House of Scribes (Congress of Cristoria)

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House of Scribes
Coat of arms or logo
Founded1 January 2023
Disbanded24 January 2024
Political groups
  •   Independent Party (30)
  •   Communist Party (10)

The House of Scribes was the lower house of the Congress of Cristoria. The House of Sribes, formerly known as the Senate, was directly responsible for proposing bills (alongside the House of Missiones) and reporting to the president regarding legislative activity. The House of Scribes oversaw the House of Missiones and preceeding agencies in regard to power.


The House of Scribes dated back to January 2023 with the writing of the Constitution of Cristoria on 1 January 2023. The House of Scribes was specifically outlined as the Senate in Article One, Section Three of the Constitution of Cristoria.

On 22 January 2023, the then Senate had its first round of elections. With successful voting results, similarly to the House of Representatives, the Independent Cristorian Party (ICP) was the dominant party.

Alongside the House of Representatives, the Senate assisted in the proposal of Operation: Blazing Glory, a cyberwarfare operation that would change the course of Cristorian history and its position on the intermicronational stage as a cyberpower.


The House of Scribes meeted in New Toledo if all members are able to meet within the borders of Cristoria. Otherwise, those whom cannot meet within Cristorian borders are obligated to use Google Meet or Discord to keep communication as a priority.

Meetings that covered political matters that directly concerned the Republic of Cristoria, wmust've lasted at least an hour. Meetings regarding the impeachment of the President must've lasted eight hours.[1]


The official color of the House of Scribes was Royal Blue, the national color of the Republic of Cristoria, with the House of Missiones being Royal Red.

The official seal of the House of Scribes was a Bald eagle holding a bow and arrow in the left hand and a sword in the right, with a shield containing the Cristorian flag in the center.


  1. "Constitution of the Republic of Cristoria" 1st Cristorian Congress Retrieved 19 January 2024