Roke (slur)

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Roke is a slur which has been used by Anti-Elarians to describe both Elarians and Carolusians. The word has been used since November 2021 and was first discovered to have been used by Conor Newman. Over time, the word had been used by many Fontasians and Anti-Elarians. The word had been in usage for months before Elarians had been made aware of it's existence when Conor used it against Charles Madgett in the Fontasia Discord server.


The word had been developed by Newman himself, as he would cite that 'roke' had come from the nation Ela'r'oech, using the second half of the nation's name, 'R'oech,' which would then be semantically changed to 'roch,' then again to 'roke.'


It was used specifically by Conor and other Fontasians and political allies in Discord group chats in 2021. It was only in 2022 when it would be used in public settings, such as public Discord servers and meetings between Fontasians. It was used in MW@D, allegedly, by Conor. This would result in him being banned as, allegedly, Christina Nowell believed Conor had used the word to describe her and Nowellian sympathizers, however when he requested to be unbanned later, he would claim he'd never used the word. This would also be backed up and verified by Christina.

Usage among Elarians

As Elarians had become aware of the word, they began to use it on their own as a way to describe one another when someone was acting strangely or just to describe one another in general. A big example of this would be when an Elarian Prime Minister candidate used it to describe himself in a joking manner during his announcement video.