Gapla-Juniperia relations

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Gapla-Juniperia relations, sometimes referred to as Gaplastovia-Portola relations refers to the current and past diplomatic relations between the Federated States of Gapla and the Commonwealth of Juniperia.



The Republic of Setara first found out about Gapla in mid-Summer of 2022. The then President Sean Villevoiche reached out to Wyatt Baek through a connection made by Nicolas Caiazzo. Setara then decided to become a member of the Eureka Pact, a now-defunct organization lead by Baek.

Applications to become a SAR

In late summer, Jha decided to withdraw the province of Juniperia from Setara and form the Duchy of Juniperia, which he planned to be a Special Autonomous Region of Gapla. The request to become a SAR had been denied by Baek due to tensions between Gapla and Juniperia.

Initial deterioration

Jha's exile from Gapla created tensions between the two nations. The prospective duchy became the Republic of Juniperia and began to grow in citizenship. As the people of Juniperia began to learn of Baek's actions, public opinion shifted against Gapla. Resulting in a buildup of its military.

Pre-war relations

Tensions between the two nations had grown significantly, and Juniperia was conducting military exercises in its recently created Venado Province. The Secretary for Defence of Juniperia had called a meeting and a report was assembled on prospective Gaplan military power.

Gapla-Juniperia War

Before the war had began, Juniperia reached out to Silas Wurnbash of Excelsior and Invictus, the two shared a similar stance on many issues and thus a relation was established. Excelsior declared a state of war against Gapla in late 2022, it was then joined by Juniperia, Roscamistan, Libertas, Idiocia and Al Bustan. Gapla later joined the war with Thermoland.

Military actions

The war was largely threats and the only military campaign was the Central-Irvine one conducted by Juniperia. A treaty was signed between the two, but said treaty did not outline whether the war was a defeat or victory for either side, hence by modern military standards it is considered a draw.[1]

Post-war relations

Tensions were relieved momentarily after peace was made, but the Orange County Treaty Organization still remained in effect.
