Monarchy of New Antrim

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King of New Antrim
James III
since 14 November 2020
StyleHis Majesty
Heir apparentMatthew, Prince of Neilston
First monarchEoin II
Formation27 June 2017
ResidenceRoyal Apartments, Neilston (New Antrim)
Achadhmór Palace Territory (Achadhmór)

The Monarchy of New Antrim and Achadhmór, ceremoniously referred to as the Sovereign is a political institution which consists of the Monarch of New Antrim and Achadhmór and the New Antrian Royal Family. The Monarch titled as King, Queen or Sovereign is the Head of State of New Antrim and and Achadhmór, as such they hold extensive executive, legislative, judicial authority acting in authority of the Crown. The current monarch is James III since 14 November 2020, after the abdication of King Michael I.

Powers and Duties

The Monarch of New Antrim is the Head of State and Sovereign of New Antrim and and Achadhmór. They bear the style of King/Queen/Sovereign and the style of the address of His/Her/Their Majesty. The Monarch exercises most of their authority through the consultation of Parliament and the Cabinet with only Judicial functions and the granting of styles of nobility and honours being left at the absolute discretion of the Monarch. To date there have been three Monarch all bearing the style of King: Eoin II (2017), Michael I (2017 - 2020) and James III (2020 -), apart from the current Sovereign all have abdicated, Eoin II abdicated due to his wish to reform the political system in New Antrim and Michael I was declared to have abdicated the Throne as he attempted to make the Kingdom a non-governing territory of the Empire of Elysium.

The Monarch exercises most of their authority through the enactment of Letters Patent which are drafted and enacted by Councillors of State at the direction of the Monarch. Councillors of State exercise most of the authority of the Monarch in the Kingdom of New Antrim as the Sovereign presently lives in the Grand Duchy of Achadhmór.


The Monarch is nominally the first section of the unicameral Parliament of New Antrim. Although technically a member of Parliament no Monarch has ever participated in regular Parliamentary business since the reign of Eoin II with only James III participating in ceremonial meetings held in Achadhmór. The Monarch's primary role within Parliament is through the convening, prorogation and dissolution of Parliament and the issuing of Royal Assent, traditionally the Monarch is the presiding officer of Parliament although Councillors of State carry out the role of presiding over Parliament. Since the reign of James III a tradition has begun of the Monarch addressing Parliament at the beginning of its term represented by a Councillor of State in a speech known as "His Majesty's Royal Speech to the Nobility of the Realm and the Elected Representatives of the People'.


The Monarch's role within the Government of New Antrim primarily consists of the appointment and dismissal of Ministers and accepting the advice of the Cabinet. The Monarch generally only acts independently in emergency situations as they are empowered to chair the Cabinet, fire and dismiss Ministers and run the Government during times of emergency. The Monarch's primary advisor within the Government is the Prime Minister who is elected by Parliament (which the Monarch is nominally a member of) although they do not directly appoint the Prime Minister they are free to fire him and appoint an Acting Prime Minister, either by calling the Deputy Prime Minister to serve as such or by appointing someone at their own discretion. The Ministerial Accountability Act. 2023 prohibits the Monarch from being elected Prime Minister but it makes no such provision for any other Ministerial role, however, the current Monarch, James I does not serve in the Cabinet.

Judicial Role

Apart from cases of Treason, the Monarch is generally implied to have supreme authority over the Judicial functions of New Antrim. No legal traditions exist within the Kingdom of New Antrim as no trials have occurred and no-one has been placed under arrest.

Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Star of Hibernia

A title previously held by Prince Seán, Duke of Derry as Prince of Ulster in Fesmar, the Letters Patent of 7th November 2023 transferred this title to the Monarch of New Antrim. In this role, the Monarch has absolute discretion to create Knights of the Order of the Star of Hibernia of which currently there are nine members, all part of the Royal Family.

Field Marshal of the Royal Army

According to the Army Act. 2023, the Monarch is commander-in-chief of all armed forces of the Kingdom and specifically reserves the title of Field Marshal of the Royal Army for himself and any Regents. In this role, they grant commissions and create regiments, battalions, companies, platoons and squads of the Royal Army at the advice of the Minister of Defence as Viceroy of the Royal Army.

King of Arms

The Monarch acts as the King-of-Arms of the Kingdom in such a role they: grant heraldic achievements, maintain the Royal Arms of the Kingdom, certify heritage and certify titles of nobility. Additionally, they serve as president of the College of Arms.

Grand Duke of Achadhmór

The Monarch is presently, the absolute monarch of the Grand Duchy of Achadhmór.

Councillers of State

The office of Counciller of State exists as a way for the royal authority of the Monarch to be delegated more efficiently. The role was created under the Accession Act. 2023 as James III did not reside in Neilston and therefore he delegated most of his work to his grandson. Additionally, the Crown Prince serves as an ex officio Councillor of State. Councillors of State are appointed through Acts of Parliament.



Although not required to ascend to the Throne or exercise the authority of the Crown the Monarch of New Antrim usually participates in a ceremonial coronation ceremony. The last coronation to occur was that of James III who was coronated and enthroned on 25 December 2023.

Regnal Numbering

Regnal Ordinals are assigned to the Monarch based on all previous Monarchs who previously held sovereignty over the territory of New Antrim, including the High Kings, Lords and Kings of Ireland and the Monarchs of the United Kingdom. The present Monarch - James III is styled as such due to the reign of James I of Ireland and James II of Ireland. Should he keep his current name, the Prince of Neilston will be styled as Michael I and his son would be styled as Seán II after John I of Ireland.

The Royal Family

The Consort

Throughout New Antrian History there have been two Consorts to the Monarch both bearing the style of 'Queen of New Antrim' and the style of address of 'Her Majesty'. The current consort has been granted her own Coat of Arms. Should there be a male consort to the Monarch their style would be unknown, they may be known as "King of New Antrim", "King Consort of New Antrim", "Prince Consort of New Antrim" or some other style, likewise there is uncertainty over a gender fluid or non-binary consort whether they would be styled as "Consort of New Antrim", "Sovereign Consort of New Antrim" or as "Princx Consort of New Antrim". The role of Consort is not automatically granted through the marriage of a person to the Monarch as it is granted through Letters Patent therefore it is entirely possible for the Monarch to grant their non-married partner or anyone for that matter the rank and style of Consort.

The Crown Prince

The Crown Prince of New Antrim (Crown Princess if female and Crown Princx if non-binary or gender fluid) is a style which is automatically granted to the First-in-Line to the Crown of New Antrim. As Crown Prince they are entitled to display a special crown denoting their status upon their New Antrian arms and are an ex officio Councillor of State. The style of Crown Prince was created for the now-Prince Seán, Duke of Derry by his father then-King Michael I to denote his status as heir apparent to the Crown. Due to Michael's abdication and restoration to the line of succession he has held that style. The Crown Prince is customarily granted the style of "Prince of Neilston" upon their 21st birthday and the Succession to the Throne Act. 2023 states that the role of Prince of Neilston is a greater honour than the Crown Princeship therefore the Crown Prince is usually styled as the Prince of Neilston. As Prince of Neilston, the Crown Prince is automatically made a member of Parliament and is entitled to their own arms (based on the previously used Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of New Antrim).

The Princes, Princesses and Princxi

All descendants of James III have the right to the style of Prince, Princess or Princx of New Antrim with the style of address of Royal Highness. Additionally, Princes, Princesses and Princxi have the right to use a differentiated version of the Royal Arms as their personal coat of Arms. The style "Prince of New Antrim" does not grant a seat in Parliament.

Councillers of State

The office of Counciller of State exists as a way for the royal authority of the Monarch to be delegated more efficiently. The role was created under the Accession Act. 2023 as James III did not reside in Neilston and therefore he delegated most of his work to his grandson. Additionally, the Crown Prince serves as an ex officio Councillor of State. Councillors of State are appointed through Acts of Parliament.

Line of Succession

Until 2023, the Line of Succession to the Crown of New Antrim was unclear which lead to the Succession Crisis of 2020 - 2023. Under the Succession to the Throne Act. 2023 established Male-preference Primogeniture as the official line of succession to the Throne. People who are not Catholic are prohibited from the line of succession

King James III

  1. Crown Prince Matthew, Prince of Neilston
  2. Prince Seán, Duke of Derry
  3. The Prince James, Duke of Dublin
  4. Prince Lucius of Dublin
  5. The Princess Charlotte
  6. Princess Anne-Victoria
  7. Princess Rosa
  8. The Princess Maria
  9. Prince Jacob


The style of the Monarch of New Antrim is maintained by Royal Proclamations and Acts of Parliament. Prior to the issuing of the Royal Proclamation of 29 February 2024 the full style of the Sovereign was ambiguous, the following tables demonstrate how the retroactive styles based on various sources, primarily styles used during the past, titles held but not acknowledged by the Monarch and other such sources. There are three different styles, the Grand Style, the Medium Style and the Lesser Style. There is additionally the personal imperial style of Michael I, the 'insurrection title' and the personal styles of the Sovereign.

Grand Style

The Grand Style (or full style) of the Monarch is customarily used during ceremonial occasions such as the accession, coronation and funeral of a Monarch in addition to being used in all Letters Patent.

Period Style of address Style Users Reason
2017 - 2019 His Majesty By the Grace of God King of New Antrim Eoin I Style used in Eoin II's instrument of abdication.
Michael I
Accession of Michael I under Abdication of His Majesty the King Act. 2017
2019 - 2020 By the Grace of God King of New Antrim and King of Neilston Creation of the title of King of Neilston during Michael I's imperial project.
2020 - 2023 By the Grace of God King of New Antrim, King of Neilston, Duke of Talhmh Sór, Bladon and New Tara James III Renunciation of the citizenships of the Dukes of Talhmh Sór, Bladon and New Tara.
2023 - 2024 By Divine Grace King of New Antrim, King of Neilston, Duke of Talhmh Sór, Bladon and New Tara, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Star of Hibernia, King of Arms, Field Marshal of the Royal Army and Guardian of the City of Neilston Replacement of "By the Grace of God" with "By Divine Grace"

Transfer of the sovereignty of the Order of the Star of Hibernia to King James III. Creation of the Royal Army, College of Arms and Guardianship system for Neilston.

2024 By Divine Grace King of New Antrim, King of Neilston, Duke of Talhmh Sór, Bladon and New Tara, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Star of Hibernia, Grand Master of the Noble Order of Saint Mark, King of Arms, Field Marshal of the Royal Army and Guardian of the City of Neilston Creation of the Noble Order of Saint Mark.
2024 - present By the Divine Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ Our God King of New Antrim, King of Neilston, Grand Duke of Achadhmór, Duke of Talhmh Sór, Bladon and New Tara, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Star of Hibernia, Grand Master of the Noble Order of Saint Mark, King of Arms, Field Marshal of the Royal Army and Guardian of the City of Neilston Independence of the Grand Duchy of Achadhmór

Medium Style

The Medium Style of the Monarch is the most commonly used style of the Monarch being used on Acts of Parliament, Royal Proclamations and was identical to the grand style until 2019. It is unofficially known as the "working title".

Period Style of address Style Users Reason
2017 - 2023 His Majesty By the Grace of God King of New Antrim Eoin II Style used in Eoin II's instrument of abdication.
Michael I Accession of Michael I under Abdication of His Majesty the King Act. 2017
James III Accession of James III under Accession Act. 2024
2023 By Divine Grace King of New Antrim Replacement of "By the Grace of God" with "By Divine Grace"
2023 - 2024 By the Grace of God King of New Antrim, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Star of Hibernia Transfer of the sovereignty of the Order of the Star of Hibernia to King James III.
2024 By the Grace of God King of New Antrim, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Star of Hibernia, Grand Master of the Noble Order of Saint Mark Creation of the Noble Order of Saint Mark.
2024 - present By the Grace of God King of New Antrim, Grand Duke of Achadhmór Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Star of Hibernia, Grand Master of the Noble Order of Saint Mark Independence of the Grand Duchy of Achadhmór

Lesser Style

The Lesser Style of the Monarch is primarily used in diplomatic settings or whenever a shorter style is required for the Monarch. It is unofficially known as the "diplomatic titletle".

Period Style of address Style Users Reason
2017 - 2024 His Majesty The King of New Antrim Eoin II Accession of Eoin II
Michael I Accession of Michael I under Abdication of His Majesty the King Act. 2017
James III Accession of James III under Accession Act. 2024
2024 - present The King of New Antrim and Grand Duke of Achadhmór Independence of the Grand Duchy of Achadhmór

'Imperial Style'

During Michael I's reign, he periodically reigned as Emperor of New Antrim however legally it did not hold any weight as Parliament did not confirm it and his successor James III reverted back to styling himself in the traditional royal titles.

Period Style of address Style Users Reason
2017 - 2019 His Majesty By the Grace of God King of New Antrim Michael I Accession of Michael I under Abdication of His Majesty the King Act. 2017
2019 By the Grace of God King of New Antrim and King of Neilston Creation of the Kingship of Neilston
2019 - 2020 By the Grace of God Emperor of New Antrim and King of Neilston Formal proclamation of the Empire.

Insurrection Style

During Seán O'Neill's attempted coup d'état in August 2022, he used a modified version of his own personal style as Monarch.

Period Style of address Style Users Reason
2022 His Majesty (de facto) By the Grace of God, King of New Antrim 'Seán I' Proclamation on the Restoration of the Kingdom of New Antrim

Personal Style

When referring to the Monarchs as individuals outside of their formal capacity they use the following styles which is a modified version of the Lesser Style.

Period Style
2017 His Majesty King Eoin II of New Antrim Eoin II, King of New Antrim
2017 - 2020 His Majesty King Michael I of New Antrim Michael I, King of New Antrim
2020 - 2024 His Majesty King James III of New Antrim James III, King of New Antrim
2024 - present His Majesty King James III of New Antrim and Achadhmór James III, King of New Antrim and Grand Duke of Achadhmór

Titles and Styles


During the reign of Eoin II, the form of address of "His Majesty" was adopted in emulation of the British Sovereign.

Divine Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ Our God

The use of "By the Grace of God" was first recorded during Eoin I's abdication instrument. During the reign of James III it was amended, first to "By Divine Grace" then to "By the Divine Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ Our God"

King of New Antrim

Under the Declaration of Independence, Seán O'Neill was proclaimed to be King of New Antrim as "Eoin II".

King of Neilston

The Kingship of Neilston was established during the Imperial Project of Michael I, although the dubiously created imperial title was abandoned, the Kingship of Neilston was retained.

Grand Duke of Achadhdmór

Upon the independence of the Grand Duchy of Achadhmór, King James III was declared to be Grand Duke of Achadhmór.

Duke of Talmh Sór, Bladon and New Tara

The Duchies of Talmh Sór, Bladon and New Tara were titles of nobility held by nobles during the golden age, upon the ratification of the Elysiumite Antrim Treaty, the nobles voided their citizenships resulting in the titles returning to the Crown.

Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Star of Hibernia

The role of Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Star of Hibernia was initially vested in the Chairmanship of the Irish Republic of the Union of Fesmarian Socialist Republics, upon the dissolution of the Irish Republic in March 2023, Seán O'Neill, Prince of Ulster assumed the title in his own right before it was granted to the New Antrian Crown.

Grand Master of the Noble Order of Saint Mark

The role of Grand Master of the Noble Order of Saint Mark was created in the aftermath of an Elarian court case against New Antrim, Pontunia and Laskaridia,

King of Arms

Under the Heraldry Act. 2023, the New Antrian Monarch holds the role of King of Arms unless delegated.

Field Marshal

Created under the Army Act. 2023, this grants the New Antrian Monarch supreme authority over the Royal Army.

Guardian of the City of Neilston

Honorific shared among multiple officers, denoting who can authorize foreign law enforcement to entire the City of Neilston.

List of Kings

Name Arms Coronation Birth Marriage(s) Death Claim
Eoin II
Seán James Mark
27 June 2017
12 July 2017
15 days
N/A N/A 21 December 200x N/A N/A Throne Established
Declaration of Independence Act. 2017
Matthew James
12 July 2017
14 November 2020
3 years, 125 days
26 September 2019


10 - 20 September 196x Melissa, Queen of New Antrim
1 child
N/A Father of Eoin II
Abdication of His Majesty the King Act. 2017
James III
James Seámus Charles

14 November 2020
3 years, 307 days
25 December 2023
27 June 193x Enya, Queen of New Antrim
4 children
N/A Father of Michael I
Accession Act. 2023


According to the Heraldry Act. 2023, the Royal Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of New Antrim is the personal arms of dominion of the Sovereign. The current arms design is based on the Royal Proclamation of 1 March 2024. Separate arms exist for usage in the Grand Duchy of Achadhmór A Royal Standard has been adopted, although it is based upon the Arms of the O'Neill Dynasty which acted as the de facto national and royal Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of New Antrim and is not regularly used due to that reason.

Current Arms

Defunct arms
