billung, King of Neu-Begonie, Duke of New Polinaturalo, Duke of Peroza, Duke of Slantis, Baron of Jerenstad, Baron of Ivonia
  • Prince Thomason, King of Forestia, Archduke of Villnai, Grand Duke of the Lowlands, Duke of the Springs
  • Prince Shepard, Duke of Waldstadt
  • Prince Bouchers, Prince of Talon
  • Princess Vaux, Countess of Ylisse
  • Prince Nafage, Lord Desslok
  • Prince Alexander, Duke of Laurelstadt
  • Prince Sriraya, Count of the Empire
  • Prince Meister, 2nd Grand Duke of Vogelstadt
  • Prince Kline
  • Prince Abrahams, Duke of Westville
  • Prince David, Lord Burdette
  • Princess Alasty, Duchess of Monlodon
  • Prince Elder, Duke of Adlerstadt

Noble Prince/Princess

Coronet Title Creation Grantee Reason Monarch
The Princess Vaux 5 September 2020 Sylvie Vaux For her services and friendship to the nation Alexander I Constantine
The Princess of Opelatia 26 December 2020
The Prince Nafage 21 September 2020 Desslok Visari Nafage For his services and friendship to the nation
The Prince Macdonald 4 October 2020 Sean Aindréas na Inishkea For his merit and diplomatic services to the nation
The Prince Shepard 10 October 2020 Michael I For his services to the nation
The Prince of Mitalia 26 December 2020
The Prince Elder 18 October 2020 Elder For his services to the nation
The Prince Bouchers 24 October 2020 Monmarkian Empire Charles Bouchers For his services to the nation
The Prince of Talon
The Prince Alexander 25 November 2020 Kingdom of Atiera Liam Alexander For his diplomatic services and friendship to the nation
The Prince Roy 1 December 2020 Vishwamitra Varuna Sriraya For his services to the nation
The Prince Kline 1 December 2020 Monmarkian Empire Samuel Kline For his services to the nation
The Prince Burdette 2 December 2020 Kingdom of Burdette Isaiah David For his diplomatic services to the nation
The Prince Francias 14 December 2020 Michael Francias For his services and friendship as an ally of the nation
The Prince Meister 13 March 2021 Max For his services and friendship as an ally of the nation


Coronet Title Creation Grantee Reason Monarch
The Duke of Carricksalia 4 October 2020 Sean Aindréas na Inishkea For his merit and diplomatic services to the nation Alexander I Constantine
The Duke of Waldstadt 10 October 2020 Michael I For his services to the nation
The Duke of Mitalia 26 December 2020
The Duke of Laurelstadt 25 November 2020 Kingdom of Atiera Liam Alexander For his diplomatic services and friendship to the nation
The Duke of Adlerstadt 30 November 2020 Elder For his services to the nation
The Duke of Tolstadt 26 November 2020 Monmarkian Empire Charles Bouchers For his services to the nation
The Duchess of Dutalia 26 December 2020 Sylvie Vaux For her services and friendship to the nation
The Duke of Kassia 26 December 2020 Commonwealth of Naveria Casper von Naveria For his act of friendship as an ally of the nation
The Duke of Flamia 17 January 2021 Plamen Iliev For merit and friendship


Coronet Title Creation Grantee Reason Monarch
The Countess of Ylisse 5 September 2020 Sylvie Vaux For her services and friendship to the nation Alexander I Constantine
The Count of Ischia 26 December 2020 Vishwamitra Varuna Sriraya For his services to the nation
The Count of Kaletai 26 December 2020 Kingdom of Atiera Liam Alexander For his diplomatic services and friendship to the nation
The Count of Altstadt 26 December 2020 Elder For his services to the nation
The Count of Nistiana 26 December 2020 Kingdom of Burdette Isaiah David For his diplomatic services to the nation
The Count of Krakow 22 April 2021 Cheskgariya-Litvania Michal Nowacki


Coronet Title Creation Grantee Reason Monarch
The Baroness of Sylviestadt 26 December 2020 Sylvie Vaux For her services and friendship to the nation Alexander I Constantine
The Baron of Odila 26 December 2020 Kingdom of Atiera Liam Alexander For his diplomatic services and friendship to the nation
The Baron of Edesiania 26 December 2020 Elder For his services to the nation
The Baron of Lagenia 26 December 2020 Monmarkian Empire Samuel Kline For his services to the nation


Coronet Title Creation Grantee Reason Monarch
The Lord Desslok 21 September 2020 Desslok Visari Nafage For his services and friendship to the nation Alexander I Constantine

Life peers


Coronet Title Creation Grantee Reason Monarch
The Duke of Nachtglas 18 September 2020 Normandy Looïs I For his friendship to the Emperor Alexander I Constantine
The Duchess of Siple 28 December 2020 Ava Calero For her services towards diplomacy and friendship


Coronet Title Creation Grantee Reason Monarch
The Baron Edison 11 September 2020 Joshua Shilling For his services to the nation Alexander I Constantine
The Baron Jesus - Jesus For his services to the nation and towards diplomacy
The Baroness Calero 11 December 2020 Ava Calero For her services towards diplomacy and friendship
The Baron Lycon 28 December 2020 Aenderia Jayden Lycon For his friendship and services to the nation
The Baron Perdomo 7 January 2021 Andrew I of Pontchartrain-Maurepas For merit


Coronet Title Creation Grantee Reason Monarch
The Lord Konstantine 11 December 2020 Leo Konstantine For his diplomatic services to the nation Alexander I Constantine