Institute of Insignia

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The Institute of Insignia, commonly abbreviated to the Institute, is an executive non-departmental public body (NDPB) charged with designing the Princian Commonwealth's national symbolism and is exclusively commissioned to design all logos & brand identities of its government departments, political parties and public sector corporations such as the Filorux Group, Dee Group and Penroe-Louçade. The exact date of foundation is unknown, as the institute has existed in a largely unofficial capacity since Princia's foundation, previously known as the National Design Authority and established in its current form in December 2023. In many cases, the institute approaches an organisation with a design or improved design to be implemented, although in a small number of cases (mostly political party logos) the institute is instead directly instructed by an organisation to design a logo based on a given description or set of requirements.

List of designs

The institute mainly takes it upon itself to improve Princia's logos and symbolism, ranking all current designs using the NACR system: either R ("requiring improvement"), C ("considering improvement"), A ("adequate") or N ("no improvement necessary"). Designs of each designation are listed in no particular order.


N designation, for "no improvement necessary," is the highest rank of Princian logos/symbols – ones which the institute is perfectly satisfied with and does not see any need for modification.


A designation, for "adequate," is the second-highest rank of Princian logos/symbols – ones which the institute is not entirely satisfied with but does not see a need for modification at the present time.


C designation, for "considering improvement," is the second-lowest rank of Princian logos/symbols – ones which the institute is not satisfied with but does not see their improvement a priority.


R designation, for "requiring improvement," is the lowest rank of Princian logos/symbols – ones which the institute actively endeavours to improve.