Kingdom of Nave

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Kingdom of Nave
Renne de Nau (Sopian)

Reino de Nave (Spanish)

Reinu de Nave (Asturian)
Current (new flag)
Old flag
Coat of arms of Nave
Coat of arms
Anthem: "Havem un nom, Nau!"
"We have a name, Nave!"
Royal anthem: Deis sauve lo rai
"God save the king"
Official languagesSopian, Asturian
Recognised national languages[Spanish]
GovernmentAbsolute monarchy
• King
Teleturbio I
Royal court
National Parliament
from Spain
• First independence
7 July 2019
• Holy War
10 July 2019
• Horse Wars
September - October 2019
• Old Parliament Established and First Constitution Ratified
2 December 2019
• 1st Sheep War
February 2020
• 2nd Sheep War
March 2020
• Republican coup
29 April 2022
• Dissolution
22 May 2022
• Revival
22 July 2023
• 2023 estimate
very high
CurrencyEuro, Téndri
Time zoneUTC+1 (CET)
• Summer (DST)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+34
Today part of(partly) Spain

The Kingdom of Nave (Naven Renne de nau pronunciation [ˈrenːɐ ˈðɐ ˈnaw]) commonly known as Nave (formerly Sopia), was a micronation in Asturias, Spain. Nave was dissolved in 2022 by the old king Fueyes I, but was revived in 2023 with a smaller territory and a different flag by king Teleturbio I.

Nave used to be a parliamentary monarchy, but it is an absolute monarchy now.


The name Nave comes from the Spanish word for industrial warehouse, Nave, as the country was founded by a worshipers of the holy soup in an industrial warehouse.



Nave was founded by the Order of the Holy Soup and its members in the 7th of July of 2019, in King Teleturbio's birthday, when the holy soup was attacked by Saul. To protect the soup, every member of the order joined forces against him in the Holy War. Upon his defeat the kingdom was established with king Fueyes I as king.

Horse Wars

Nave sought to expand, claiming the entirety of the parish. But they ran into conflict with Eduardo "the Horse lord", who controlled most of the parish and a lot of horses. The Horse Wars began between Eduardo's horses and the kingdom, the horses were defeated and forced to retreat out of Nave's territory. Later, Eduardo agreed to the Horse land rights Agreement with the government.

Political Reforms

On the 1st of December 2019, the first Naven political party, the Worker's Party was founded, they demanded the creation of a parliament and constitution approved by everyone. These complaints were heard, and the parliament was founded the very next day and the constitution was approved the 4th of December, other two parties were founded, the National Party and the Liberal Party.

Sheep Wars

The next year, 2020, a group of sheep invaded the south of Nave, occupying the greenhouse, a formal ultimatum was delivered to the sheep, but they ate it. This was interpreted as a declaration of war, and the First Sheep War began. The war went well for Nave, as they were able to force the sheep to retreat to Red Forest (in the border of Nave), but the sheep refused to leave Nave completely. On the 16 of February 2021, an agreement was signed between the shepherd that led the sheep and the government, leaving all land west of the Red Forest and east of the greenhouse to the sheep.

Nonetheless, just some days later, the sheep managed to cross the fence and occupy the greenhouse once again, and they didn't stop there, as they advanced more until they reached the royal palace, this triggered the Second Sheep war, the sheep fought with the national guard in front of the royal palace and the then-commander-in-chief of the national guard, Teleturbio, was harmed in battle, this gained him the Order for Holy Service award. The sheep were once again driven out of the greenhouse, but this time, the greenhouse was destroyed, leaving only ruins. It was decided to clear the greenhouse's ruins completely and leave all that land for the sheep, expanding the older agreement.

Republican coup

On the 29th of April 2022, the republican Common Front launched a coup against the king, which was successful and established a temporary Naven republic. Elections were held on the 1st of May and the Common Front and other far-left formations won by a landslide, due to the low number of turnout of voters opposing the republic.


After this, many citizens lost interest in the country and the country was dissolved shortly after.


Politics and government

Nave is an absolute monarchy, and as such, the king has full powers in all matters of state, the royal court or general court (conçejo generél) acts as a council of ministers and councilors helping the King.

Law and order and Military

The national guard (le garde nacionél) acts as the main police force and military in the country. It was abandoned after the dissolution, but the new government is seeking to revive it.

Foreign relations

The first Naven kingdom only maintained relations with the Kingdom of Salanda and the Wakoku Federation, which were established in April 2023 after Chart 13.23 passed in Parliament. The Chart proposed the aperture of relations with Salanda and the recognition of its goverment. Nave was also an observer state in Grand Unified Micronational. Although the country dissolved, the new government declared that all recognitions and foreing relations are to be kept the same.

Unilateral Recognition

Mutual Recognition

Geography and climate

Nave is right at the foot of the cantabrian mountain range, thus the south is mountainous and the north is flat. It is crossed by the Nora river from which some streams flow that lead to mineral water sources. It is common in Autumn and Spring for the river to overflow its banks and flood the northern lowlands.

The temperature is temperate, with warm summers and moderately cold winters. The weather is usually rainy or cloudy, even in Summer it rains a lot.


The main economic activity in Nave is cider production. There are many cider presses and apple plantations, but recently the real estate market is rising exponentially and many new houses are being built in the country. There's also a famous restaurant where weddings and communions are usually celebrated.

Traditional subsistence farming is also very well present, it's common for residents to own a garden, a few animals or a working cider press.


A currency was created by the goverment recently, the Téndri, though it has yet not been put to use of the people and the Euro is still the most used currency.

National Symbols


Coat of Arms

The current coat of arms of Nave features three symbols, the cross of victory (symbol of Asturias), the Holy Soup and the flag of Siero, the municipaly where Nave was located before independence. The colours are the exact same as in the flag.

The coat of arms was the first symbol of Nave, it was created the very same day the country declared independence. The old coat of arms was very ugly as it was drawn by a 10 year old, so it was changed in 2016 by the current one. In the first war with Saulia, the leader of the Naven army held a stick with the coat of arms on it.

The old coat of arms featured the holy soup with a strainer, symbol of the then-duke of Nave, Teleturbio Rodrieç.


Royal Anthem

The royal anthem was the first anthem of Nave, and it was the national anthem for a long time until 2021.

The anthem is a version of "God Save the Queen", a universal monarchist anthem. Just like the National Anthem, the Royal Anthem has 3 official versions in 3 languages.

Naven Spanish Asturian English
Deis savue lo noso rai,

ell quie bigue sempre per nós.

Deis savue lo noso rai,

¡quie sé’l dus de la nosa nación!

Ell sé, lo plupreimél ciudayál,

ell quíe bigue pero noso país..

Deis savue lo noso rai,

ell quie bigue sempre per nós.

Deis savue lo nuso rai,

¡quie sé’l dus de la nosa nación!

Dios salve a nuestro rey,

él que siempre cuida de nosotros.

Dios salve a nuestro rey,

¡quíen es el líder de nuestra nación!

Él es, el primerísimo ciudadano,

él quíen cuida de nuestro país.

Dios salve a nuestro rey,

él que siempre cuida de nosotros.

Dios salve a nuestro rey,

¡quíen es el líder de nuestra nación!

Dios salve al nuesu rei,

él que siempres curia de nós.

Dios salve al nuesu rei,

¡quíen ye'l líder de la nuesa nación!

Él ye, el perprimer ciudadanu,

él quíen curia del nuesu país.

Dios salve al nuesu rei,

él que siempres curia de nós.

Dios salve al nuesu rei,

¡quíen ye'l líder de la nuesa nación!

God save our king,

he who always looks after us.

God save our king,

who is the leader of our nation!

He is, the very first citizen,

he who looks after our country.

God save our king,

he who always looks after us.

God save our king,

who is the leader of our nation!

National Anthem

The national anthem of Nave has changed three times during its existence. The current one is based off the anthem of the Spanish football club Barça based on Barcelona.

Just like the royal anthem, the national anthem has 3 official versions in 3 languages.

Naven Spanish Asturian English Translation
Toil país, sé un clam,

sons la gent sopesa,

non cünta com senblans,

si nos moive ún, nos moive àtro,

stans acü d'acord, stans d'acord,

una bandera nos germana.

Blu-marej-negre, álçati à vent,

tens un nom, d'un cret clamatz:

¡Nave, Nave, Nave!

Tens un nom, cü süne nàt:

¡Nave, per sempre!

Ciudadans, campensins,

tois uniyos fens força.

Sén moits anns pleins de puñas,

sén grands los crets dayos,

ei s'amochó, ja s'amochó,

cü naitz jamais nos podrái torçar.

Blu-marej-negre, álçati à vent,

tens un nom, d'un cret clamatz:

¡Nave, Nave, Nave!

Todo el país, es un clamor,

somos la gente sopesa,

no importa como seamos,

si nos mueve uno, nos mueve otro,

estamos aquí de acuerdo, estamos de acuerdo,

una bandera nos hermana.

Azul-amarillo-negro, álzate al viento,

tenemos un nombre, de un grito llamad:

¡Nave, Nave, Nave!

Tenemos un nombre, que suene alto:

¡Nave, para siempre!

Ciudadanos, campesinos,

todos unidos hacemos fuerza.

Son muchos años llenos de pugnas,

son grandes los gritos dados,

y se ha demostrado, se ha demostrado,

que nadie jamás nos podrá doblegar.

Azul-amarillo-negro, álzate al viento,

tenemos un nombre, de un grito llamad:

¡Nave, Nave, Nave!

Tol país ye un glayíu,

somos la xente sopeso,

nun importa como seyamos,

si nos mueve ún, nos mueve otru,

tamos equí d'alcuerdu, tamos d'alcuerdu,

una bandera nos xermana.

Azul-mariellu-prietu, álzate al vientu,

tenemos un nome, d'un gritu llamái:

¡Nave, Nave, Nave!

Tenemos un nome, que suane alto:

¡Nave, per siempre!

Ciudadanos, campesinos,

toos xuníos facemos fuercia.

Son munchos los años llenos de braceos,

son grandes los gritos daos,

y se amosó, yá se amosó,

que naide xamás podrános torar.

Azul-mariellu-prietu, álzate al vientu,

tenemos un nome, d'un gritu llamái:

¡Nave, Nave, Nave!

All of the country, is a cheer,

we are the Naven people,

it doesn't matter how we look like,

if we care about one, we care about other,

here we agree, we agree,

a flag makes us brothers.

Blue-yellow-black, rise in the wind,

we have a name, call it shouting:

¡Nave, Nave, Nave!

We have a name, make it loud:

¡Nave, forever!

Citizens, peasants,

all united we make strength.

There were many years full of struggles,

the screams shouted are big,

and it was proven, it was proven already,

that nobody will never be able to bend us.

Blue-yellow-black, rise in the wind,

we have a name, call it shouting:

¡Nave, Nave, Nave!

Culture and media

The most spoken language is Spanish, spoken by 100% of the population, some people speak Naven or Asturian. Though it is not spoken natively by anyone, English is an official language.

Some sheep in a home-owned family farm.

As Spanish is the most spoken language, most of the media is in Spanish, but there are some radio stations in Asturian and a newspaper in Naven, there was also a radio station in Naven but it's no longer working.

The official state newspaper is "La Marnôva" (The Newest), which is avaible in 4 languages.

The church of Nave is located in the capital, next to it is the building that houses the parliament. The church is a restoration of a 14th century church that was destroyed during the Spanish civil war.

In July the party of Saint Maria of Nave is celebrated, in June the festival of Saint Antonio is celebrated and in Mérei the festival of La Cabeza Virgin is celebrated, it is famous in the region and many people come to celebrate it. The National Day of Nave is the 6th July, when the Order of the Holy Soup was founded, the National Royal Day is celebrated the 4th of December.

See also

External links