Imperial Decrees (Edenia)

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Imperial Decrees in the Imperial Union of Edenia are laws passed by the Emperor. Introduced with the enactment of the Edenian Constitution of 2017, Imperial Decrees apply to the whole Union and can overturn or amend any statutes other than the Constitution itself.

Imperial Decrees can be passed unilaterally and without the advice nor consent of the legislature, the Committee on the State of the Union. There are, however, certain policy areas which Decrees may not affect without Committee support, mainly in the sphere of foreign affairs; for instance, the Emperor may not go to war with another nation without the support of two-thirds of the committee.


Imperial Decrees passed in the reign of Horatio I

  • Decree on Various Conventions [AQ/1E1/1] - Enacted various legislative, linguistic and time-related conventions. Enacted by the Emperor on the 18th of December, 2017
  • Decree on Various Further Conventions and Constitutional Amendments [AQ/1E1/2] - Enacted further legislative conventions and amended the Constitution to remove the power of the Crown to amend the Constitution unilaterally, among other purposes. Enacted by the Emperor on the 18th of December, 2017
  • Decree on Civil Aviation and Aircraft Regulation [AQ/1E1/3] - Established the Civil Aviation Commission and set various regulations on civil and government aircraft, as well as establishing the central airport of the nation. Enacted by the Emperor on the 18th of December, 2017
  • Decree on Spelling Correction [AQ/1E1/4] - Corrected the spelling of the previous three decrees from "Mandatria" to "Mandatsia" (a misspelling of the Edenian for "commission"). Enacted by the Emperor on the 13th of December, 2017