Celenic premiership

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Celenic premiership
Date formed8 July 2024 (2024-07-08)
People and organisations
Lord GovernorMarquess Villevoiche of Culver
PremierGeorge Celenic
Member parties
  •   Conservative
  •   People's
Status in legislature
4 / 4 (100%)
Legislature term(s)1st Colonial Assembly

George Celenic formed the Celenic premiership on 8 July 2024 after being invited to form the first government by His Majesty the King. Celenic was appointed to the office of Premier by the Lord Governor of Culver, Sean Villevoiche, 1st Marquess Villevoiche of Culver. Cabinets have the ability to regulate various activities and parts of the government.

The premiership spent the first 15 days as a unanimously conservative national government before the People's Party was formed, and its founding member added to assembly. It is now a coalition of parties, still as a national government, led by the leader of the Conservative Party.


The cabinet is the first government to administer the Colony of Culver, and will administer the colony until its promotion to dominion, where the premier will become the prime minister, and ministries will succeed premierships. Unless Celenic resigns or dies in office, it is expected that it will be the only premiership.

Celenic was appointed Premier immediately following Lord Villevoiche of Culver's appointment as Lord Governor, and was codified in the Culver Act of the Parliament of Baustralia, on 8 July 2024, and was gazetted that Thursday on 11 July. The Premier, when legislation is approved, transmits this through the Lord Governor for parliamentary consent in Cascadia, before royal assent is sent to Culver. Four departments of His Royal Government were made through the authority of the Act, to maintain peace, order, and good government of the Colony, and two were appointed on 17 July, gazetted the next day, and the other two remain vacant.


The Conservative Party of Culver holds unanimity in the colonial assembly, and as the colony is formed, membership in the premiership will be co-opted from members of the Culverian citizenry - made up of Juniperians, Laskaridians and Baustralians - however, further premierships and ministries will be elected in the same manner as Baustralia, unless, when a dominion, Culverian statutes are made to supercede Baustralian statute.

Members of Cabinet

Celenic Cabinet
Portfolio Minister Term
Cabinet ministers
Premier The Rt Hon George Celenic 2024–present
Advocate General The Rt Hon Moataz Samy 2024–present
Secretary of State for Education The Hon Joseph Leopold-Almeda 2024–present
Secretary of State for the Interior The Hon Grayson Moran 2024–present
Secretary of State for Public Services The Hon Alexander Drummont 2024–present
