Manawatu Embassy

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The Manawatu Embassy or the Embassy of the Arstotzkan Union to New Zealand: Manawatu is one of three embassies and diplomatic missions, Embassy of the Arstotzkan Union - Invercargill (Invercargill Embassy), Embassy of the Arstotzkan Union - Manawatu (Manawatu Embassy) and Consulate General of the Arstotzkan Union (Auckland Consulate). These embassies are located in the Northern, Central and Southern Arstotzkan States. The Invercargill Embassy is located in the Angliya Territory, the Manawatu Embassy is located in the Angliyskiy Territory, and the Auckland Embassy is located in the Tsentral'naya Territory.

First President of the Arstotzkan Union, Ethan Brinkman is the Embassy Commander.


The Manawatu Embassy was established on 27 December 2019 along with the Angliyskiy Territory. It was the first ever diplomatic mission established by the Arstotzkan Union and was the first one created during the Second Civil Conflict by the Underground Government.

During 2020 and 2021, the Embassy was closed three times, two times for COVID-19 and the third after the collapse of Arstotzkan - New Zealand Relations.


The Manawatu Embassy has been designated by the Department of International Affairs and Relations to serve several countries. The Manawatu Embassy is available for all Oceanic Nations and Pacific Nations.