An Reilistes

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Holy Royalist Party of all Juniperians
ân Réilistêsienne
Also known asUltra Royalists
Leaderno centralized leadership
Foundation4 January 2023
1 year, 8 months and 27 days
Claims to be Juniperian
Motiveseradication or vassalization of Gapla.
HeadquartersDésaubonn, Juniperia
IdeologyAnti-Ergatism, Ultra-royalism. nationalism, anti-Gaplanism
Political positionright wing to far right.
Allies Laskaridia
Allegedly, denied
Govt. factions
OpponentsFederated States of Gapla
Union of Democratic Republics

The An Realistea, commonly known as the Royalists and as Rēúx lēgœ ("Kings host") in Native Laskaridian is a nationalist militant and terrorist group that currently operates within the Alturic sector. The group seeks to eradicate Gapla and is often described as ultra-nationalist. The An Reilistes were a major faction in the Insurgency in Westavia. The group has received support from anonymous government factors within Laskaridia and Juniperia though both governments officially deny any support or recognition of the group.


Main Article: History of Juniperia
The group began shortly after a Kingdom was declared, its original founders were members of a nationalist clique within Juniperia known as ân Násié or "The Nationalists". The group called for a Great War that would eradicate Gapla and its followers.


The group claims that Gapla should be destroyed, claiming that Juniperia is the only legitimate authority, the Group deems Gapla to be a terorist organization, allegedly claiming their leader, Wyatt Baek had dialogue with terrorist leaders and sought to undermine Juniperian authority, they see themselves as centre-right, although many of their members have a staunchly far-right ideology.


The group is lead by a Chairman, and under him are several other administrative units.

  • Grand Chairman
    • Deputy Chair
    • Chief General
      • Various militias and armed units