Badu Park Intelligence Community

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The Badu Park Intelligence Community (BPIC) is a collective of independent intelligence agencies within Badu Park that conduct operations in support of Badu Park national security interests and foreign policy. The organisations within the BPIC mainly operate internationally, while the Municipal Intelligence Community (MIC) conduct intelligence activities domestically.


The BPIC has a number of agencies under the Department of National Security, which is an executive department under direct control of the Office of the General Colonel, and therefore Japitty Cumquat.

Badu Park Intelligence Community

Agency Department Intended Role
Department of National Security Office of the General Colonel Coordination
Badu Park Secret Police Ministry of Defence HUMINT Collection and Assessment
Badu Park CIA Department of National Security Foreign Intelligence Collection via HUMINT and OSINT
Badu Park Security Force Ministry of Defence HUMINT and MASINT Collection and Assessment
Badu Park Cyber Warfare Brigade Ministry of Defence DNINT Collection
Badu Park Foreign Trade and Financial Monitoring Organisation Department of National Security FININT monitoring to protect foreign trade interests
Municipal People's Directorate of Signals Department of National Security MASINT and GEOINT Collection
Badu Park Geospatial Agency Department of National Security GEOINT Collection via Google Earth
Badu Park Military Intelligence Agency Ministry of Defence All Source Assessment

Municipal Intelligence Community

Agency Department Intended Role
National Police Force Supreme Court of Japitty Cumquat HUMINT Collection and Assessment
Badu Park Secret Police Domestic Division Ministry of Defence HUMINT and MASINT Collection and Assessment
Municipal Intelligence Agency Department of National Security HUMINT and OSINT Domestic Intelligence Collection


The Badu Park National Security Strategy defines the role of the BPIC as "An organisation which conducts intelligence operations to influence foreign policy and eliminating threats to Badu Park's sovereignty in order to uphold national security". The threats most often cited by the Badu Park Secret Police are IPCP backed terrorist organisations including the JCLA, and the rise of Douglas Grant Park.


The activities of the member agencies of BPIC are largely protected, however Xahastanian counter intelligence has monitored the activities of multiple agencies and published documents detailing their operations in an attempt to render the agencies useless. By far the most active of the agencies is the Badu Park Secret Police. The Badu Park Secret Police uses a white van, believed to be stolen, to abduct rival micronationals and occasionally Inner West local government and council workers. Other activities include the monitoring of rival micronational political spheres, particularly Douglas Grant Park, and the insertion of operatives into IPCP government organisations. The other largely active agencies are the Municipal People's Directorate of Signals and the Badu Park Foreign Trade and Financial Monitoring Organisation (FTFMO). The FTFMO engage largely in illegal surveillance of other micronational economies to monitor the foreign trade environment, influencing trade policy, while the Directorate of Signals uses the FM radio of the Secret Police van to monitor news stories and report news surrounding Badu Park to Japitty Cumquat, influencing foreign policy.

Criticism and Controversy

The BPIC has been the subject of criticism due to poor management, lack of legitimacy, general incompetence, and it's intrusive, often illegal activities.

Political Motivation

The operations of BPIC member agencies largely conform to the ideals of the Badu Park Japittyist Regime. This has lead to independent journalists criticising the operations, claiming them to be acts of political violence to maintain Badu Park's influence over micronational politics.

Lack of Legitimacy and Illegal Activity

Many Australian law enforcement and government agencies have criticised the actions of BPIC agencies as illegal, without legitimate justification or legal jurisdiction. As such, two Secret Police operatives were arrested after they trespassed in the Katoomba police station attempting to retrieve "highly sensitive documents" pertaining to case files of Japitty Cumquat, as well as the floor plans for the police station, neither of which were on site.


The BPIC agencies have been criticised by Australian media, along with Japitty Cumquat himself, due to their insufferable inability to accomplish any task given to them, often being labelled as "clowns" or more aggressively, as the "Stain on Badu Park's perfect international reputation." The latter of which was a direct quote from Japitty.

Most of the criticism came after several Security Force agents were hit by a bus because they were paying attention to a council worker picking up litter, not realising they had wandered into the middle of the road, where they were subsequently run over. No agents were killed, but many people were surprised by the sheer idiocy displayed by the agents. When asked why they weren't watching the road, they said they thought the council worker was committing espionage on behalf of the Katoomba police by spying on Badu Parkian infrastructural activities, and thus they fixated on the council worker's every move, and lost track of their surroundings.

Facebook Information Leak Incident

The Badu Park Security Force was conducting weapons tests of their new BP-11 Long Range Ordinance System in Johnston's Creek, and an agent had taken several pictures of the covert operation featuring images of classified experimental Badu Parkian weapons systems, as well as several images of Badu Parkian intelligence and military personnel, before posting them to the Sacred Geometry Facebook group without realising. The images were soon discovered by Douglas Grant Park Imperial intelligence services, who took screenshots of the posts before publishing them to several journalist outlets. Multiple sensitive images featuring classified information were now public, leaving a percieved gap in the Badu Parkian national security strategy. The man who posted the images was reprimanded, before being permanently suspended from his position. The sensitive images were not recoverable and thus Badu Park made a press statement condemning itself for the atrocity of using such weaponry. The weapon in question was a set of three confetti canons mounted to a tripod aimed at Douglas Grant Park. The weapon was not effective, and the percieved national security threat was far smaller than initially thought, as not many people cared about substandard amateur pyrotechnics. Despite the leak not actually being damaging, Japitty Cumquat was furious, and demanded a total reevaluation of security clearances within BPIC agencies.