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Country and Region The Kingdom of Zealandia, Southern Zealandia.
County Denton
Territorial authority Þorkjavik Kommun (Thorkjavik Municipality)
Incorporated 2010 as Denton City Province
2012 as Þorkjavik (Thorkjavik)
Wards North (Palmestad)
East (Lødurup, City East)
West (City West)
Centre (Þorkjavik centre)
South (City South)
Population 3
Demonym Þorkjavikan
Time zone UTC+ 11.58 UTC+ 12.58 (Summer only)
Postcode 1000
Area code 98

Þorkjavik was the Capital of the Kingdom of Zealandia. Located appropriately 5.827 KM Nor East of The City of Christchurch and 3.092 KM from New Brighton

Þorkjavik was broken into 5 Divisions called Wards: Centre, North, West, South and East.

City Centre

The City Center was the name suggests located at the center of the city. The Main features of the City Center included: Frost Street, Zealandia Square, Government House and the Þorkjavik Entertainment Centre. The City Center was bordered on the south and east sides by the Royal Zealandian Gardens and by Coast Guard Base Þorkjavik to the North.

The City Centre was the Administrative and Political hub of the Kingdom with both the Left Party of Zealandia and the Democratic Party of Zealandia having headquarters there.


The Northern part of the City Province was home to Þorkjavik International Airport. The Area was the only place within the City that can handle Aircraft such as the ZAE XXL-2000.


The Western Area of Þorkjavik used to contain Þorkjavik Moor which is a grassy area bordered by the Þorkjavik National Park, The M1 Motorway and Zealandia Square. The West was home to the Wyvern Embassy until it was Stolen in mid 2011 in a robbery which still to this day has not been solved. The West used Contain the now destroyed Zealandian Monument to war and Earthquake victims.


South Þorkjavik used to Contain the Þorkjavik Domain which was were the City held its outdoor events, The Þorkjavik Fire Station, the Royal Botanical Gardens and the Þorkjavik National Park. The M2 Motorway runs through the middle of the South connecting the M1 motorway to The North South Highway.


East Þorkjavik was perhaps the third busiest part of the City Province after the City Centre and the North. The East used to contain Assembly Palace the meeting place of Zealandia's Parliament, Þorkjavik City Farm which grows Fresh Produce for the capital, Damnpots Place which contains the Siroccan Embassy, and the Zealandian Biological Waste Disposal Centre. This Section of the City suffered the most land damage in the February 22 and July 13 Earthquakes with the entire east being flooded with liquefaction which required the KOZDF to assist the city authorities in cleaning up.


The City Province had Four main arterial routes, The M1 Motorway which runs from the Border to Zealandia Square, Frost Street which runs from Zealandia Square to Peoples Square, North-South Highway which runs from the Airport to the Border and the M2 Motorway which runs from the M1 Motorway to the North South Highway.


The M1 Border Gate
Þorkjavik Domain
Zealandia Square Looking West
Damage After the July 13 Earthquake
Liquefaction in East Þorkjavik