Whestcorean Federal Election, November 2015

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Whestcorean Federal Election, November 2015
• Whestcorean federal elections • January 2016 Federal Election
5 seats required for a majority
November 4th, 2015
Turnout: 35.71%
Party Leaders Horatio Eden Rainbow Gordon Bennett Shinmen no Genshin AP OptiMegaCell
Political Party Party Party Different Party Majority Party Birthday Party
% of Vote 50% 40% 0% 10%
Seats before re-election 7 1 2 1
Seats received 5 2 0 1
Nominal seat change* ⇓ 2 ⇑ 1 ⇓ 2 No change
*Since the total number of available seats changed between elections, the utility of this figure in gauging public opinion is limited.

Structure of Congress post-election. Key: Blue - Party Party, Orange - Birthday Party, Dark Green - Different Party
Mememaster-General Election, November 2015
Majority of seats required for the leader of a Party to be elected Mememaster-General
November 4th, 2015
Majority Party Party Party
Majority Party Leader Horatio Eden
Overall majority 1 seat
Mememaster-General before re-election Horatio Eden
Mememaster-General after re-election Horatio Eden

The Whestcorean Federal Election, November 2015 was an election in the Federal Republic of Whestcorea triggered by the passage of Mememaster-General Horatio Eden's Seating Act, which - in light of the small size of the population - determined that big government was not practicable. As such, it cut the number of available seats in the Congress from eleven to eight, including the seat assigned to the Mememaster-General post-election under the constitution. The election was a minor victory for the Party Party, giving them four of the seven available seats and assigning the eighth seat to the Mememaster-General to Horatio Eden, Party Party leader.

The Election


The first months of the newly formed federal republic had been punctuated by fits and starts; the country went from a one-party state, dominated by the Party Party under Horatio Eden's leadership, to a government of four parties, the Party Party, the Different Party, the Majority Party, and the Birthday Party.
Eden recognized that the number of seats was far too high for the number of citizens and as such government officials accounted for a great proportion of citizens. Therefore, Eden - and, by extension, his cabinet - resolved to cut down the number of seats in Congress from eleven to eight, including himself. To that end, he framed the Seating Act, which reduced the number of seats, and triggered an election in order to reassign people to seats.

Election day

The election was almost a disaster for all concerned - if the final voter, the Supreme Court Chief Justice, had not arrived to cast a ballot, the voting would have been stuck at 4-4 between the Different and Party Parties, creating a hung Congress that would have been utterly gridlocked. However, the Chief Justice - a Party Party supporter - arrived just before the ballots closed, enabling the Party Party to claim victory in the election with 50% of the ten votes tallied.


However, this created an issue for the Party Party; despite winning a majority again, they still had to remove two of the incumbent Party Party congressmen to account for the new Seating Act - L.M. and Robert stepped down, leaving Horatio Eden, Bob Christ, the Chief Justice, Chris and Bwnpai in power. Chris stepped down shortly after, being replaced by John A. Cena.

The Majority Party, utterly defeated in the election losing all of their seats pre-election (with their leader himself failing to cast a vote for them), decided to dissolve itself. It's leader, Shinmen no Genshin, cited political apathy as his reason for shutting down the MP, and indicated he would not seek further re-election going forward.

Electoral rules set

This being the first federal election, it set the groundwork for every federal election which should take place after it, creating the following rules and guidelines:
- The electorate would not vote for candidates, but rather for parties.
- The number of seats attached to parties would be proportional to the vote they receive.
- The party that wins the election (or rather, has the highest proportion of seats in a coalition government) will get an extra seat, for their party leader, the Mememaster-General.
- Parties can choose which members of their party take the seats they are attributed.