Juniperians in Gapla

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Juniperians in Gapla
Ayunipeârosé aútré Gâplâ
Iunipuriaska h-aë Aopläin

From top to bottom:
Proposed flag of the Juniperian minority, Irvine, California, where many reside.

Total population
Regions with significant populations
 Federated States of Gapla 3 (1.3% of total population)
 United States ~25

Juniperian, Gaplan English.


Islam, Hinduism

Juniperians in Gapla (Ayunipeârosé aútré Gâplâ), known as the Auránfeldt Gaplastovians (Gâplâsienneux a'Auranpoisé) are a minority group within the Federated States of Gapla, it is generally used to describe a citizen of both Gapla and Juniperia, but also may refer to any resident of Orchard Hills or Westavia living or having citizenship in Gapla.

Many notable folk include Arten, Prince of Desau-Bonn, Sean Villevoiche and, Nicolas Caiazzo.


Many folks enjoy American culture and food, but being majority Asians, they also enjoy Persian and Indian cultures as well.


Many Juniperians in Gapla have received criticism, many of it comes from right-Wing nationalists, particularly supporters of George Chu and the An Reilistes. Many Gaplan's also despise Juniperia,[1] and there have been incidents about Gaplan criticism of Juniperians.
