Simeonovden Accord

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Simeonovden Accord
Treaty between three micronations
Logo of the Accord
Signed1 September 2023 (2023-09-01)
LocationNea Ionia, Græcia
Effective1 September 2023
ConditionRatification by three micronations
DepositaryGræcian Government

The Simeonovden Accord (Hellenic: Συμφωνία τοῦ ἤματος τοῦ Συμεῶνος, Symfōnía tũ ī́matos tũ Symeō̃nos, [sim.fɔːˈni.aː tûː ˈiː.ma.tos tûː Si.meˈɔ̂ː.nos]; Bulgarian: Симеоновденски договор, Simeonovdenski dogovor, [simɛˈɔnovdɛnski ˈdɔɡovor]) is a treaty signed between the Governor of Græcia, Quintus De Vitaliis, the President of Lesia and Karduna, Simeon Nikolov, and the Emperor of Imvrassia, Aggelos I. The Accord is divided into two parts: the first part is an agreement between Græcia and Lesia and Karduna, while the second part is an agreement between Græcia and Imvrassia.


The Accord was signed on Simeonovden 2023, a Lesokardunian national holiday which is celebrated annually on 1 September. The occasion is the birth of Lesia and Karduna's founder, Simeon Nikolov.


The preamble of the Accord consists of the full titles of the signatory parties, as well as its purpose:

The Simeonovden Accord is a treaty signed by the following individuals:
  • His Excellency The Governor of Græcia Quintus II De Vitaliis
  • His Imperial Majesty Emperor Angelos I of Imvrassia
  • His Excellency Simeon Nikolov, President of the F.N.R. of Lesia and Karduna
hereafter referred to as the signatory parties. This accord was designed, in order to indefinitely extend the protection of Lesia and Karduna under Græcia, which serves the smooth transition to the new parliament and independent era for the former,
while also laying the ground for the temporary leadership of Græcia, which will be assumed by the head of state of Imvrassia, per the rules described in this document. The signatory parties have agreed upon the following:

Part I – Lesia and Karduna

Article I

The first article of the first part of the Accord is essentially the creation of protectorates of Lesia and Karduna, and Kastorliya.

The Governorate of Græcia, hereafter referred to as Græcia, will retain the protectorate in the Federative Nikolovist Republic of Lesia and Karduna, hereafter referred to as LK, as well as all the territories controlled by the latter, including the Republic of Kastorliya, hereafter referred to as Kastorliya, which will become a new protectorate as of 1 September 2023 AD. These protectorates will serve as an association between Græcia and LK, where the latter, alongside Kastorliya, will be considered autonomous entities within the former.

Article II

The second article of the first part of the Accord refers to the indefinite duration of the status as protectorates.

The signatory parties have agreed to set the duration of the protectorate as “indefinite”. During this period, the legal leadership of LK will still remain in power, still using its current constitution, laws, currency, etc.
As a result, the respective Græcian aspects will not be imposed on the protectorate; neither by the legal, nor by the temporary leadership.

Article III

The third article of the first part of the Accord describes some vows of both sides, regarding the safety, integrity, and mutual respect.

Græcia vows to protect the protectorates from foreign interference, attempts of power seizure, enemies of all kinds and factors of instability, internal or external.
LK and Kastorliya vow to respect Græcian authority, within the limits of this binding contract.
The prospective temporary leadership of Græcia vows to respect the agreement and assume the same obligations that stem from it.
The protectorates will still be able to conduct business as usual, without having to ask for permission. After all, said business will only reflect on LK or Kastorliya.

Article IV

The fourth article of the first part of the Accord describes the legal circumstances under which the protectorates can be formally dissolved.

The signatory parties also agree that the protectorate can regain its full independence only after a formal request has been submitted by the legal leadership.
In the event of an abrupt seizure of power, either by the legal leadership, or by a third person, Græcia has every legal right to refuse the termination of the protectorate.
Failure to comply with this agreed upon term for a second time will result in interference and suppression of the autonomy granted to LK or Kastorliya via this agreement.
The temporary leadership has been informed about this article and, if the time for independence arrives at a time when Græcia is under such a regime, the temporary head of state will be responsible for receiving the formal request from the protected parties.

Article V

The fifth article of the first part of the Accord regards the Lesokardunian politics.

The signatory parties agree that LK’s and Kastorliya’s politics will continue to be conducted without the interference of Græcia’s political figures.
They also agree to communicate whenever possible, regarding the protectorates’ latest developments that might interest or indirectly affect Græcia.

Article VI

The sixth and final article of the first part of the Accord concerns the future of both entities.

In the event of Simeon Nikolov’s incapacitation of continuing acting as the leader of LK, including Kastorliya, due to a number of reasons:
In the case of a short period of absence
He agrees to transfer power to the Vice President of Lesia and Karduna, until he comes back.
In the case of an indefinite period of absence
He agrees to follow the protocols of the League of Hellenistic Micronations, which clearly state that after a year of inactivity, the protectorate becomes integrated by the protector nation.
In the case of confirmed abandonment
He agrees to transfer power to the legal leader of Græcia, effectively disestablishing the state of LK and rendering it an administrative division of Græcia with reduced or no autonomy; the decision will be up to the Græcian government.
In case this happens within the limits of the temporary regime, the temporary leader has been given permission to act as such, in order to secure the legitimacy of the Græcian claim.
Quintus De Vitaliis and Angelos of Imvrassia both vow to respect this article’s content and, upon getting confirmation that Lesia and Karduna’s leadership is no longer able to conduct business,
to immediately step in and comply with the rules imposed by the League of Hellenistic Micronations, regarding protectorates that have been established by one of its members.

The final sentence of this article mentions a gift by the government of Lesia and Karduna to Græcia: the Federal City of Nove Karduny, which was renamed to "Simeonovgrad", in honour of Simeon Nikolov.

For his contribution so far in protecting the interests of Lesia and Karduna, Simeon Nikolov hereby gifts the Federal City of Nove Karduny to Græcia, as a thanking gesture for Quintus’ service to the micronation, both as a citizen and as a protector.

Part II – Græcia

Article I

The first article of the second part of the Accord announces the creation of the office of "Eponymous archon of Græcia".

His Excellency The Governor Quintus II De Vitaliis hereby announces his temporary departure from the world of micronationalism, due to obligatory military service.
For this reason, he has decided the appointment of Angelos Imvrassios as Eponymous archon of Græcia, at least for the period of absence of the Governor for his military service at the Hellenic Army,
meaning between the Cold month (November) of AUC 2776 / AD 2023 and the summer of AUC 2777 / AD 2024.

Article II

The second article of the second part of the Accord starts with the full title of Angelos of Imvrassia, within Græcia.

The full title of Angelos of Imvrassia as temporary leader of Græcia will be:
Angelos Dei Gratia Eponymous Archon of Græcia

It ends with the appointments made by Quintus as his successors in various offices.

In the meantime, Quintus also appoints:
* High Burghermaster of Čěrneś, Lucianus Dimitrijević-De Vitaliis
* High Burghermistress of Perusia, Evangelina De Vitaliis
* High Burghermistress of Sarajbosna, Evangelina De Vitaliis
* Burgess in Constantia: nobody
* Ambassador in Suteria: Angelos of Imvrassia
* Diduć of Ilberija, in Teweria: Angelos of Imvrassia
* Representative of the Hellenes in the Balkan League of Micronations: (vote)
* Magister of the League of Hellenistic Micronations: (vote)

Article III

The third article of the second part of the Accord lists the responsibilities of the Eponymous archon.

The above mentioned individual will be responsible for the following:
* I) No alterations within the state (symbols, policies, wiki articles, awards, citizenships).
* II) No alterations in diplomacy (signing new treaties or terminating old ones).
* III) Unrestricted representation of Græcia in organisations, where it is a member.
* IV) Protection of the Protectorates of Græcia, as if he were the Governor.
* V) Collaboration with the allies of Græcia, if deemed necessary.
* VI) Occupation of protectorates that have been abandoned for a year, per the directives.
* VII) Protection of Græcia’s interests, at all costs.
The above mentioned individual agrees to comply with respect and humility his responsibilities.

Article IV

The fourth article of the second part of the Accord describes the temporary detour of messages directed to the Governor.

The Eponymous archon will be the sole communication liaison; meaning that every message for the Governor will be directed to the Eponymous archon.

Article V

The fifth and final article of the second part of the Accord regards the classified parts that are not covered by the Accord.

For other issues that are not covered by this Accord, the communication, if at all possible, between the Governor and the Eponymous archon is classified as “high priority”.


The postamble describes the importance of the Accord for Græcia, not only for the friendship with Lesia and Karduna, but also for the friendly ties with Imvrassia.

This accord has been drafted by all three of the signatory parties, in order to protect the interests of the people of LK, Kastorliya, and Græcia, as well as the effort that has been spent in each territory.
The signatory parties hereby agree to abide within the limits of this binding contract, cooperate on every level and show respect to the boundaries imposed by the accord between them.
The friendship between Græcia and LK, including Kastorliya, will be strengthened by this endeavour and will hopefully bring stability and hope for future development for Lesia and Karduna, including Kastorliya. Да живее Лесия и Кардуна! (1)
Græcia has shown full confidence to the Emperor of Imvrassia in numerous occasions, deeming him as perhaps the only trustworthy micronationalist to carry out such important roles.
May God bless His Imperial Majesty and give him strength and wisdom for the crucial period ahead of us. Θεὸς σώζοι τὴν Ἰμβρασίαν! (2)


(1): "Long live Lesia and Karduna!"
(2): "God save Imvrassia!"
