United Erusia
United Erusia (UE) is a left-wing nationalist popular front in the Democratic People's Republic of Erusia headed by the Erusian National Communist Party, made up of various political parties and other Communist-affilated organisations. Under the terms of the National Constitution of the DPRE, all political parties must be members of the United Erusia front if they wish to operate legally within the nation and forward candidates for election. Furthermore, all members of United Erusia must adopt Socialism as their official guiding ideology and must accept the supreme leadership of the Communist Party - no UE member may go against the will of the Party. Thus, the vast majority of the political parties that are part of United Erusia appear to be under the effective control of the ruling Communist government. Only two of its members appear to be against the ruling ENCP.
Officially, United Erusia is headed by the All-Erusia Committee for the Advancement of Revolutionary Socialism, a committee made up of the leaders of its members. In practice, it is likely that UE falls under the de facto jurisdiction of the ENCP's Central Committee.
As of December 2009, the membership of United Erusia is as follows: