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Westavian Empire
Wēctāvum Impēris (Formal Westavian)
Wēctaevia (Westavian)
Tricolor Flag
Generic Flag of the Westavian Empire
Generic Shield used the Represent Westavia
Imperial Coat of arms
Motto: Dēam sō vōt
"God with us"
  • (none official)
  • "īnt Sōl" (Imperial)
Located in California
Claimed Territory on the eve of the Abdication of Shahan II
CapitalLaskaridia (2015-2016)
Desaubonn(January 2017)
Asencon(May 2016)
Laskaridia(May 2016-2019)
Common languages
Official language
Unofficial minority languages
Old Juniperian, Setaran, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Turkish
Colonial languages
Native American
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy
• 2014-2015
Shahan I
• 2015-2017
Jay I
• 2017-2018
Shahan III
• 2019-2020
John Alexander
Grand Vizier 
• 2014
Charles Donnauberg (first)
• 2020
Péter Cauphey (last)
LegislatureDiet of Laskaridia
Sōtom (restored)
• State council
Archdiet of Laskaridia
Historical era2000s, 2010s
• Unification of Westavia
12 August 2014
• Fall
~April 2020
• 2014
• 2018
Westavian Coins
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Artavinsian Empire
League of Lazacarita
Various Warlord States
Mogunesian Empire
Confederation of Ruisseau
Commonwealth of Juniperia
Kingdom of Westavia
Area and population not including colonial possessions

Westavia, also known as the Westavian Empire was a large imperial polity that existed from around 2014 to 2020, with various interregna and disturbances. At its peak in 2015, it encompasses much of Orange County, though its control or existence was never officialized by any macronation, it had many citizens. Westavia is considered the oldest micronation to exist within Orange County.

Westavia is seen as the "father" of all the Alturic nations, and the term itself means a micronation is a descendant from Westavia, or was a byproduct of the conquests of Shahan I. Shahan I studied history and used this knowledge to his advantage and conquered various Micronations in the area. These "micronations" or warlords were not sentient of their existence as micronations, rather they were created as popularity spheres by notable figures and engaged in "wars" with each other regularly, utilizing irregular conflict. Shahan introduced proper armies and at the Battle of Laskaridia in December of 2014, was crowned Westavian Emperor. In contrast to many Micronations today, Shahan's realm was taken seriously by its inhabitants and its military and officers even went as far as to organize large-scale battles in uniform, though these were frowned upon by locals of the US and was eventually phased out, after which many armies of the sector resorted to irregular conflicts.

The empire's culture was likely developed, though much of what's left is in the form of Steles produced by historians of that time, Westavian culture likely meant songs, and since it was most active during the summer, its inhabitants frequently congregated in large masses to celebrate various holidays.

Much of the nation's initial growth began under Shahan I, who is regarded as the father of the nation. This included conquests but also the establishment of a proper justice system, government and military. He is regarded as a noble leader by many Juniperians. Although being a very successful leader revered by his people, he resigned and moved away from Irvine in 2015. He was succeeded by a cousin of his, Jay I. Jay I was an incompetent leader who issued Isse Majeste's and did not tolerate any dissent, effectively making Westavia a dictatorship. Though during this time, Westavia's borders were relatively secure, many government officials did not like Jay's policy, and thus organized to revolt, after they succeeded, they put Jacob Petrey on the throne, who reigned as Jacob I, though reigning for roughly two weeks, Jay I returned and overthrew the revolt. He then made himself Emperor again and declared Petrey an illegitimate ruler.


The name of Westavia is derived from various sources. The traditional name for Westavia (in its language) is Wēctāve. West derives from the cardinal directions and avia is a suffix for land.


Westavia has a long history, much of it is stored in Steles and the Mogunesian Chronicle. Westavia began as a small statelet amongst many statelets in the region of Irvine, Shahan I, through his cunning strategies eventually conquered many of these statelets and consolidated his realm.

Early History

Shahan I researched tactics and found himself to be fond of Napoleonic strategies and thus tried his best to implement them, arming his soldiers with Airsoft guns and improvised weapons. Many statelets used sticks, so they fleed at the sight of his armies. One quote from a Captain in the Artavinsian army states,

"They came with a lot of guns, they looked real so we ran away, but they used baby powder to make it look like smoke, very smart, nonethless [sic.], we will defeat them on [sic.] day."

The Artavinsians were the main enemy and eventually formed the League of Lazacarita, a major power that posed a serious threat to Shahan. The Lazacaritans armed themselves with similar weapons to Shahan and at the Battle of Laskaridia, posed a serious risk. Shahan though being outgunned, had better strategies and forced the Artavinsians and Lazacaritans to admit defeat. Many rouge remnants remained but this insurgency was no more by late 2015 according to the Mogunesian Chronicle. Shahan I's early reign was mildly successful, mid way through his reign in 2015, Shahan faced a revolt organized by three nobles, known as the triarchial revolt. They wanted to overthrow the Shahanic lineage and establish a republic in its aftermath. The revolt was quelled, but Shahan I granted amnesty to the rebellion.

Middle History

The reason for Shahan I's reign is mainly unknown, but many speculate there is a chance he could have had to leave and did not have the capacity to reign further, so he made his cousin, Jay, Emperor. Jay I, upon entering the throne issued a royal decree banning everyone from insulting his nation, or himself. Another major policy he introduced was dissolving the Diet of Laskaridia, enraging the nobility. In its succession, he established the Akäis Inore (Grand Assembly) and changed the capital to Suonwiller.

Despite the anger against him for doing such things, the nobility and government continued to work. But as time went on, many people started to get angry with his incompetence and devised a plot to overthrow Jay I. The revolt began and was known as the Westavian Civil War, the goal of the revolt was the overthrow Jay I and restore a peaceful ruler to the throne. Initially, the revolt worked and they installed Jacob Petrey. Jay I bribed leading revolutionary leaders and eventually stormed Suonwiller, and restored himself as Emperor. He then enacted even harsher laws and declared Jacob illegitimate. Eventually, Jay I would become bored of ruling and would abdicate on the 11th of August, 2016 after reigning for one year, making Shahan II the new Emperor of Westavia, Shahan II, though with good intent, was relatively inactive. In the early months of his reign, he tried to fix the justice system, effectively reversing Jay's policies and restoring Laskaridia as the Capital city. He also began a campaign to southern Orange County but it failed. He established the Sotom as the main legislature which was a body of nobles selected by a committee chosen by the Emperor.


Westavia would become inactive, with many government officials retiring or leaving. Today it would eventually become inactive. Little attempts were made to halt this process of decline, especially from the office of the Emperor or Grand Vizier. Meetings of the Sotom ceased and talks were called by the Grand Vizier to try and sort out the nation. Though after a single talk was held at Laskaridia, violence broke out. Sectarian violence ensued, and is known as the "Westavian Dark Ages."


For more information see: Westavian people

During its peak era, Westavia had a thriving micronational culture. With many new food dishes being made, along with new songs and music. Westavians would frequently congregate and celebrate festivals, including Conquest Day, in which Westavians would celebrate anniversaries of the coronation of Shahan I. Westavia's developed culture would be organized through boards created by the Emperor. These boards managed cultural aspects.

Cameline (Cāmālēn) was a dish enjoyed by Westavians, it is said to be inspired by Crusader appetites.

Westavian music was largely based on baroque and was influenced by Bach and Lully. Two major music composers


Westavia possessed its own language from the start. It was invented by Shahan I and his close friend. Though at first they were the only ones who spoke it, it eventually grew. The Mogunesian Chronicle and other notable pieces were translated into Westavian. The Westavian language was thoroughly based off Latin and posses many influences, including its use of accents (ā, ē, ū) as well as Latin grammar conventions. Steles still existing today are known to be in Westavian.

The commemorative coin showed here has the inscription DĒA SŒ VŌT and was minted from wax in 2021 by rebel forces during the Ruisseauan Civil War

Westavian inscriptions were also used on coins and monuments, but casual and popular usage of the language was limited to the Emperor and the elite.

Government and Structure

Westavian government was intricate and possessed many forms during the nation's existence.

Early Government

The early government, during the time when the nation was under Shahan I was largely controlled by him, and was in itself, a benevolent dictatorship itself. The realm though, did have a legislature and a privy council which managed state affairs while the Emperor was on campaign. Westavian government was largely based on Napoleonic government, and Shahan I even adopted clauses from the Napoleonic Code[1] into his own legislature, known as the Codex Ioannvs[2]. This code acted as a codified constitution and legal code and constituted a list of criminal charges a person could press. This early government even possessed its own courts, but only had one functioning one in Donnauberg.

The government had complete control over the military as well. And the Emperor himself made appointments to officer ranks and other such titles. He also constituted noble[3] and chivalric orders and titles to his subjects, usually in investiture ceremonies that marked various holidays. The structure of the government was as follows: The Emperor was the highest official in any capacity and was essentially the supreme head of the nation. The Grand Vizier, or regent (if the king was underage, sick or vacant) was a close advisor and usually a relative or friend of the Emperor. He usually had lots of control over the throne and preceded over the council of state and other such affairs (in times when the king was away, the vizier and council of state essentially became chief executive of the state). Below him were various ministers who were responsible for reporting to the Emperor on various parts of government and life. Below them are military officers, who acted largely on their own accord.

Middle to Late Government

The government of the mid to late era was largely decentralized, not by the accord of the emperor, but because he possessed very little de-jure control of his subjects, especially the high nobility, though little other record of government exists.

Foreign Affairs

In a similar fashion to the British period of splendid isolation, Westavia did not engage with foreign entities besides during the very beginning and the later eras. In the beginning, Shahan I signed various treaties with foreigners in order to muster up support for his cause. The Westavians, through Emperors Shahan II, Jay II and Shahan III, did not engage in foreign states, largely because Westavian cartography was extremely underdeveloped, and the government prioritized internal prestige and nobility rather than foreign relations. Other than this isolation, there is no record of Westavian diplomacy.

During the early 2020s, Serramwen and Bushistan had conflicts. Serramwen had claimed Bushistan, citing a previous treaty. The treaty was proved false by Bushistan and they declared independence. The Emperor at the time sided with the Bushistanis and as a result, Westavia was officially recognized upon the former's independence from Serramwen. This was the first time Westavia had taken a side in a foreign micronational conflict.


Westavia consisted of many noble titles organized in a peerage, the highest of which being Prince of Alturia (highest conferred actively). Originally, possessors of the princely title bore it as members of the ruling house of Westavia, for example Edward, Prince of Suonwiller or Prince Andreas of Westavia. However, by the time Westavia was abolished in 2019, there were a number of holders of Imperial princely titles who did not meet these criteria.

Thus, there were two main types of princes: those who exercised control of land within territory of Wetsavua while respecting the laws and traditions of the empire as well as an individual or shared vote in the Diet and/or Sotomae, and those whose title was honorary (the possessor lacking an immediate Imperial fief and/or a vote in the Imperial Diet), in addition to imperial persons as mentioned above. The first came to be reckoned as "royalty" in the sense of being treated as "mini-sovereigns", entitled to negotiate with reigning dynasties. The second tier consisted of high-ranking nobles whose princely title did not, however, imply equality with royalty. These distinctions evolved within the Empire but were codified by the Imperial Titles (Sha III et IV., Principalities) Act when it created the final legislature of Westavia and recognised a specific, elevated status for the Westavian princes of the soon-to-be defunct Empire.[a]

The actual titles used by Imperial nobles varied considerably for historical reasons, and included archdukess, dukes, margraves, and counts , as well as princes. Moreover, most of the Westavian fiefs in the Empire (except royal domains like Laskaridia) were heritable by all males of a family rather than by primogeniture, the princely title (or whatever title the family used) being likewise shared by all agnatic family members, male and female.

Duchies, counties and various other titles were also conferred, their statuses depended on whether or not they were landed titles. One landed title example is the Duchy of Donnauberg (still extant) and example of a non landed Imperial title was Prince Imperial, co-title of the Heir, and Duke of Dessau Bonn (in Juniperia, a princedom and later county). Many Westavian titled were discontinued after the collapse of Westavia but reinstated by the Kingdom of Westavia.



  1. This however was only true after the large federalization of the Empire by John II (Shahan II & I) and his successor Shahan III and IV