Summit of Czech and Slovakian Micronations 2020

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Summit of Czech and Slovakian Micronations 2020
Date 1 July 2020
Place Lovocafé, Lovosice, Czech Republic
Attendees In person 6, via Discord 2
Preceeding summit Summit of Czech and Slovakian Micronations 2019
Following summit unrealised
Micro-Euro Summit 2022

The Summit of Czech and Slovakian Micronations 2020, also known as the Summit in Lovosice was a summit of Czech and Slovak micronations (but no Slovak came). It was planned from September 28, 2019, when Jan Šťastný announced his interest in hosting the Lovosice summit.

Summit plans

The summit ceased to be considered during the period of inactivity of the Rednecks Republic. Later Eric Smith expressed interest in the Summit in Žatec, but in the end he won the Summit in Lovosice, in May 2020 it was set for the beginning of July, later it was specified for July 1-2, 2020. Finally it was set for July 1 and the place was changed from Pfannschmidt's villa to Lovocafé.


The summit began at 11:00 a.m., most of the topics were discussed, but the course was very chaotic, from micronations, to locating their homes on a map, to a plan to colonize Saudi Arabia and hold a minute of silence under Nicholas Randouler, but in the end the need for a defense organization, that Křivoklát is not ideal, that Chebzov is a legitimate Krlesia, etc. The summit ended at 15:00 with the release of national anthems and separation. The Prague micronations showed interest in organizing the Prague Summit.

The summit was attended by 6 people, namely Jan Šťastný and Petr Bláha for Rednecks Republic, Grand Duke Nicholas I. for Klitzibürg, for Chodland Jakub Malý and Jakub Jelínek and for Ludenberk, Petr György Polanský.