Empire of Jakwal

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The Empire of Jakwal
Coat of arms
Motto: "Vyson" (Progress)
Largest cityAndercity
Official languagesEnglish
Recognised national languagesSwedish
Ethnic groups
Ethnically diverse
• Emperor
Andrew Spencer
• Empress
Kristy Pierce
• Prime Minister
Sidney Joerelle E. Utod
John Durango
Mason Weaver
LegislatureThe Royal Court of Jakwal
• The Foundation
January 19,2022
• Total
4.92 km2 (1.90 sq mi)
• Estimate
Time zone(GMT-4)
Date formatmm-dd-yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+1

The Empire of Jakwal is a micronation that was officially founded on January 19, 2022, by Jon, Katie, Andrew, and Kristy. This micronation, born out of a shared vision of creating a unique and sovereign entity, has since grown in both size and influence, reflecting the founders' dedication and diverse ideals. The founding of Jakwal on January 19, 2022, remains a cornerstone of the nation's identity. The collaborative efforts of Jon, Katie, Andrew, and Kristy set the stage for Jakwal's continued evolution. Each founder's unique contributions have left an indelible mark on the nation's history, shaping its path toward becoming a prominent and dynamic nation. Jakwal Ranks 12th in the The Micronational Climate Change Performance Index (MCCPI) and Ranks 17th in The Micronational Democracy Index

The Founders


  • Jon played a pivotal role in the initial formation and structure of Jakwal. His early leadership set the foundation for the nation's development and governance. Despite his eventual exile, Jon's contributions remain a significant part of Jakwal's history.


  • As one of the key founders, Katie brought a vision of expansion and freedom to Jakwal. Her brief reign as queen saw the nation's territory nearly double, and she implemented various reforms to enhance the nation's liberty and identity. Her tenure, however, was marred by internal conflict that eventually led to her stepping down.


  • Initially a proponent of socialism, Andrew's views evolved as he recognized the challenges of applying socialist principles in a micronational context. He transitioned from being the President of the Socialist Republic of Jakwal to becoming the Emperor of the newly established Empire of Jakwal. His leadership marked a significant shift in the nation's governance and ideology.


  • as one of the founding members, played an essential role in shaping the cultural and social aspects of Jakwal. Her efforts in community building and governance were instrumental in creating a unified and cohesive nation. Kristy's contributions to the foundation of Jakwal continue to influence its development and growth.
the founders of Jakwal

History of Jakwal

In its early days, Jakwal faced several challenges, including internal power struggles and external pressures. The most notable of these was the small civil war that erupted following Jon's exile. Despite these obstacles, the nation managed to stabilize and grow, largely due to the resilience and adaptability of its leaders and citizens. On May 8th 2022 Andrew Spencer former prime minister assumed control of the nation. This change in leadership came as queen Katie Spencer made the decision to relinquish control to Andrew in efforts to address ongoing internal conflicts Katie's reign, although brief, was a period of significant territorial expansion and increased freedom. Her efforts to reform the nation and update its symbols, including changes to the flag, were steps towards building a more cohesive national identity. Andrew's ascension to Emperor marked a new era for Jakwal. Moving away from the socialist framework, he established the Empire of Jakwal, focusing on a more centralized and robust form of governance. This transition aimed to create a stable and prosperous micronation that could better navigate the complexities of micronational politics and diplomacy. Kristy's role in fostering a sense of community and unity among the citizens of Jakwal was crucial. Her initiatives helped to build a strong social foundation, enabling the nation to overcome early challenges and establish a thriving society. On June 20th, 2023, the Empire of Jakwal made a historic diplomatic statement, asserting its claim over the land of Jaftopia. This declaration marked a significant moment in Jakwal's history, reflecting its commitment to territorial integrity and sovereignty within the micronational community.Jakwal's claim over Jaftopia elicited various reactions from the micronational community. While some entities respected Jakwal's assertion of territorial integrity, others raised concerns or disputes regarding the legitimacy of the claim. This reaction sparked diplomatic discussions and negotiations aimed at resolving any disputes or misunderstandings. In the aftermath of Jakwal's diplomatic statement, negotiations ensued between Jakwal and other interested parties within the micronational community. Diplomatic dialogue and peaceful discussions were prioritized to address concerns and establish a mutually beneficial arrangement regarding Jaftopia's status.

Jakwal claims Jaftopian land

Following diplomatic negotiations, Jakwal moved forward with the implementation of its claim over Jaftopia. Administrative processes were put in place to establish Jakwal's presence and authority within the territory. Infrastructure development initiatives were undertaken to support the growth and development of Jaftopia and its inhabitants. Additionally, efforts were made to engage with local communities and foster positive relationships based on mutual respect and cooperation. The assertion of Jakwal's claim over Jaftopia had a lasting impact on both Jakwal and the wider micronational community. It solidified Jakwal's position as a sovereign entity committed to territorial integrity and diplomacy. Furthermore, it contributed to the strengthening of Jakwal's relationships with other micronations, paving the way for future collaborations and partnerships.

Early Expansion and Governance: After its founding, Jakwal experienced rapid territorial expansion. The early leadership focused on consolidating its borders and establishing administrative structures. This period was marked by efforts to build infrastructure and create a functional government that could manage the expanding territory efficiently. In a pivotal moment in Jakwal's history, the micronation collaborated with Zakenisea to secure land in Batangas, Philippines. This collaborative effort marked a significant expansion of Jakwal's territorial holdings and demonstrated the nation's commitment to forging diplomatic relations and pursuing opportunities for growth. Additionally, Jakwal achieved a milestone in citizenship, reaching a population of 18 citizens. This increase in population not only reflected the nation's growing influence and appeal but also provided a solid foundation for future development and prosperity. These events underscore Jakwal's proactive approach to international relations and its dedication to expanding its presence and influence within the micronational community. By leveraging collaborations and fostering citizenship growth, Jakwal continues to assert its position as a dynamic and forward-thinking micronation."

Political Evolution: Jakwal's political landscape evolved significantly over time. Initially, the government experimented with various forms of governance to find the most effective system for managing the micronation's affairs. This included a brief period of socialism under the leadership of Andrew, which eventually transitioned into a more centralized imperial structure.

Administrative Reforms: The transition to an empire necessitated comprehensive administrative reforms. The government restructured its bureaucracy to improve efficiency and accountability. New departments were created to handle specific aspects of governance, including internal affairs, foreign relations, and economic development. These reforms aimed to streamline decision-making processes and ensure the effective implementation of policies.

Diplomatic Relations: Diplomatic efforts were crucial in establishing Jakwal's presence on the international stage. The micronation engaged in diplomatic relations with other micronations, negotiating treaties and forming alliances. These diplomatic endeavors helped to secure Jakwal's borders, promote trade, and foster peaceful relations with neighboring entities. The establishment of embassies and the appointment of ambassadors further solidified Jakwal's diplomatic network.

Social Programs and Initiatives: The government of Jakwal implemented various social programs to improve the well-being of its citizens. These initiatives included healthcare, education, and public


The Big Split/The Jakwalian Civil War

On June 28th In the Kingdom of Jakwal, tensions flared as rebel factions rose up against the monarchy, sparking clashes between the loyalist "monarchists" and the socialist insurgents. Unbeknownst to President Andrew, the former monarch Jon, who had been ousted from power, secretly remained involved in the government, clandestinely spying on Andrew and his socialist adversaries. Initially, President Andrew pursued a path of diplomacy, hoping to resolve the conflict peacefully and maintain neutrality. However, as the situation escalated and the threat of a major battle loomed, Andrew was forced to make a decisive choice. Despite his desire for peace, Andrew ultimately threw his support behind the socialist cause, seeing it as the best path forward for the nation. The conflict culminated in a dramatic showdown, where forces loyal to President Andrew clashed with the rebel "monarchists" on the battlefield. In a fierce and bloody confrontation, Andrew's forces emerged victorious, decisively quelling the rebellion. It was during this pivotal battle that the true extent of Jon's betrayal was revealed, leading to his expulsion from the government along with other right-wing elements. With the rebel uprising suppressed and the socialist faction firmly in control, the Kingdom of Jakwal embarked on a new chapter in its history, marked by the triumph of progressivism over traditionalism and the consolidation of power under President Andrew's leadership.

The Jafto-Jakw War (July 9 - August 9th)

(Battle of Joncity)

Emperor Jon (Left) Shaking hands with President Andrew (Right) Agreeing to end the Jafto-Jakw War

After King Jon's exile from Jakwal, he swiftly established the neighboring micronation of Jaftopia. However, his departure didn't simply mark the end of an era; rather, it set the stage for a series of events that would shape the future of both nations. As King Jon settled into his new role as ruler of Jaftopia, whispers of discontent continued to echo from Jakwal. During his reign, Jakwal had been marked by tyranny and a disregard for basic human rights. Despite his departure, the memory of his rule lingered, casting a shadow over the collective consciousness of the people. Meanwhile, in Jakwal, President Andrew grappled with the challenges of governance in the wake of King Jon's departure. Rumors of King Jon's intentions to reclaim territory bought by Jaftopia fueled tensions along the border. Concerned about the potential threat posed by Jaftopia's proximity, President Andrew made the decision to reinforce Jakwal's defenses. When a warning message arrived from Jaftopia, King Jon's intentions became clear: he was prepared to use force to reclaim what he saw as rightfully his. Faced with the looming threat of conflict, President Andrew prepared to defend Jakwal at all costs. The ensuing clash between the forces of Jakwal and Jaftopia took an unexpected turn. Rather than conventional warfare, both sides opted for a Nerf war. In the end, Jakwal emerged victorious in a resounding 10-2 victory. The outcome of the Nerf war not only solidified Jakwal's control over the disputed territory but also served as a testament to their military prowess and resilience. In the aftermath of the war, a fragile peace was established between Jakwal and Jaftopia. While tensions remained, both nations recognized the importance of diplomacy and cooperation in maintaining stability in the region.


The Empire of Jakwal, a dynamic micronation, boasts a rich and diverse cultural tapestry that reflects its unique identity and values. Rooted in a deep appreciation for knowledge, community, and progress, Jakwal's culture is a blend of traditional customs, contemporary practices, and forward-thinking ideals.

Knowledge and Education:

  • At the heart of Jakwalian culture is a profound respect for knowledge and education. The nation places a high value on learning and intellectual growth, with an emphasis on science, literature, and the arts. Educational institutions in Jakwal are revered, and citizens are encouraged to pursue lifelong learning. Public libraries, museums, and cultural centers serve as hubs for knowledge trade and community engagement, fostering a culture of curiosity and enlightenment.
A Traditional Jakwalian Crepe

Community and Social Harmony:

  • Community plays a central role in Jakwal's cultural fabric. The Jakwalian people are known for their strong sense of solidarity and mutual support. Festivals, communal gatherings, and public events are integral to social life, providing opportunities for citizens to come together, celebrate, and strengthen bonds. Traditional dances, music, and folklore are cherished aspects of these gatherings, preserving the nation's rich heritage while promoting unity and cooperation.

Progress and Innovation:

  • Jakwal is a nation that embraces progress and innovation. The spirit of "Vyson," meaning progress, is a guiding principle that permeates all aspects of life. Technological advancements and scientific discoveries are celebrated, and the nation strives to be at the forefront of innovation. This forward-thinking mindset is evident in Jakwal's approach to governance, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability, as the nation continuously seeks ways to improve and advance.

Arts and Creativity:

  • The arts hold a special place in Jakwalian culture. From visual arts to performing arts, creativity is encouraged and nurtured. Local artists and performers are celebrated, and their works are showcased. Art, in particular, is a vital part of Jakwal's cultural expression.
Jakwalian Jasmine Tea

Culinary Traditions:

  • Jakwal's culinary scene is a reflection of its diverse cultural heritage. Traditional Jakwalian dishes, are often sugary in nature the National Jakwalian dish is the Crepe, A Sweet Crepe is a variation of a very thin pancake. It's flavored with sugar and vanilla extract to make it sweet, Jakwal is a reasonably sized tea market with Jakwalian Jasmine Tea being the main tea among the favorites, Of course, there are other dishes among the sweet ones such as the Salisbury steak

Sports and Recreation:

  • Sports and recreational activities are also integral to Jakwalian culture. Soccer, in particular, is a beloved sport, with local leagues and tournaments fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition. Other popular activities include Bowling, Basketball, and various outdoor pursuits, reflecting the nation's appreciation for physical well-being and nature. In summary, the culture of Jakwal is a rich and dynamic blend of tradition and modernity, knowledge and creativity, community and progress. It is a culture that celebrates the past while looking boldly towards the future, embodying the values and aspirations of its people.

Goverment and Court Dates

Emperor: Responsible for overreaching governance, foreign policy, and ceremonial duties

The First ever Jakwalian Flag

Empress: Supports Emperor oversees cultural and social initiatives and represents Jakwal in diplomatic functions

Prime Minister: Ensures Laws passed by the royal court are implemented effectively and advises the Emperor and Empress on domestic as well as foreign policy

Prince: Leads and Participates in charitable and social initiatives, promotes Jakwalian cultures domestically and intermicronationally, and offers counsel to the prime minister, Emperor, and Empress, The Jakwal-specific job for the Prince is to uphold and promote the scientific advancements within Jakwal

Minister of Defense: Oversees Military affairs including defense strategy, training, and ensuring micronational security

Royal Court Members: Vote on and implement specific bills, ensure they are in collusion with the Jakwalian constitution

  • February 6th 2022 Royal Court Meeting
  • February 9th 2022 Royal Court Meeting
  • March 4th 2022 Royal Court Meeting
  • March 20th 2022 Royal Court Meeting
  • August 18th 2023 Virtual Royal Court Meeting
  • January 1st 2024 New Years Meeting and Celebration
  • April 12th 2024 Virtual Royal Court Meeting



The Empire of Jakwal's unique blend of Russian and Swedish influences specifically from the 18th century shapes its identity and vision for the future. By embracing these historical legacies, Jakwal strives to build a modern, prosperous, and culturally rich micronation, positioning itself as a dynamic and forward-thinking entity within the micronational community.

Alliances and Organisations

Jakwal is a member of the Micronational Assembly and is also a member of the Commonwealth of Microstates


The Empire of Jakwal is a very Progressive Constitutional Diarchy


Moji (Capital)

A Boat in the Moji Harbor

Andercity (Largest)






  • The Jakwalian United Forces

The military forces of the Empire of Jakwal specialize in supporting roles such as espionage and propaganda. Rather than focusing solely on traditional warfare, Jakwal's military strategy emphasizes the use of covert operations, intelligence gathering, and propaganda dissemination to achieve its goals. This approach reflects Jakwal's commitment to innovative and unconventional methods in promoting its interests and ensuring national security.

Friendly Micronations

Tallest Point in Jakwal (Jakwalian Towers)

Terrorist Groups

  • The Rebels of Jakwal (Inactive)

Future Outloook

Jakwal aims to increase its diplomatic influence within the micronational community, Jakwal wishes to seek peace and cooperation. Jakwal plans to expand several agricultural projects and exports. Jakwal also plans on getting started on several architectural pursuits such as Jakwalian offices and official buildings.
