Citizenship of Hugia

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Citizenship of Hugia is granted to individuals by the Hugian government themselves. There are four kinds of citizenship: de facto, visitorship, semi-permanent, and permanent. Citizenship gains rights to those who have any kind of Hugian citizenship.

Types of citizenship

There are four types of Hugian citizenship. Below are all the types explaining what they are. Anyone who has these types of citizenship is counted as a Hugian.

De facto

De facto citizenship is something anyone that does not know the members of government personally and can apply online to become a "citizen". There are no perks and benefits to this, but shows loyalty to Hugia.


Visitorship is someone who is granted to visit Hugia in person anytime they like, but must ask the government if it's fine to come. Individuals who has this were most likely invited by the government themselves. They must also have visited five times for thirty minutes minimum each time to be granted visitorship.


Semi-permanent citizenship is someone who partially lives within Hugia. These people have stayed at least three or more nights and are qualified to gain access to this type of citizenship.


Permanent citizenship is someone who fully lives within Hugia, which counts all members of the Hugian government. This is the rarest and most challenging type of citizenship to get. It has no official requirements to obtain this citizenship rank.