History of Worrellians in Ela'r'oech

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Matthew Cunningham, a notable Worrellian at the time of Elarian foreign involvement.

Worrellians have a long history in Ela'r'oech. Mostly, Ela'r'oech has been against Worrellian independence, as Charles Madgett founded Worrell and believes he has a right to it. When Worrell was independent, it was not actively fought against.

Independence from Ela'r'oech

As an independent nation and peoples, Worrellians were mostly peaceful however extremely hostile and against Elarian involvement in their nation. Charles would also become Vice President of Worrell for a period and serve as a majorly influential member of the House of Representatives. During the Zepranan Civil Conflict, multiple parties would attempt to take over Zeprana, including Worrellians. Eventually, Carolusians and Elarians would 'win' the conflict and eventually annex Zeprana.

Eventually, Worrell would collapse as a micronation and afterwards become an Elarian realm.

After annexation

After becoming annexed, Worrellians and notably Terry McKeen would become Carolusian. Though this was after Zeprana. Most Worrellians have since left Ela'r'oech and Elarian politics for the most part. Worrell would become a realm after collapsing while independent.