New Athens Space Technology and Aerospace Research

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New Athens Space Technology and Aerospace Research
Agency overview
FormedApril 5, 2021; 3 years ago (2021-04-05)
Preceding agency
  • Established
TypeSpace agency
Sasha Popov
Owner New Athens

The New Athens Space Technology and Aerospace Research is the aerospace department of the Free Nation of New Athens. It was formed on April 5, 2021, and the main objective of the department is to oversee atmospheric and space observations and report on notable events. It also oversees all existing and future national weather stations. Project Eagle Eye is the department's first rocketry project and is set to launch the week of Thanksgiving, 2024.

Continuous Missions

National Weather Stations

NASTAR has taken over the oversight of all national weather stations of the Free Nation of New Athens.
There is currently one active national weather station.

Rare Interstellar Event Reporting

NASTAR documents and reports on rare interstellar events. This includes but is not limited to meteor showers, rare comets, and rare lunar, solar and planetary events. These events are shared in the New Athens discord server 24 hours in advance and can also be accessed on Google Calendar so anyone can view and/or subscribe to it to add it to their own calendar.

Meteor Observation

NASTAR monitors and reports on meteor showers. It keeps a calendar of all expected meteor showers each year and provides guides for the best viewing of each.

Meteor Shower Observation Results
Event Photos Notes
2021 Lyrids
A photo of the big dipper taken during the 2021 Lyrid meteor shower

A photo of a streak taken during the 2021 Lyrid meteor shower
Less than favorable light-pollution conditions.
2021 eta Aquarrids Overcast

Special Projects

Satellite Imagery

This project includes the creation of antennas to receive photographic data of Earth from NOAA, GOES, and METEOR-M2 satellites.

Cargo Drones

The creation of at least one functional cargo drone which can be used to transport small payloads between Cardinalia and nearby provinces will begin in early 2025.

Project Eagle Eye

Project Eagle Eye is the first rocketry mission initiated by the New Athens Space Technology and Aerospace Research (NASTAR), aiming to launch a model rocket with the dual objectives of capturing high-resolution aerial photography and videography and reaching an altitude of 2,640 feet (1/2 mile) above sea level. The mission is scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving, 2024, and will utilize advanced rocketry components and imaging technology to achieve its goals.

Mission Objectives

  • Primary Objective: Capture high-quality aerial photographs and video footage of New Athens territories using an externally mounted camera.
  • Secondary Objective: Achieve a target altitude of 2,640 feet (1/2 mile) above sea level. Given that Cardinalia is located at 979 feet above sea level, a launch geographically nearby would need to exceed 1,661 feet above ground level to meet this objective, with altitude data measured by an internal Jolly Logic Altimeter Two (model 09135).

Expected Outcomes

  • Successful Aerial Photography and Videography: The mission aims to capture high-quality images and video of New Athens territories, fulfilling the primary objective.
  • Achieving Target Altitude: The internal altimeter will provide accurate data on whether the rocket reached the target altitude of 2,640 feet above sea level, meeting the secondary objective.
  • Comprehensive Data Collection: The mission will generate valuable visual and flight data, contributing to future aerospace projects by NASTAR.

If both objectives of the mission are successful, there may be future rocketry projects and endeavors.


League of Independent Nations

NASTAR actively participates in the League of Independent Nations program for the sharing of space and aeronautic research.

International Aerospace Community

NASTAR is a full member of the International Aerospace Community.

See also