Global Olympic Alliance

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Global Olympic Alliance
Intermicronational organisation
Headquarters Empire of Ovrestlia (as it has got 4 seats)
Official language English
Membership 3 full members
Chariman Thomas Marios I
Vice-Chairman Lazar I of Rascia
Supreme Justice Isaac Richards
– Foundation 5 January 2009
– Formation of the Parliament 22 June 2020
– Constitution ratified In progress
Better communication among micronations, improvement of diplomacy and assistance of inactive micronations, protection of the environment

The Global Olympic Alliance, commonly abbrieviated as the GOA, is an intermicronational organisation with the aim of helping diplomatic relations between micronations, with a general focus on all micronations in the world, to help them to become more active. Based around the GUM and founded in June 2020. As a new organisation, it hasn't held any hegemonic sway and the Constitution of it and other services are in progress.

The GOA's regular discussion of current micronational topics and the meetings held at least once a month in a Discord chatroom make it one of the intermicronational organisations that have server in Discord.


It was founded in June 2020 by Thomas Marios I of Ovrestlia. Founding members were Ovrestlia, Rascia and Centralia. The founding members (Head of States, officials) were Thomas Marios I, Isaac Richards and King Iggy (the real person, not the toy).

The reason of the creation of this alliance was the unsuccesful trials of Thomas Marios to join GUM and the insults of Thomas I of Hrafnarfjall, who called him as a liar and little child, due to the different age who gave Marios to the application for GUM. The insults were public, in order to humiliate Thomas Marios, something he achieved, destroying the good relationships of Ovrestlia and the Kingdom of Brienia and the dismissal of His Imperial Majesty from the Royal Council of Brienia, after King Ivan's decision. His abasement, made him to create this alliance, in order to people have their freedom and not the vilification of the Chair of GUM, who underestimates other people and call them liars, as he said in the declarion of founding.


The Global Olympic Alliance is comprised of three branches, each of them resembling one branch of the three powers in state: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The separation of powers is set out in Article 1 of the incomplete statute, and consists of:

  • Chair-The Head of the State with the most seats.
  • Vice Chair-The Head of the State of the opposition country.
  • Supreme Judge-Vice Chair decides for him/her. He'll be from the opposition country.
  • The Parliament-All the Full members. The seats are counted by their density.

The Chairman acts as the executive leader of the GOA while a Supreme Judge enforces the rules of the organisation, both with the confidence of the Parliament. The Pariament also appoints secretaries to fulfill certain roles. After its creation, the GOA is establishing (with the help of various member states) a Statute, which will be ready in July.

The Parliament of GOA


The Parliament is the main assembly and supreme organ of Gloabl Olympic Alliance. The Parliament consists as many delegates as the density from each member state. The Parliament serves as a board for discussion between member states, and has the power to vote the decisions made by the organisation, including election of organs and offices of the organisation, as well as recognition of the Statute ratifications (membership applications). Parliamentary sessions were held weekly on Saturday evenings in a designated Discord chatroom, providing at least 2 full member states were present; Due timezones, GOA sometimes has meetings in early morning or midnight times (according to GMT).

The Parliament includes:

Chairman and Vice-Chairman

The Chair of the Parliament - currently Thomas Marios I of Ovrestlia - is the executive leader and general representative of the Global Olympic Alliance. Their role in the organisation is parallel to that of a Secretary General. The Chair is charged with the general administration of the GOA, and has duties and powers such as directing voting and meetings of the Parliament. The Chair also has the power to unilaterally suspend any delegate, although any such decision could be vetoed by the Parliament. The first and the current chair is the founder of the GOA, Thomas Marios I.

Each Chairman is the Head of the State of the country which has the most seats in the Parliament, making delegates to show more respect to him and making more democratic the system, as the Statute chooses the Head of the State who has the most seats, due density.

The VC replaces the Chair when he is absent. Vice Chair isn't so important as Vice Chair and Supreme Judge, as it helps the Alliance as a governing body only when the Chairman is in need. He just chooses the Supreme Judge.

The VC is the Head of the State of the Opposition country. The Current Vice-Chairman is Lazar I of Rascia.

Supreme Judge

The Supreme Court, is the organisation's intermicronational judicial organ. The Supreme Court has the power to try member states and other parties which it considered could have violated intermicronational law. The Court is constitutionally obliged to remain unbiased and independent in all its decisions.

The SJ is chosen by Vice Chairman and he is from the Opposition country.


To join GOA, press here.

The Headquarters will check your request and we will answer you soon.


Full members