Speech by President Ággelos Basilios Eustace on International Philosophy Day 2018

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Official communication of His Excellency the President of Arsenia, Mr Ággelos Basilios Eustace, on the occasion of the celebration of International Philosophy Day:

Today we are celebrating World Philosophy Day in the nation, a wonderful occasion for all people to approach the quest for knowledge, which should be our main mission in life.

Philosophy is a powerful tool to face serious situations in daily life, also for living together. To bet on philosophy is to step firmly on the path of coexistence, solidarity and mutual respect.

For our nation, philosophy is the main pillar that sustains the traditional values, our morals and the very sense of existence of Arsenia. Without philosophy Arsenia would simply never have come into existence.

We remember today the words that presided over the entrance to the Temple of Delphi, “know yourself and you will know the Universe and the Gods”, and we invite all arsenians to devote part of their time to reading philosophers and defending the obligatory presence of philosophy training in every corner, at a time when simplistic and extremist discourses threaten coexistence and peace throughout the world.