Territory of Des Ours

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Des Ours
Territory of Avon
Territory of Des Ours
Flag of Des Ours
Country State of Avon
Established13 April 2024
Founded byAsher Young
 • Total0.202 km2 (0.078 sq mi)
 • TotalN/A

The Territory of Des Ours or Territoire des Ours is a territory of the State of Avon, located in the US state of Oregon. It was created following the partitioning and dissolution of the Commission des Ours, composed of former Nortennish Bären lands annexed by the State of Avon in March of 2024. It possesses no permanent population.



The area that Des Ours encompasses formally made up the Westernmost portion of the Nortennish Ryke of Bärenland, which was bisected into two staats, Forellenlandung and Fledermausstaat. Bärenland peacefully seceded from Nortenland on 12 December 2021, and was ruled as an independent kingdom until its reintregration in late June 2022. Following the return to Nortennish rule, the island of Gansholm was annexed following the Great Gansholm Expedition. Following a prolonged period of Nortennish inactivity, Avonite Chairman Asher Young made the decision to peacefully annex the ryke and organize it into the Commission des Ours on 14 March 2024.

Partition and formation

Map of the partitioning of the Commission des Ours. From right to left, the ownership of the allotted portions of land was: Avon (including Gansholm island), Faltree, The Dales, Vandelland, Bepistan.

On 7 April 2024, following the signing of a treaty[1], the Commission des Ours was divided into separate holdings and distributed to the State of Avon, Commonwealth of Faltree, People's Republic of the Dales, Commonwealth of Vandelland and the Bepistani Reich, thereby dissolving the Commission. On 13 April 2024, the Avonite portion of the territory, including the Westernmost end of the mainland and the island of Gansholm was coalesced into the Territory of Des Ours.

Faltrian Dissolution

On 13 June 2024, the Commonwealth of Faltree would be dissolved by a top-down internal decision, leading to the Faltrian Anarchy. Alongside the creation of the Republic of Charbonneau, Young made the decision to incorporate Faltree's territorial bordering Des Ours into the Avonite territory, thereby nearly doubling its size from 0.101km² to 0.202km².

Political structure

As a territory, Des Ours is not fully incorporated within the State of Avon as a borough, and is classified officially as a Special Zone. it possesses no political autonomy from the Avonite state, and is ruled over by the Chairman of the State of Avon.
