2023 Riksting opening ceremony

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2023 Opening of the Riksting
Date8 November 2023
LocationRiksting Building, Bäckahällen

The 2023 Riksting Opening Ceremony (Swedish: Rikstingets Öppnande 2023) was held on 8 November 2023 in the Imperial State of Econia to open the first session of the Riksting. During the ceremony Imperial Sovereign Octavian I opened the Riksting for the first time and delivered his first speech from the throne outlining the newly appointed governments agenda for the upcoming session of the Riksting. After the ceremony he formally swore-in the new government presented by People's Minister Henry Larsson during the ceremony.


The Constitution of the Imperial State of Econia outlines that a ceremony be held every year following elections for the Sovereign to formally declare the new session of the Riksting open. This ceremony, known as the Opening of the Riksting, shall according to the constitution include the Sovereign reading a speech from the throne outlining his governments agenda and declaring the new session open. The rest of the ceremony was not described and it was made the job of the Master of Ceremonies at Court to outline the rest. His outlining of the ceremony based it on the British State Opening of Parliament.

On November 5th 2023 the 2023 Riksting Elections were held to elect the members of the First Riksting. This election resulted in the leader of the Liberal Party Henry Larsson being appointed People's Minister the day before the ceremony and tasked with forming a three party coaliton government. Meanwhile the Sovereign approved the Master of Ceremonies draft plan for the Opening Ceremony after personally changing some elements. Invitations to the ceremony were sent out by the Imperial Household in the evening of November 7th to all attendees not included in the plan for the ceremony.


The ceremony began with the Sovereign, the Arch-Princess and 5 of the 6 other princes travelling in procession by car to the Riksting Building from the Sovereigns Residence. This procession included 6 cars as the Sovereign and the Arch-princess traveled togheter. When they arrived they were greeted outside by the newly appointed Speaker of the Riksting, Prince Ludwig, and 4 Imperial Guards. The entourage then made their way into the bulding led by the Speaker and into the Riksting Chamber. There the 6 princes were seated togheter with the members of the Riksting and Government while the Sovereign made his way to a temporary dais behind the speakers desk where he took his seat on a chair next to the throne (He could not be seated on the Throne as he had not yet been ceremonially enthroned). The Speaker then delivered a short speech welcoming the Sovereign before the People's Minister requested to be able to present his new government to the Sovereign and the Riksting, which was accepted. This government consisted of 3 parties: The Conservative, the Liberal and the Democratic parties. After this the main event of the ceremony took place. The Marshal of the Realm brought the Sovereign his speech from the throne which he read seated on the chair next to the throne. This speech outlined the governments plans to focus on granting the young nation a culturual identity of it's own and strenghening the police and judicial courts of the nation. Following his speech the Marshal of the Realm collected it from the Sovereign. The ceremony ended with the Sovereign being invited to the Speakers desk where he declared the 2023-2024 session of the Riksting open and slammed the gavel, the first time this had been done by anyone including the Speaker. The Sovereign and his entourage of princes then left the chamber and travelled by car back to the Sovereigns Residence.

For the ceremony dress code was formal with the exception of the Imperial Guards and the Marshal of the Realm. For the ceremony the Sovereign wore a plain black suit without a tie. This despite that the plan for the ceremony had him wear his Imperial Robe and Imperial State Medal (supposed to be worn around his neck). The reason for him not wearing this was the same as why he did not sit on the Throne during the ceremony: He had yet to undergo his official Enthronement.

Speech from the Throne

During the ceremony Octavian I delivered the first ever Speech from the Throne outlining the Governments agenda for the first parliamentary year. He also included some personal thought and encouragement for the Riksting and Government before the start of their work, himself promising to serve alongside them and create a stable nation.


Your Highnesses, Honourable members of this Riksting. It is a great honour to be before you all today in order to open this first session of our Riksting, a symbol of our nations democratic values and principles. Only 10 days ago I issued an Imperial Declaration declaring our sovereignity from the Kingdom of Sweden and today I can behold with my own the eyes the result of that declaration, a result I am most proud of. What I see is a nation that has potential to acheive great things, not just using micronational measurements. But it's not my intentions to myself try my luck with acheiving this potential. Honourable members, your excellency, that is as much your responsinlity as mine to ensure. If we all do our very best, I promise you that we will succeed.

Just yesterday I began the process of giving this nation a government by appointing his excellency Henry Larsson as my first, our first, People's Minister and tasked him with forming a government. You just saw the result of that work and I am very proud of it. My government and I will begin our work immediatelly to try to grant this nation a stable foundation on which we can build a better future for us all. This we have agreed requires that our nation be given it's own cultural identity seperate from that of Sweden. To make this come true my government will grant substansial funding to my department of Culture and establish a Council for Econian Culture. A council which shall help define and protect our traditions and people. My government has deemed it as necessary that the Imperial Police be strenghtened and given additional privilegies with the purpose of defending this culture, our culture. It has been agreed upon that our judicial courts sentencing powers must be expanded to garantee that our laws be obeyed and respected, just as much as our nation and people shall be respected. My government intends to introduce economic measures to help prevent our nation from suffering from this global crisis, including making financial aid ready for those who may suffer consequenses.

Honourable members of this Riksting, I want to extend my best well wishes to you for this coming parliamentary year. Your work this year will be very important as it will lay the groundwork for this nation going forward, and I want to be able to look back with pride at the work that has been done. Mr Speaker, I do hope this early transitional period goes smoothly and that this honorable chamber can give me and my government full support during these times of national importance. May this speech be the first of many and this session the beginning of something great. Long live our State!

Government bills included in the speech

In the speech a few bills were included to be proposed over the upcoming year after having been refined and reworked by the government. Once proposed they will be listed below:

  • 2023 Council for Econian Culture Act. Proposed 11 December 2023. Approved by the Riksting Culture Comittee 23 December 2023. Passed by Rikstinget 6 January 2024. Given Imperial Assent on 10 January 2024.
  • 2024 Imperial Police Privilegies and Powers Act. Proposed 8 January 2024. Approved by the Riksting Justice Comittee 24 January 2024. Passed by Rikstinget 5 February 2024. Given Imperial Assent on 13 February 2024.
  • 2024 Financial Support Act. Proposed 24 January 2024. Approved by the Riksting Finances and Budgets Committee 2 February 2024. Passed by Rikstinget 13 February 2024. Given Imperial Assent on 13 February 2024.
  • 2024 Sentencing Bill. Proposed 1 August 2024. Approved by the Riksting Justice Committee 8 August 2024.