Royal Orders of Slitronia

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The Royal Orders of Slitronia (Slitroonia Kuninglikud Ordenid (Estonian)) are different levelled orders given out by the Great King of Slitronia to individuals to recognise their contributions to Slitronia in different fields. As of 2024, three separate orders exist, those being the Order of Inspiration, Order of Development and Order of Diplomacy (Slitronia). The orders were established by HGH Johannes I on the 30th of October, 2022.[1]

The Royal Orders

Order of Inspiration

The Order of Inspiration (Inspiratsiooni Orden (Estonian)) is a two-ranked order given out to people the Great King has deemed as having inspired Slitronia. The two ranks are from highest to lowest the Great Inspirer (Suur Inspireerija (Estonian)) and Inspirer (Inspireerija (Estonian)), with the respective post-nominals IOSI and IOI.[1]

Order of Development

The Order of Development (Arengu Orden (Estonian)) is a three-ranked order given out to people the Great King has deemed as having helped with the development of Slitronia. The three ranks are from highest to lowest the General (Kindral (Estonian)), Captain (Kapten (Estonian)) and Lieutenant (Leitnant (Estonian)), with the respective post-nominals AOKi, AOKa and AOL.[1]

Order of Diplomacy

The Order of Diplomacu (Diplomaatia Orden (Estonian)) is a two-ranked order given out to people the Great King has deemed as having helped establish or maintain good relations with Slitronia. The two ranks are from highest to lowest the General (Kindral (Estonian)) and Captain (Kapten (Estonian)), with the respective post-nominals AOKi and AOKa.[1]

Order of Precedence

In the case a person has multiple orders, the following order has to be used to determine the order of the titles:[1]

  1. General of the Order of Development
  2. Great Inspirer of the Order of Inspiration
  3. Inspirer of the Order of Insipration
  4. General of the Order of Diplomacy
  5. Captain of the Order of Development
  6. Captain of the Order of Diplomacy
  7. Lieutenant of the Order of Development


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Establishment of the Royal Orders of Slitronia | Slitroonia kuninglike ordenite asutamine. (2022, October 30). Google Docs. Retrieved July 26, 2024, from