Chair of the Alliance of the Micronations

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Chair of the Alliance of the Micronations
Logo of the Alliance of the Micronations
Ruben Bushell

since 1 September 2024
AppointerAotM Assembly
Term lengthThree months
Inaugural holderReuben I of Salanda
Formation3 June 2021 (as General Secretary)
25 January 2024 (Charter of 2024)
DeputyAdministration (de facto)
None (de jure)

The Chair of the Alliance of the Micronations, also known simply as the Chairperson, is the head of the Alliance of the Micronations. The chairperson exercises a range of administrative powers in the alliance, and has the duty to oversee all of the AotM's departments. The chairperson is also the head of the Diplomatic Affairs Department upon taking office, and serves among the representatives of the AotM at external meetings. The chairperson is elected by the delegates of member states to a term of three months, and has no constituted term limits.

The current chairperson is Ruben Bushell of the Rulish Empire, in office since 1 September 2024.


The office for the head of the alliance was also formerly called the General Secretary and briefly the Head of the AotM Committee. There were multiple motions raised before the final name change to change the title to Secretary-General as the term "General Secretary" has association with authoritarian regimes.


The head of the alliance was formerly called the General Secretary, and had a deputy. The General Secretary oversaw the administration of the alliance and the Security Council. The General Secretary also appointed Supreme Justices.

Transitional period

During the transitional period of the alliance, the alliance became an organization of the Tepoelan, the parliament of Salanda. The head of the alliance became the Head of the AotM Committee, the only office holder was Reuben I, King of Salanda. This became controvertial as the alliance was viewed as a dependency under another nation. The drafting of a new charter also began during this period. The alliance was later handed back to the committee and the revival period began, when Jasmine of Gunaka was elected head of the alliance until implementation of the new charter, Jasmine continued serving as chairperson until a month following implementation of the new charter.


The February 2024 election ended in a tie between Simon I of Swisazia and Jasmine, both receiving 33.3% of votes, one-thrid of voters abstained. The tiebreaking vote ended in the victory of Simon I, where he received 80% of the votes, becoming the second chairperson of the alliance. Simon's term oversaw increasing activity of the alliance. Simon's term is regarded to be largely internal-focused.

The May 2024 election was the first election held using a ranked-choice voting system, the three candidates were Jasmine of Gunaka, Simon I of Swisazia, and John of Eintrachtia. John received 62.5% of the votes and was inaugurated the third chairperon of the alliance. John's term saw the establishment of the media department and the initiation to multiple projects, such as the website development programme that was later halted due to lack of personnel, and the proposal to create a separate external-focused security department. John's term is regarded to be both internal and external-focused, the latter taking precedence.

List of chairpersons

#[a] Portrait Name
Origin (nation)
Term of office
1 Jasmine
Kingdom of Gunaka
9 December 2023 26 February 2024
  • Elected as chairperson prior to implementation of the new charter, and became the first chairperson under the Charter of 2024.
  • Oversaw the start of the revival period of the alliance and transition of the administrative structure of the alliance, such as the creation of the new forum-style "global assembly" system and the first assembly session under the new charter.
2 Simon I
Kingdom of Swisazia
26 February 2024 25 May 2024
  • Oversaw the revival of the alliance and several legislations being passed concerning the administration, several charter amendments were also initiated during his term.
  • Oversaw an increase in active members and observers as well as active organization of the alliance.
3 John Ballister
Kingdom of Eintrachtia
25 May 2024 1 September 2024
  • Established the Department of Media and creation of new positions such as Secretary of the Media Department and appointed several officers.
  • Initiated the website development programme, the programme was later put on hold due to insufficient personnel in the media department.
  • Oversaw increased activity in the assembly and held the first consecutive weekly sessions, several new members and observers also acceded to the alliance in this period.
4 Ruben Bushell
Rulish Empire
1 September 2024 Incumbent
  • N/A


  1. List is recorded after implementation of the 2024 Charter, therefore the first office holder is Jasmine of Gunaka, not Reuben I of Salanda.