Badu Park & Weapons of Mass Destruction

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Badu Park is the only micronation in the IWPAM to have possessed a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. The origins of Badu Park's weapons of mass destruction are rooted in the aftermath of the Sydney World War and subsequent tensions in the Johnston's Creek area, the July Crisis and decline in Badu Park's military capabilities after years of war and brutal struggle in Johnston's Creek.

Nuclear Weapons


The Badu Park Municipal Government's ambitions to develop nuclear weapons began in 2022 after the Treaty of Katoomba and conclusion of the Sydney World War, the idea for a "nuclear deterrent for peaceful and civilian purposes NOT ethnic cleansing and other subsequent war totally not with Xahastan" as dubbed by Japitty Cumquat, was first proposed by nuclear physicist Ali Hamaz, who was conducting research into nuclear power as an alternative for Badu Parks failing coal power plant "Big Japitty 1", Hamaz proposed the the idea of nuclear weapons as a deterrent from further military action from Xahastan and Douglas Grant Park to Japitty Cumquat, who became so enthralled with the idea he immediately promoted Ali Hamaz to "Head of the Municipal Nuclear Program" under the condition he have a functioning nuclear device by Thursday of the following week. Hamaz attempted to convince Japitty Cumquat to allow for more time, as developing, building and testing a nuclear device in that time-frame "is humanly impossible" and it would take "at least 15 years at a bare minimum to develop a working design let alone test a prototype nuclear device" however Japitty Cumquat refused to allow more then a '"few hour delay" from the deadline at 4:00pm on Thursday of the following week, despite Hamaz's pleas.

With only a 4 day window of time to develop a nuclear device, Ali Hamaz settled on a device that microwaves a computer battery, which should cause the device to explode, Hamaz's thinking that the microwave explosion should impress Japitty Cumquat enough (since microwaves produce a type of radiation) and allow Hamaz the time needed to create a true nuclear device, not a glorified IED. Japitty's deadline arrived with Ali Hamaz presenting the device (which was spray painted olive green for "dramatic effect") to Japitty in a ceremony, with Badu Parks top military generals also in attendance. Japitty Cumquat then ordered Hamaz to "initiate nuclear test protocol" over the phone, since he was seated far away, under the impression this was a legitimate nuclear device. This phone-call was overheard by Juliett Company of the Xahastanian Eyes of the Revolution (who monitor the communication of Japitty Cumquat) who immediately notified the Xahastanian High Military command, who raised the MAL (Military Awareness Level) to 5, which is classed as "total war", this saw every unit of the Xahastanian Defence Force deployed to defensive positions across the nation and microcontinent, with Xahastan's 2 cruise missile submarines being deployed off the coast of Sydney, primed for a retaliatory strike, the Xahastanian airforce also scrambled an MQ-R Wiretap drone to oversee the test and gather SIGINT/ELINT as well as provide a live video feed back to the Xahastanian "war room". The Xahastanians were also under the impression that the Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force was conducting a legitimate nuclear test.

As the Xahastanian's prepared for a seeming impeding doom, Japitty Cumquat delivered a speech where he dubbed the test as "one small step for me, and one giant leap for me and Badu Park" as well as "the greatest advancement in Badu Park's military capability since soldiers learned basic first aid", after delivering this rousing speech, Japitty ordered Ali Hamaz to detonate the device as Badu Park Municipal People's Orchestra and Bathhouse Guard played the national anthem out of a JBL speaker, Hamaz initiated a countdown while a soldier started the microwave. The device detonated after a 10 second delay sending shrapnel into the air and killing some of the people in attendance, however Japitty was awe-struck, immediately ordering Ali Hamaz to being production of the "YOUGALMAS-1 Nuclear Warhead", Hamaz being shocked, explaining to Japitty that this was mearly a "capability demonstration" and that his team was "working on creating an ACTUAL nuclear device" however Japitty stated he had "seen enough". Hamaz's shock caused him to purposefully withhold the information that his team had actually reverse engineered a decommissioned Russian nuclear device and were days away from having a functioning nuclear weapon. Hamaz made a moral ruling to never tell Japitty Cumquat about the "JERICHO-4" Ballistic Missile he had developed, vowing to never let his research fall into the hands of Japitty Cumquat or Badu Park after seeing Japitty's ecstatic reaction to something he perceived as a legitimate nuclear warhead detonating and killing people around him. Ali Hamaz subsequently handed all his research into the Xahastanian Government, as well as the location of the underground uranium refinement and weapons development facility where the device was being kept, he then left Badu Park and moved out of Sydney and became an advocate for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

However, when the Xahastanian Military went to recover and destroy the device they found the facility ransacked and abandoned, with the "JERICHO-4" missile nowhere to be found, at the facility there seemed to be evidence of struggle with ammunition casings and bullet holes found thought the complex, several doors also appeared to have been forced open including the reinforced hanger door where the missile was being stored, also missing were key design schematics and production details, including documents detailing the refinement process of weapons-grade nuclear material, a large part of the complex also appears to have been deliberately destroyed, including the refinement plant. The Xahatsanian military since concluded the what occurred at the facility occurred before Ali Hamaz turned in its location and that the lack of forced entry into the facility indicates that a mutiny likely occurred between Hamaz's research staff and the Badu Parkian soldiers supervising the facility, however there is no definitive proof that Badu Parkian troops guarding the facility mutinied and "stole" the nuclear weapon and research, especially since they were not aware of the facilities purpose or function, not even the Badu Park Municipal People's Army knew of what was occurring at the facility and head generals even directly questioned why such numbers of troops were needed to guard this facility which was to army knowledge a "storage depot", what also disproves the theory of a mutiny is that according to Eyes of the Revolution intelligence, majority of soldiers guarding the facility were recalled before the initial test of the "YOUGALMAS-1 Nuclear Warhead" after the Badu Park Municipal People's Army deemed it a waste of resources.

The true location and fate of the "JERICHO-4" missile and Ali Hamaz's research remains unknown, however concerningly leaked documents from Badu Park's Municipal Ministry of Defence make mention of "Jericho" or "J4", which has led many in the XDF to believe that somehow the Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force know about the existence of the JERICHO-4 missile if they don't already posses the missile in their inventory which supports the theory that the BPMPDF raided the facility under the suspicion that Ali Hamaz would succumb to his conscious and destroy the missile and the research or turn it into the Xahastanian Government. Either way the Xahastanian Defence Force still remains on high alert due to the threat JERICHO-4 presents. Japitty Cumquat has not made mention of JERICHO-4 publicly or in communication with the Military, it is thought he is still unaware of the missiles existence.

Nuclear Weapons Strategy

Japitty Cumquat's nuclear weapons doctrine is vastly different to that of other nations, as in Japitty's strategy envisions no actual battlefield use of nuclear weapons. Although the whole program is designed to be a bluff, Japitty Cumquat has to be perceived as having the means and resolve to use nuclear weapons militarily. The goal is to deter aggression, not to be involved in a nuclear war that Japitty himself could most definitely not survive. In many ways Japitty Cumquat's nuclear weapons doctrine is similar to that of South Africa's, as he envisions them protective wall rather then a true battlefield weapon, that said Japitty has many times publicly stated his desire to use nuclear weapons to decimate the Johnston's Creek Liberation Army as well as groups he finds "undesirable" like Japittyists, he has stated on numerous occasions his deep desire to use a tactical nuclear device to eliminate Badu Park II, even going as far as throwing tin cans with the word 'nuke' written on them at Japittyists who visit Badu Park.

In an internal communication with the Badu Parkian Municipal People's Air Force, Japitty details his exact nuclear weapons strategy (spelling and grammar mistakes corrected for readability):

  • One: We should have at least 7 nuclear bombs in our arsenal (spelt assanal by Japitty)
  • Two: Should we face a crippling defeat in any future war or conflict, we should reveal to our enemy the existence of my awesome nuclear bomb collection, however in the case of the JCLA, we skip straight to dropping the bomb as they are backwards people who spell bomb as bumb
  • Three: if that doesn't work we drop the bomb into the ocean to show that i mean business

In another internal communication Japitty also details the weapons systems needed to deliver the warheads:

  • Nuclear bomber planes
  • Missile systems
  • A submarine
  • Suicide bomber (preferable option)

In an additional note, Japitty Cumquat signs all these letters off as XOXO Japitty <3.


Badu Park's nuclear capability is all but non-existent, as the YOUGALMAS-1 Nuclear Warhead is to quote Ali Hamaz "a glorified IED and one which is vastly inferior to other IEDs in the Badu Parkian inventory". it is not confirmed that the Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force actually possesses the JERICHO-4 missile, as multiple attempts at locating it in Badu Parkian territory or offshore facilities have came back unsuccessful, with some defectors have claimed the missile was destroyed beyond repair when a fire took hold at the WD4 depot, and attempts at restoring the missile have failed, so the project has since been abandoned, however this has still yet to be proven as what was lost in the WD4 depot fire is still unknown.

It is uncertain how many nuclear devices Badu Park actually posses, since internal reports mention anywhere from 15 to 1 nuclear devices being at an operational capacity, according to Japitty Cumquat there are at least 12 "YOUGALMAS-1 Nuclear Warheads" in service however Dick Smith suggests there are anywhere up to 15, according to Badu Park's Municipal Ministry of Defence there are 2 JERICHO-4 missiles in "storage" however there is only confirmed to be a single JERICHO-4 missile in existence and only a single document draft makes mention of a second missile, the Badu Park Municipal Ministry of Defence is also proven to be an unreliable source of information as they function mainly as a propaganda agency, according to the Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force, there is a single JERICHO-4 missile under restoration (supporting the speculation that the missile may have been severely damaged or even destroyed by the WD4 Depot fire) and around 8 "YOUGALMAS-1 Nuclear Warheads", however these are not classed as nuclear weapons but is IEDs. The Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force is by far the most credible source as all information comes from official defence documents leaked to the Xahastanian Government as a "joke" by 2 summer interns, which is a large reason the consensus in the XDF is that Badu Park does in fact possess the JERICHO-4 missile, although reconnaissance drones still have not uncovered any sign of the missile.

Biological and chemical weapons

As a result of the document leaks, it is now known that the Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force had a chemical and biological warfare program known as Project Charlie. The goal of Project Charlie was to develop a series of chemical and biological agents for use within Badu Park as well as its ongoing war in Johnston's Creek. Project Charlie was at one point one of the most clandestine project in the entire Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force, and defectors have alleged it to be the most heinous action undertaken by the BPMPDF. Unlike the development of nuclear weapons, Japitty Cumquat had very little input into Project Charlie and was most likely unaware of its existence for most of its duration, the project was the brainchild of Japitty Cumquat's personal doctor, Walter Boser, a pathologist, who was employed by the Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force. Not much is known about the specifics of Project Charlie other then the time-frame it roughy existed and its involvement in the creation of the drug "Zombi", however despite the end of Project Charlie, the weapons it created are mostly still in use today.

Development of "Zombi"

Around mid 2023 personnel working as part of Project Charlie developed a drug dubbed "Zombi" which is 500 times more addictive then heroine and 200 times more lethal then fentanyl under Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force request for a biological weapon of mass destruction, its development process still remains unknown, however it is simple enough to be made by anyone. Zombi is specifically designed to destroy the cognitive and physical functioning of its users, hence its name, and due to its highly addictive properties and extreme lethality, users often die or become permanently disabled within 5-6 seperate uses of the drug. The drug is taken via injection however it can also be smoked in a crystallised form or applied to the skin directly, however the latter two vastly decrease its lethality and effectiveness, Zombi's primary form is a thick dark red liquid of similar colour to blood.

Zombi has a relatively short high, which causes most new users to take large doses, which often leads to immediate overdose and death. The true effects of Zombi often take hold within hours of the first hit, and do not wear off, the first effects you will feel is a loss of overall coordination which leads to an impaired ability to walk and perform basic motor tasks such as walking in a straight line, another prominent affect that has an early onset is change in mood and reduced emotional awareness, Zombi users may become extremely angry and irritated seemingly out of thin air, after these early signs and continued use effects only worsen, loss of motor ability only continues as muscles begin decay and stiffen, causing the stereotypical zombie stumble, the persons cognitive ability vastly declines as they become unable to form basic and coherent sentences, whitest becoming extremely temperamental, other effects also start to take hold such as excessive foaming of the mouth as well as change in iris colour to a blood red, at this point the effects of Zombi are irreversible, past this point, the user loses even basic cognitive ability with words being replaced by snarls and growls, users also become extremely agressive attacking everything in their vicinity, this is often referred to as "zombi death" as at this point the users vital organs begin shutting down as the person begins to spasm then die.

Zombi's primary purpose was to destroy the fabric of society of Johnston's Creek, and once introduced it practically wiped out any local resolve to resist Badu Parkian occupation, as well as caused mass casualties, the epidemic became so strong that Badu Parkian troops in the occupied Johnston's Creek began to succumb to Zombi use. The catastrophic effects of Zombi not only caused the destruction of Johnston's creek's society but also the destruction of the Badu Parkian efforts to colonise the area. The fallout of the introduction of Zombi was so bad it was credited as the reason Project Charlie was shut down, as Japitty Cumquat became so irrationally angry that this had been allowed to occur without his prior knowledge and consent, he demanded the project be shut down and personally executed each of its top officials as well as the entire high command of the Badu Park Municipal People's Defence Force, as the actions of Project Charlie had permanently stunted his aspirations for the development of the creek.

See also