Edenian calendar

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The Edenian calendar is the calendar formerly used by the Imperial Union of Edenia. It differs significantly from conventional calendars, such as the Gregorian calendar insofar as it divides a year into four "quadrants" of fifteen twenty-four hour days rather than twelve months of a variable number of twenty-four hour days. This distinguishes it from calendars that comport more to the Gregorian system, such as the Modern Northu calendar. It was legally adopted by the Union following the enactment of the Imperial Decree on Various Conventions on 18 December 2017.

The calendar ceased to be in formal use following the Union's dissolution during the War of Edenic Centralisation on 17 August 2022, but in practice since the Union went inactive almost immediately after foundation it had not been observed in practice for some time before that.


In addition to measuring years, the Edenian calendar uses a unit of time called an era, shorthand for a period of four Edenian years.

Dates are written in the form XQ/DD/YEY, where X stands for which quadrant of the year it is, DD stands for which of the fifteen days of that quadrant it is, the first Y stands for which year of the era it is, and the second Y stands for which era it is.

The Edenian calendar begins on the date of its establishment, the Gregorian 18 December 2017, coded as AQ 1st, 1E1. Dates that occur before it are coded as "Hour 0 - [x]", where "x" is the number of days prior to the calendar's establishment.

Current time

The current date is
CQ 8th, 35E8