Organization for impartial self investigation

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OISI was a Marquetten Government agency, its purpose was widely unknown, as the original document was highly censored. on 12 Dec 2021, Nada I quietly released the original document, revealing its purpose of combating corruption.


The Organization for Impartial Self Investigation (or OISI)

Section 1

The Organization for Impartial Self Investigation (or OISI) is to be a secret organization known only to the Grand Sovereign and it's members it's leader (known as the "Head of OISI) is to be appointed by the Grand Sovereign they are to appoint OISI sheriffs after EXTENSIVE background checks (all members are only to be told who they work for after swearing to secrecy) .they (following the same procedures) can appoint OISI constables(carry out orders),OISI Detectives(investigate Cases),and

OISI Lawyers(argue in cases involving OISI) When investigating in person they will introduce themselves as the "national constabulary"

Section 2

Their main goal is to investigate allegations against the government and it's many organizations. They are to investigate Impartially and with out rank or title and report any information they acquire ONLY to the Head of OISI and The Grand Sovereign.


Given the nature of OISI, it's likely that some kind of successor organization exists, thought what it is is unknown.

See also

Grand Duchy of Marquette