Congress of Austrovia

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Congress of Austrovia

Kongress von Austrovia
1st Congress
Logo of Congress
Term limits
4 months
FoundedAugust 23rd, 2017 (As Californian Senate)
Zach Peller
since August 23rd 2017
Deputy Speaker
Opposition Leader
Hannah Garcia, Democratic
since none (upcoming: December 2017 Federal Election
Seats15 Senators
Political groups
In government (5):
  •   National Populist Party (9)

The Opposition (4):

Single transferable vote
Last election
none (current Election: December 2017 Election
Next election
Building a better tomorrow
Meeting place
De Jure: Madrigal, Etiwanda
De Facto: IMessage

The Congress of Austrovia or in German Kongress von Austrovia is the legislative branch of the Federal Republic of Austrovia. Congress is unicameral and is made up of 9 senators from each federal state.

Congress currently has 15 senators, 9 from the National Populist Party, 4 from the Democratic Party and 2 from the Austrovian Socialist Party. Currently, the National Populists have a small majority over the other 2 parties making it the majority party. The Democrats and Socialists make up the Opposition which is lead by Hannah Garcia.


Congress is made up of one house, The Senate. The Senate makes proposals into laws and passeses them. The Senate can also reject one executive order given by the Federal President.


Currently there are 3 parties that have seats on Congress:

Party Leader Founded Position Seats
  National Populist NPA Andy Irons September 21, 2017 Right-Wing Populism
9 / 15
  Democrats DPA Hannah Garcia August 23, 2017 Modern Liberalism
4 / 15
  Austrovian Socialist Party ASP Arnold Gilbertson August 31, 2017 Socialism
2 / 15

Since Congress is not a parliamentary, candidates would have to receive popular vote in order to become a Senator in a state.