Enviromental act (Åxenö)

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Enviornmental act of Åxenö
President of Åxenö
2023 Enviornmental act of Åxenö
Territorial extentÅxenö, Marius Empire
Introduced byAxel Himberg

The Enviornmental act was a fundemenal law of Åxenö. The act was signed 15 July 2020. The enviornmental act was originaly proposed by Åkerblom, the prime minister of Åxenö. The president, Himberg accepted it as a fundemental law.

The enviornmental act could only be broken by government officials and people who have permission by the president. On 18 September 2023, Himberg would repeal the act without asking the parliment. Later Himberg would ask parliment but only with the Finnish party representative Wilmer Himberg.