Jack Allahbarism

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A famous painting of Jack.
Graffiti etched by an unknown Jack Allahbarist, located in Oak Forest.

Allahbarism, more commonly, Jack Allahbar is a parody religion founded by Jack Morris on 16 March 2019. It was the official lawful religion of the Empire of Kapreburg.


Jack Allahbarism is the belief that Jack Allahbar is the almighty leader, and that his servants, named Disciples are his followers. The text of Jack Allahbarism is the Epic of Jack Allahbar. According to the Epic of Jack Allahbar, Jack Allahbar had 3 apostles who followed him on journeys around the world. His three apostles were Alec, Moe, and Caleb. Caleb was the closest out of all three to Jack Allahbar, also gives himself credit for writing the Epic of Jack Allahbar.

Views of Jack Allahbarism in other countries

Micronation Category Legality
Kazacki SR
Religion Legal
 Kapreburg Religion Legal
 Ikonia Religion Legal
Mursia Religion Legal
Razerkaikstania Religion Illegal (Currently)
Maceyon Religion Legal
Qardasha Blasphemy Illegal


The Great Rubik's Nations Cup Miracle

On 13 July 2019, during the Rubik's Nations Cup in Melbourne, Australia, an unknown, brave Jack Allahbarist shouted "Jack Allahbar" (‡Jack Allahbarism is outlawed in Australia). You can still view the clip here at the time stamp 8:16.[1]


  1. LaZer0mOnkey [1], Melbourne, 13 July 2019.