Kingdom of Ranzania

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Sovereign Kingdom of Ranzania
Regatul Suveran al Ranzaniei

Ranzania Regnum Summum

Regatum Suvranum Ranzanium
(Ranzanian Novum Romanum)
Flag of Ranzania
Coat of arms of Ranzania
Coat of arms
Motto: "Onoarea e supremă"
"Honor is supreme"
Anthem: Mestecăniș
Location of the Kingdom of Ranzania
Location of the Kingdom of Ranzania
and largest city
Official languagesLatin, German, Romanian, Novum Romanum (Ranzanian dialect)
Recognised national languagesLatin, Romanian, Novum Romanum (Ranzanian dialect)
Recognised regional languagesRomanian
Ethnic groups
  • 98% Romanian
  • 2% Others
Eastern Orthodox Christianity
GovernmentAbsolute monarchy
• King
Răzvan Juncu
• Crown Prince
Panaete Gabriel
LegislatureEstates General
Ranzanian Senate
Council of the Plebs
from Romania
• Independence
10 April 2022
• Golden Era
30 October 2022
• Total
5 km2 (1.9 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• Estimate
Time zoneUTC-2 (EET)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+3 (670) (proposed)
Internet TLD.rz (proposed)

Ranzania, formally the Kingdom of Ranzania, is an East-European breakaway state and micronation internationally recognized as part of Romania. It has a predominantly temperate-continental climate and an area of 5 km2 (1.9 sq mi), making it of a notable size among European quasi-states, with an estimated population of 203 official citizens. Its capital and largest city is Mesteakan, located at the highest point in terrain elevation. The majority of Ranzania's population are ethnic Romanian and religiously identify themselves as Eastern Orthodox Christians, speaking a dialect of Novum Romanum and Romanian, both Romance languages. Ranzania is a micronation located on a piece of land with rich culture and history, dating back to prehistory. Its land is divided into four administrative subdivisions, former independent regions unified on 10 April 2022. Despite its efforts to gain international recognition as a sovereign nation, Ranzania has not been recognised by any foreign countries or other breakaway states. As a result, it remains outside the international system and lacks the rights and privileges of recognised nations.

Ranzania has been a member of the European League of Micronations since 11 April 2022, a member of Grand Unified Micronational since 9 January 2023, a member of the BalCasMed Alliance from 21 November 2022 [a], a member of the Balkan League of Micronations since 22 October 2023 and a member of the Intercontinental League of Micronations since 1 March 2024.


The origin of the word Ranzania is unknown, although several hypotheses have been proposed. Many citizens say that Ranzania is derived from the name of the micronation's founder and monarch, Răzvan Juncu, as well as Transylvania, the area in which it is located. Other hypotheses are about the inscription in one of the birch trees, sculpted at the base, representing "RZA," which many believe refers to Ranzania or an older variant of the name.

Flag's Etymology

The flag is composed of two horizontal stripes, Ebony Black (#000000) representing the night sky and Arsenic Yellow (#fcd21c) representing golden treetops, as they can be seen in late autumn. It has a coat of arms centered, keeping the two colors metaphorically connected like a seal. The first description of the Ranzanian flag found in the former capital, Gredona, illustrated the shade choice:

"The gloomy sky that gave us our dreams is represented by black. It gave us the ability to be creative. It gave us hope.

The colour yellow is associated with wealth. For the one who allows us to live our lives as we do now. For the sake of the crops and the wildness. And how we owe our existence to the sun.

Both working together in unison, as all people should." [1]

Coat of Arms' Etymology

The Coat of Arms is constructed onto a curved medieval heater shield decorated with an eagle wreath, a crown, and a royal badge, all connected with a quadruple chain attached to the crown and the badge. Two knights stand next to a medieval Moldavian sword, a black crown on the top left, a Dacian draco on the top right, an Orthodox cross on the bottom left, and the Moldavian bull on the bottom right. The eagle can be found predominantly on the knights' helmets, on their shields, and also on the crown located on the top of the shield. [b]



Today's territory of Ranzania has been inhabited since ancient times. Based on the data at their disposal, specialists estimate that the first manifestations of human life on the territory of Ranzania date back to approximately 2,000,000 years ago. It is worth mentioning the pottery from the area of ​​the Cucuteni Neolithic culture, which was the peak of civilization before the arrival of the Indo-European tribes. Over the sedentary farming tribes of the late Eneolithic came pastoral tribes from the North Pontic steppes, which are supposed to be Indo-European peoples. In the region where Ranzania is located, there are lots of remains from the Neolithic era and Stone Age. [2]


The area in which Ranzania is located was inhabited by Dacian tribes and was a settlement where sheep, cattle, and horses were bred and raised. Traditions of the region sparked under Dacian occupation, peacefully thriving for hundreds of years, hidden in the deep forest, protected by mountains on all sides. During the Roman period, soldiers of the XIII Gemini Legion were buried in close proximity. Archaeological attestations from the period of Roman rule, when the existence of a populated center in the current territory of the commune of Şinca, from the time of Emperor Tiberius, consisting of coins and ceramic fragments that are exhibited at the Museum of History, is archaeologically attested from Braşov (Council Square). The Roman road that connected ancient Cumidava (Râșnov) with Upper Dacia passed through Poiana Mărului. [3]

Medieval times

King Carol I visiting the Monastery in Poiana Mărului, located close to Ranzania

Ranzania was part of Constantin Brâncoveanu's domain. Poiana Mărului came into his possession, having been bought entirely from nobles or merchants, for the sum of 3,500 lei. In 1708, Brâncoveanu ordered that the estate be owned individually by all four of his sons.

The Poiana Mărului monastery, with a community of monks, was founded between 1730-1732 by abbot Vasile "Carpatinul" with the help of the Phanariot ruler Constantin Mavrocordat. The wooden church (Biserica mica) and cells burned down in 1771 and were rebuilt between 1780-1784. The second church, the Big Church, also made of wood, was built between 1810-1812, through the efforts of Abbot Teodosie II. It has become a great attraction and symbol of the region. [4]

Modern times

The Ranzanian Territories were officially unified under the rule of the Kingdom of Ranzania on 10 April 2022. The first unification of the two Ranzanian main regions, Mesteakan and Panta, by the current King and Head of State, Răzvan Juncu, gave an impulse to the Great Expansion. During the Great Expansion, which peaked on April 15, the Kingdom expanded five times, claiming territory stretching to the spring at the base of the Panta region. The Old Flag flew over the land, showing respect for the region and its traditions.

On 30 October 2022, the Golden Era of Ranzania began, marked by significant changes in the kingdom's political symbols. The New Flag, known as the "Royal Stripes," was introduced, representing the kingdom's new era and aspirations. The flag featured the new Coat of Arms that symbolized the unity and diversity of Ranzania, as well as the kingdom's commitment to progress and growth. The New Flag was widely embraced by the Ranzanian people as a symbol of national pride and glory.

Along with the introduction of the New Flag, a new anthem was also adopted during the Golden Era of Ranzania. Titled "Mestecăniș," the anthem reflected the kingdom's cultural heritage and the spirit of the Ranzanian people. It celebrated the beauty of Ranzania's natural landscapes, the bravery and resilience of its people, and the unity and progress of the kingdom under King Răzvan Juncu's leadership. The anthem became a unifying symbol for the people of Ranzania, inspiring a sense of patriotism and loyalty.

One year anniversary logo

The government of Ranzania during the Golden Era remained an absolute monarchy, with King Răzvan Juncu serving as the Head of State and Head of Government. The Estates General, which consisted of the Ranzanian Senate as the upper house and the Council of the Plebs as the lower house, served as the kingdom's legislative body. However, with the expansion of Ranzania's territories, new challenges and opportunities arose, and the government worked to adapt and address the needs of the changing landscape.

As Ranzania entered the Golden Era, the government faced the task of integrating the newly acquired territories into the kingdom, while preserving their unique cultural traditions and customs. This included addressing issues related to governance, infrastructure, and social cohesion. Additionally, the kingdom faced external challenges, such as diplomatic relations with other micronations and navigating intermicronational affairs. The Golden Era also presented new opportunities for Ranzania. The expanded territories offered potential for economic growth, resource development, and increased cultural exchange. The government worked to harness these opportunities to further the progress and prosperity of the kingdom.

Government and Politics

The government of Ranzania is an absolute monarchy, with King Răzvan Juncu serving as the reigning monarch and Crown Prince Panaete Gabriel as the designated heir to the throne. The government structure includes the Estates General, which consists of the Ranzanian Senate as the upper house and the Council of the Plebs as the lower house.

Government Structure

King Răzvan Juncu is the current ruler of Ranzania, serving as the head of state and head of government. The Crown Prince, Panaete Gabriel, is the designated heir to the throne, and he holds no power over the Ranzanian regions.

The Estates General are the legislative body of Ranzania and are composed of two houses: the Ranzanian Senate as the upper house and the Council of the Plebs as the lower house. The Ranzanian Senate is made up of appointed and elected members, including representatives from the nobility, clergy, and other prominent figures in Ranzanian society. The Council of the Plebs, on the other hand, represents the common people of Ranzania and is elected by popular vote. Both houses play a role in the legislative process and have the power to propose and pass laws, subject to the king's approval.

Political System

Ranzania's political system is characterized by an absolute monarchy, where the king holds ultimate authority and has the power to make decisions without the need for approval from other branches of government. The king's role in the government is vital, as he is responsible for governing the country and making decisions on various matters, including foreign policy, defense, and domestic affairs.

Ranzania does not have a multi-party system or regular elections, as it is an absolute monarchy with the king holding supreme authority. The government is primarily based on the king's decisions, and the Estates General serves as an advisory body to the monarch. However, the king may seek input from various sources, including the Senate and the Council of the Plebs, in making decisions on important matters.

Political Stability

Ranzania has been known for its stable political system, with a long-standing tradition of absolute monarchy. The monarchy has been recognized for its ability to maintain order and stability within the country while preserving the nation's cultural traditions and customs.

Air Force

The Ranzanian Air Force (or RZAF) is the aerial warfare branch of Ranzania.[c] As a self-reliant micronation surrounded by dense forests and challenging terrain, Ranzania places significant importance on its Air Force for defense and surveillance purposes.

The VS Missile launching from one of the military stations of Ranzania

The Ranzanian Air Force boasts a formidable arsenal of state-of-the-art armaments, making it one of the most powerful in its region. One of the key aircraft in its inventory is the R-20 Interceptor airplane, a cutting-edge fighter aircraft designed for air superiority and interception missions. With a wingspan of 1.5 meters, the R-20 Interceptor is known for its speed, agility, and advanced avionics, making it a formidable asset in Ranzania's air defense strategy. In addition, the Ranzanian Air Force also relies on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. The R-21 Surveillance Autonomous Quadcopter Drone is a critical asset in Ranzania's arsenal, providing real-time situational awareness and intelligence gathering capabilities. Equipped with advanced sensors and imaging technology, the R-21 drone is capable of conducting autonomous surveillance over Ranzania's vast forested areas, providing valuable information for strategic planning and decision-making.

To ensure its air defense capabilities are robust, the Ranzanian Air Force is also equipped with advanced missile systems. The VS Missile and MS Missile are sophisticated surface-to-air missiles designed to engage and destroy incoming threats, such as enemy aircraft or missiles. These missile systems provide Ranzania with a formidable defense against aerial threats and enhance its overall air defense posture. [5]

Furthermore, the Ranzanian Air Force also possesses Seek and Destroy equipment, which includes advanced targeting and tracking systems. These capabilities enable the Air Force to accurately locate and neutralize potential threats, further enhancing Ranzania's defensive capabilities.

Ranzanian Air Force plays a critical role in safeguarding the security of the Kingdom. Its advanced equipment provides Ranzania with a powerful and effective air defense capability in its environment.


The Kingdom of Ranzania possesses an evolving economy that has been influenced by its cultural heritage, territorial expansion, and its absolute monarchy form of government. While Ranzania is not recognized as a sovereign nation by the international community, it has developed its economy to address the needs of its citizens and the challenges posed by its territorial expansion.

Ranzania's economy is characterized by several key industries:

  • Agriculture: The majority of Ranzania's land is covered by forests, and agriculture plays a vital role in its economy. The nation's predominantly temperate-continental climate supports the cultivation of crops, including grains, fruits, and vegetables. Agriculture is essential for food self-sufficiency and contributes to the nation's cultural and historical identity.
  • Natural Resources: The exploitation of natural resources, such as timber from its forests, is a significant economic activity. RANFOREX S.S.U., a state-owned company, is involved in forest exploitation and resource management, which contribute to the nation's economy and its environmental sustainability.
  • Transportation and Infrastructure: Ranzanian Airways S.P. and Ranzinfra S.S.U. are state-owned companies that contribute to the development of transportation and infrastructure. Ranzanian Airways facilitates domestic and international travel, while Ranzinfra is involved in infrastructure development and quality control, which is crucial for the nation's growth. A contributor to the transportation field is also BucketWorks S.P., a producer of transport vehicles.
  • Defense and Military Production: National Ballistic Weaponry S.P. is engaged in the production of military-grade ballistic weapons, a sector that caters to the nation's defense needs. While this industry may be relatively small compared to other sectors, it is essential for maintaining Ranzania's security. BucketWorks S.P. is a producer of armored vehicles and provider of the European League of Micronations.[d]
  • Astronomy and Space: NatioCosmo S.S.U. represents Ranzania's ambitions in the field of astronomy and space exploration, which may have long-term economic and scientific benefits.

State-owned companies

Company Name Field of activity Date of establishment
Ranzanian Airways S.P. Airline - transportation August of 2022
RANFOREX S.S.U. Forest exploitation; resource management March of 2023
National Ballistic Weaponry S.P. Military-grade ballistic weapons manufacturer May of 2022
Ranzinfra S.S.U. Infrastructure and quality control company July 2022
NatioCosmo S.S.U. Astronomy and space October 2023
BucketWorks S.P. Military-grade armored vehicles; transport vehicles May of 2022

The Jincon

Ranzania has developed its monetary system to facilitate domestic economic transactions. As Ranzania embarked on a period of territorial expansion and political changes, the introduction of the jincon currency reflected the Kingdom's efforts to establish a stable and unified financial system to support its growing economy. The jincon has since become an integral part of Ranzania's economy and a symbol of the kingdom's progress and development in the Golden Era.

Employment and labor force

Ranzania's labor force is primarily engaged in the key industries mentioned in the sections above. While the nation's population is relatively small, the government and state-owned enterprises play a significant role in providing employment opportunities. As the economy evolves and expands, there may be a need to address workforce development and labor regulations to ensure the well-being of Ranzania's citizens.

Administrative divisions

The Kingdom of Ranzania is composed of four unified regions.

Unified Regions of Ranzania
Coat of arms Region Region code Motto Part of Governed by Population Area (km2)
Mesteakan MSK 'Pădurea nu plânge de-a lungul toporului' Ranzania

Mainland (RML)

Ranzanian Crown 7 1 km²
Panta PNT 'Pădure și apă - frate și soră' Ranzania

Mainland (RML)

Ranzanian Royal Casts 5 4 km²
Gredona GRD 'Pădurea vede, dar câmpul aude' Ranzania

External Lands (REL)

Ranzanian Crown 6 0.5 km²
Plato PTO 'Moartea pădurii este sfârșitul vieții noastre' Ranzania

Mainland (RML)

Ranzanian Princedom 2 0.2 km²
Horse eating grass on the Ranzanian plateau, Mesteakan, with the Piatra Craiului mountain in the background.

Alongside the four unified regions, the Kingdom of Ranzania holds two colonies, under a shared-governance system.


Colonies of Ranzania
Flag Name Colony code Shared-governance with Location
Schimbary SCH Pochehovan Socialist Federation

(former Holy Eponian Empire)[e]

Capulin CPL Kingdom of Midnorth South Australia


The Kingdom of Ranzania has 9 external relations with micronations all around the globe, is a member of 4 micronational entities, and is in contact with several other micronational initiatives.

Relations of Ranzania with micronational organizations
Flag Name Membership status Join date
Grand Unified Micronational Member 9 January 2023
Intercontinental League of Micronations Member 1 March 2024
Balkan League of Micronations Member 22 October 2023
European League of Micronations (ELM) Member 11 April 2022
A Ranzanian passport
Relations of Ranzania with external entities
Flag Name Treaty type Signing date
Aerican Empire Alliance Treaty 21 April 2023
State of Vishwamitra Alliance Treaty 7 May 2023
Kingdom of Midnorth Fraternization Treaty 5 May 2022
Holy Kingdom of Ramaria Alliance Treaty 20 April 2022
Stravonskan Soviet Republic Alliance Treaty 7 May 2022
Kingdom of Impy Alliance Treaty 20 August 2022
Holy United Empires Fraternization Treaty 14 November 2022
Pochehovan Socialist Federation Alliance Treaty 6 May 2022
Cosminian Empire Alliance Treaty 27 February 2023


The Kingdom of Ranzania is located in the deep forests of Poiana Mărului, on a slight slope. At the highest point in terrain elevation (1110 meters), where Mesteakan is located, there is flat ground, with a diameter of 500 m, where the vegetation is less present. At approximately a point 10 meters lower in altitude from Mesteakan, there is another plateau, part of the Plato Administrative Subdivision, that presents the same attributes as the land in Mesteakan. [6]

Fauna of Ranzania

Ranzania is home to a diverse range of fauna, with species originating from both Central Europe and the Alps. The area boasts a rich variety of mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. Ranzania is known for its Central European species of mammals, including deers, roe deers, bears, wild boars, squirrels, martens, woodcocks, and mountain grouses. Additionally, alpine species like the black goat, alpine accentor, and alpine and arctic finches can also be found in the region. Several reptile species are present in Ranzania, including the common viper, mountain lizard, newt, european green lizard, and field lizard. These reptiles add to the biodiversity of the area. Ranzania is a haven for birdwatching enthusiasts, with a wide variety of bird species found in the region. Alpine finch, alpine chickadee, jay, stone eagle, stone blackbird, mountain grouse, birch grouse, woodpecker, blackbird, mountain eagle, owl, and mountain plover are among the many bird species that can be observed in Ranzania.

The nature of Ranzania is always vibrant and breathtaking.

The mountain waters of Ranzania are home to a specific ichthyological fauna, with trout being a prominent species. Other fish species, such as the european bullhead and the common minnow, can also be found in the region. Downstream of Ranzania, grayling, a type of salmonid fish, can also be spotted.

The rich and diverse fauna of Ranzania adds to the natural beauty and ecological significance of the state.

Flora of Ranzania

Ranzania is renowned for its diverse and abundant flora, with various tree species dominating its forests. The most common tree species in Ranzania's forests, listed in order of occupied volume, are spruce, which occupies 51% of the forested area, followed by fir, which occupies around 12%, and beech, which occupies about 32% of the forested area. In addition to these dominant tree species, Ranzania's forests are also home to other species such as boxwood, elm, linden, sessile oak, hazel, heather, and elder. The fruit-bearing shrubs of Ranzania are a charming feature, with raspberry, blackberry, hawthorn, and rose hip being notable species that bear fruit during certain months. The forests of Ranzania also feature cuttings with strawberries and alpine clearings with blueberries and strawberries, adding to the natural beauty of the region. The alpine pastures of Ranzania boast a distinct flora, consisting mainly of species such as sedge, clover, poa, poaceae grass, catsear, agratis vulgaris, sedge, crepis aurea lotus caniculatum, species of gentians, steregoaia, species of cardus, snowdrop, mountain carnations, and corydalis cava. The valleys of Ranzania's forests are adorned with various flora species, including cinquefoil, honeysuckle, marguerite, daisies, linaria vulgaris, anthyllis vulneraria, bellflowers, yarrow, sorrel, burdock, and many more.

Climate and Precipitation

Ranzania's climate is temperate-continental, with excessive influences sometimes during the cold season and especially in January. The multi-year average rainfall is around 627 mm and the multi-year average temperature is around 10 degrees Celsius. [7]

Winter in Ranzania is often very harsh, especially in terms of temperatures. The positioning of the state favors the formation of thermal inversions in an anticyclonic regime (the cold air from the mountain slopes descends, compacting and cooling additionally); it is not surprising that only a few kilometers north of Ranzania, the absolute minimum temperature in the geographical region was recorded: -38.5 degrees Celsius on January 25, 1942, in the town of Bod. Winter is very cold in Panta too, with the weather station registering a temperature of -33 degrees Celsius on January 8, 2015, temperatures below -20 degrees are frequent. The same thermal inversions make stratiform cloudiness almost ubiquitous in winter, with the area having among the most foggy days among all regions.[f]

The precipitation regime increases a lot with the approach to the warm season, the proximity of the mountains favoring thermal convection, and the development of storms with electrical discharges, especially towards the end of spring; these storms can sometimes leave very large amounts of water.

Climate data for the Kingdom of Romania (Mesteakan)
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 2.8
Average high °C (°F) 0.9
Average low °C (°F) -8.3
Record low °C (°F) -32.2
Average Precipitation mm (inches) 28
Average Snowfall mm (inches) 110
Source: Weather Atlas

The warm season lasts for 3.7 months, from May 24 to September 15, with an average daily high temperature above 64°F. The hottest month of the year in Ranzania is July, with an average high of 71°F and a low of 53°F.

The cold season lasts for 3.5 months, from November 25 to March 7, with an average daily high temperature below 38°F. The coldest month of the year in Ranzania is January, with an average low of 18°F and a high of 30°F.

Ranzanian Holidays, Traditions and Customs

Holidays of Ranzania [8]
Date Name Notes
January 1 New year's day The day in which we greed the new year.
March 1 Mărțișor Welcoming of the spring season
March 20 International happiness day Celebrations include all kind of joyful activities.
April 1 April fools The celebration of jokes and fun.
April 10 Ranzanian day The day Ranzania became independent.
April 16 Easter Remembering the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
April 17 Ranzanian Root Celebration of history and nature of the Ranzanian region.
June 1 Children's day The day in which kids are celebrated.
September 21 International Day of Peace Day of peace and friendship.
December 1 Bertern Celebration of prosperity and military power.
December 25 Christmas Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ

The Ranzanian traditions and customs are a unique blend of Romanian, Hungarian, and Saxon beliefs and legends, practiced throughout the year to bring luck, health, and prosperity to the community. These traditions have been passed down through generations and are cherished with sanctity by the people of Ranzania, making them distinct not only in the region but also in Europe. [9]

Traditional clothing from Romania, used in Ranzania on ceremonial occasions
New Year's Eve (Revelion)

New Year's Eve, known as Revelion in Ranzania, is a significant holiday and the first one celebrated in Romania. This tradition dates back to 2000 years before Christ. During the celebration, Ranzanian people exchange symbolic gifts, such as sweets and honey as a sign of peace, money and gold as a sign of prosperity, or a lantern for a year full of light.

New Year's Day (Anul Nou)

In Ranzania, New Year's Day coincides with the celebration of Saint Vasile the Great (Sfântul Vasile). On this day, children go caroling with a carol called Socrova, wishing everyone a rich and fruitful year.


In Ranzania, on the first of March, there is a celebration called Mărțișor (literally translated as "small March"). Men give women a gift consisting of a red and white thread, or a more expensive version may include a piece of jewelry with the red and white thread incorporated into its design. Women wear this accessory until the end of March. This tradition symbolizes the beginning of spring and is believed to bring strength and health for the coming year.

Easter (Paștele)

Easter in Ranzania is celebrated on a different date than Catholic Christians, and celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It is celebrated after "the seven weeks of fasting," during which it is prohibited to eat any animal-related food, including butter, milk, eggs, and fish. On the last night of fasting, everyone wakes up around midnight, washes themselves, puts on clean clothes (usually new), and heads to church. At the church, a ceremony is held where the priest, holding a cross and a lit candle, comes out of the church, followed by all the believers. The priest then shouts, "Christos a înviat," meaning "Christ has risen," to which everyone responds with "Adevărat a înviat," meaning "He really has." The fire from the priest's candle is used to light everyone's candles, and they return home with the lit candles. Upon reaching home, instead of going to sleep, everyone sits down at the table and has their first meal in seven weeks, which includes animal products.

Bear parade

When winter is nearing its end, there is another unique tradition known as the bear parade. During this period, there will be a parade of dancing bears, which stand for bringing luck. The participants dress themselves in real bear hides and go door-to-door while growling, accompanied by percussion and singing, to wear off all the evil.

The Goat Dance

The goat dance is another winter custom that takes place on Christmas. The custom of this carol has a special meaning: the goat brings abundance and health in the coming year. The carolers dress up and start singing and dancing dressed as goats all over the village, giving the villagers wealth, labor power, and health.

Christmas (Crăciun)

During Christmas, Ranzanians prepare the Christmas tree with beautiful ornaments, similar to many other countries. Christmas Day is spent with family and friends, and the celebration is in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. In addition to the traditional tree decoration, Ranzanian people also go door-to-door and carol for sweets, fruit, or money. Children, who have been practicing for weeks beforehand to impress people, enthusiastically participate in this tradition.


  1. The BalCasMed Alliance was dissolved on 7 February 2023, following a state of inactivity and member loss.
  2. The Ranzanian Coat of Arms went through multiple design variants since its independence, including adopting the Ranzanian Air Force ensign as a temoporary initial solution.
  3. The RZAF is the only component of the Ranzanian Defence Service due to the terrain difficulty and the deep forest surrounding the area, preventing any armed vehicle to safely conduct a mission; Ranzania also lacks a navy due to the limited water areas present.
  4. During the Eighth Eponian-Pochehovan War, the company was involved in the design and production of T-11.1 and T-22.2 BucketWorks armored tank units.
  5. Schimbary resulted from the Eighth Eponian-Pochehovan War, an intermicronational ongoing conflict taking place in the Eponian Mainland and ELM Colonies in the Eponian Region
  6. The fog conditions often limit the military operations of the RZAF and, in some occasions, result in an emergency patrol deployment.


External links

  1. Official website
  2. Jincon (JNC)
  3. Twitter Page
  4. Ranzanian Airways