2019 Baustralian shadow cabinets

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Below are the shadow cabinets in 2019.

Day shadow cabinet

Emily Day assumed the position of Leader of the Opposition on 23 August 2019 after Parliament passed the Opposition Act descriving how to deal with multiple parties with the same opposition. Her party was decided as Opposition by virtue of all the members sitting in Parliament longer than the Worker's Party and by virtue of all the members holding military rank. Her shadow cabinet lasted for 18 days and no shadow ministers were decided before her party merged with the Worker's Party.

McGrath shadow cabinet

Aidan McGrath assumed the position of Leader of the Opposition after merging his party with the Socialist Party on 10 September 2019; the merge caused his party to assume the position of His Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition. McGrath appointed his first Shadow Cabinet in September 2015. It was reshuffled a few days later to accomodate the post of Shadow Secretary of State for the Secret Service.

Name Aidan McGrath Emily Day Leon Montan Oliver Doig John Williamson Luis Medina
Portfolio Leader of the Opposition,
Shadow Secretary of State for Routes,
and Shadow Secretary of State for the Secret Service
Deputy Leader of the Opposition,
Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,
and Shadow Secretary of State for Ostreum
Shadow Secretary of State for Communications,
and Shadow Secretary of State for Edstmae
Shadow Secretary of State for Whiskey Islands,
and Shadow Secretary of State for Wangatangia
Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment Shadow Secretary of State for Justice
Dates 10 September 2019 10 September 2019 10 September 2019 10 September 2019 10 September 2019 10 September 2019
House House of Commons
Name The Lord Carleton
Portfolio Shadow Leader of the House of Lords
Dates 10 September 2019
House House of Lords

Timpson shadow cabinet

John Timpson assumed the position of Leader of the Opposition on 22 September 2019 after Timpson resigned as Prime Minister, giving way to Aidan McGrath as Prime Minister. His shadow cabinet had the same positions as his ministry before. The shadow cabinet was dissolved after he regained premiership on 7 October 2019 due to McGrath's resignation.
