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3rd Chief of the Mutualist Ouroboros Party
in office:
26 July 2021 - 20 December 2022
Predecessor Aleksou Desourrë
Successor Archiennè (as General Secretary)
2nd Director of Business and Labour on Bear Island
in office:
30 July 2021 - 14 November 2022
Predecessor Aleksou Desourrë
Successor Neicou
4th General Director of the National Directorate
in office:
28 June - 14 November 2021
Predecessor Don Cho
Successor Don Cho and Aleksou Desourrë
4th Director of Agriculture and Environment on Bear Island
in office:
10 June - 17 July 2021
Predecessor Ankel
Successor Gaia Grìbhinneach
Leader of Kingdom - 1925
in office:
September 2022 - June 2023
Personal information
Political party Mutualist Ouroboros Party (July 2021 - December 2022)

Etchaczech, commonly known by Etch, is a Czech national and former Easwegian citizen (revoked 2024), politician, dissident, and convicted saboteur who served as Party Chief of the Mutualist Ouroboros Party from July 2021 until December 2022. Etch gained command of the M.O.P. through back-door deals with opposition party heads, ousting the previous M.O.P. Chief, and was subsequently elected to serve within the executive National Directorate as Director of Business and Labour on Bear Island for most of his leadership. As Chief, Etch modelled the Party as Socially Democratic and passed laws such as the Anti-Extremism Act to curtail both fascism and communism. Fiercely opposed to the Kremlin, Etch supported hardline policies to separate from Moscow, realign towards the West and reincorporate traditional Easwegian territory within Pomoresia. From September 2021, Etch was a member of the Supreme Court of Easway, elected as Commissioner of Essrina.

By mid 2022, Etch had ideologically separated from Emizerri, then Grand Councillor, and most members of the leading Imperative Council, seeing the National Directorate which he commanded as a bulwark against what he saw as an out of touch and anti-democratic state apparatus. Through many acts passed by the M.O.P. throughout the months, the executive National Directorate had been continously strengthened in Etch's hope that it would sooner than later usurp both the Imperative Council and the United Prefectural Assembly (the then lower house and administrative body). Etch helped found that year the Transitional Movement, calling for an end to the chief of state's ability to veto constitutional amendments and unilaterally amend the Constitution, alongside outlawing titles considered monarchistic. A referendum was held in July, resulting in a failure through a tie. Despite this, Emizerri used his ability of amendment to support the Transitional Movement by removing his veto and amendment powers.

In September 2022, Etch was co-opted by the anti-Easwegian Kingdom - 1925, an organisation which existed between 2020 and 2023 and was recognised by the Co-operative Government as a terrorist organisation. As Party Chief and more importantly Supreme Court judge, Etch worked against the interests of the Easwegian state and became more radicalised against believing in Easwegian independence in the coming months. Etch stood as a candidate against Emizerri in the 2022 Easwegian Grand Councillor election, coming second with 25% of the vote. His candidacy and his campaign slogans were deemed very controversial and Etch lost a lot of previously high support due to this stunt. During early 2023 in what is known as the February Emergency, Etch leaked highly classified documents and called for the overthrow of the 6th Emizerri government. He was subsequently unanimously impeached on 13 February 2023 as commissioner by the Assembly and fled the country following a warrant for his arrest. In August 2023, Etch secretly returned to the country and handed himself to the authorities. Trials began the following month, in which through a plea deal Etch revealed himself to be the former leader of the anti-Easwegian terror org Kingdom - 1925 and revealed its leadership. He was sentenced to serve 6 months and a year monitored period and was released in early 2024. Etch was rehabilated through his time in prison and since release is suspected to have connections to the Pomors Brotherhood. He now terms himself an Easwegianite, believing in a greater Easwegian Confederation. It is believed he has served as the head of an Easwegian exceptionalist group known as 'Easwegian Raistai' (awakening) since May 2024.

On 1 June 2024, the Supreme Court of Easway announced that an investigation by the Common Security Force revealed that Etch had falsified records in his citizenship test back in early 2021, including a false background and birth date. Due to this, the Supreme Court announced they were revoking his citizenship. The Ministry of Home Affairs ordered his expulsion from the Common Union the same day, which was carried out.[1]