General Director of Easway

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The General Director of the National Directorate is the head of government of the Common Union of Easway. It is the second highest position within the Co-operative Government and presides over and directs the agenda of all departments of its collective executive, the National Directorate, alongside informing and recommending government policy. The office concurrently serves as foreign minister and general envoy of diplomatic affairs.

The General Director is elected for a six-month term by the United Common Assembly amongst its members. The current 9th General Director is Syri vi Ezerrye, who has served since 14 April 2024.


The General Director is elected for a six-month term by a majority of the members of Easway's federal legislature, the United Common Assembly following the elections every May and November. Any incumbent member of the UCA is eligible, minus the Grand Councillor, and they may stand as a member of a political party. The General Director may not simultaneously serve as President of the United Common Assembly. The General Director presides over the multi-party National Directorate, whose members are generally nominated by Easway's head of state, the Grand Councillor, and elected by the UCA.

The General Director may be withdrawn at any time from office by a majority members of the United Common Assembly.

List of General Directors