Constitution of the Kingdom of Theodia

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This article details the many peculiarities of the constitution of the Kingdom of Theodia. A partial draft of this constitution was ratified on 2010-10-23, but it was never published. The constitution was not completed until 2011-06-11, when it was re-ratified and published online. Kyng Sweyn voided this constitution in 2012 March, and abolished the monarchy in 2013 July.


Political parties

Under the old constitution, there were five political "parties" in Theodia. They were based upon the five classical western elements, and they function under the idea that representing the extremes as well as the center can help to provide balance and stability to a state that has gone to far in one direction, so complete centrism is the goal. The "parties" in actuality were not parties in the usual sense, but, rather, merely labels that were used to help make a stable parliament. All Theodian citizens were required be a member of a party at all times, and they were only allowed to be a member of one party. Theodians were allowed to change their party-allegiance at will, so long as they were a member of a party. The "parties" and their alignments can be seen in this chart:

Flag v1 Flag v2 Name Attribute #1 Attribute #2
Ether Centristic Centristic
Air Liberal Socialistic
Fire Realistic Authoritarian
Water Idealistic Libertarian
Earth Conservative Capitalistic
Law and order

The old constitution of Theodia established a system of courts. Under this constitution, law was handled solely by the Supreme Court. The country utilized an inverse DEFCON system called the Dewganae in old Theodian. Order was kept by the Theodian Military, the rule of law, and Theodia's stable, monocultural society.


Under the old constitution, the Kingdom of Theodia was to institute a demurage tax on its currency, which was pinned to the USD and controlled by a currency board. This currency was never really used, the demurage tax was never collected, and the currency board was never formed.



The national currency of Theodia was the Theodian Mark (KTM). The individual units were referred to as "Mark-notes". There were notes for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 1000 mark-bills. On the front was a spot for the demurage-stamp, the Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Theodia, the Theodian Mark sign (a vertical reflection of the Old English shorthand for "þæt"), and the number of units (in the corners). On the back were a Theodian flag and the Theodian Mark symbol. The currency expired at 00:00 on the first day of each new quarter of the Theodian fiscal year and has be renewed via special stamps bought from the government. It was pegged to the USD at a rate of 10:1 (KTM:USD).


Coins were once considered, but the cost of producing them stayed any possibility of coin-currency in the Kingdom. The coins would have been referred to as 'Theodian Crowns', if they had ever come into existence, and been worth 1/100, 5/100, 10/100, 25/100, and 50/100 of one Mark. The coins would probably have consisted of a hole in the centre and runic lettering in the Theodian-language circumscribing it.



In the interest of protecting its monocultural society, the Kingdom of Theodia in its original constitution had some rather complicated rules for treating different faiths based-upon the current national faith and the similarities and differences between different faiths. The idea was largely inspired by medieval Islamic taxation of non-muslims. The more different a certain group of religions is from the main one, the more taxes it pays. This creates incentive for people convert to the national religion, whatever that is.

See also