Merito-American War

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Merito-American War

Screenshot of Meritia's Justifcation of War on the USA
Date5 October 2022 - 25 December 2022

Meritian Victory

  • United States secedes land to the Empire of Meritia
  • Both nations enter 6 month neutrality period
  • Both nations agree to not involve themselves in each other’s affairs
Empire of Meritia w:United States United States of America
Republic of New Hessen
Commanders and leaders
Joseph I w:United States Joe Biden[a]

Theodore Adam Zopf Von Neuhessen
Units involved

Meritian Military Forces

  • Meritian Armed Forces
  • Meritian Online Forces
w:United States United States Army[b]

Armed Forces of New Hessen
3 1,358,500

The Merito-American war was a conflict between the United States of America and the Empire of Meritia which lasted from 5 October 2022 to Christmas Day on 25 December 2022 following the creation of the Christmas Truce Treaty, which ended the war completely on Meritian Terms.

Meritian Eastern Offensive

Battle of Blue Oak (8th October 2022)

Oak planks seized by Meritia during the Battle of Blue Oak.
Meritian flag planted in occupied territory.

The Meritian Eastern Offensive began on October 8, 2022, with advancements by the Meritian Armed Forces into US-controlled territory. This incited the Battle of Blue Oak, which lasted on the same day from 2:30 PM MGT (EST) until 3:50 PM MGT (EST) following Meritian Occupation. The battle receives its name from the blue-painted oak wood planks that Meritia seized as State Property during the Advance. The battle Resulted in 0 casualties or captures/MIA on either side and was a Meritian victory. The Civil Flag of Meritia was planted in the occupied regions, and the area would be placed under administration by the High Command of the Army until the areas could be Formally Annexed as a Territory.

Battle of Timber Road (11th December 2022)

The final battle of both the Eastern Offensive and the war entirely, the Battle of Timber Road was a short advance southeast in the region originally blockaded by Meritia in October. The battle just as the others was unopposed, resulting in 0 Casualties or Captures/MIA. The battle lasted from around 2:30 PM MGT (EST) to 2:40 PM MGT (EST). The areas Annexed became part of the Eastern Military Administration and was a resounding final victory for the Empire.

Meritian Northern Offensive

Battle of North Timbers (2nd November 2022)

Meritia would incite yet another Offensive Line against the United States on November 2, 2022, starting a Military Invasion into the Northern areas of the Forest Region, with the Advance starting at Province District 03 and concluding when the Meritian Army re-entered the Nation through Province District 02. Similar to the Battle of Blue Oak, this Offensive Attack would suffer 0 Casualties or Captures/MIA on either side of the Conflict, and Meritia would again come out as the Victorious Nation, Formally Annexing the area by planting the Meritian Flag at 3:04 PM MGT (EST). The Advance lasted from 2:21 PM MGT (EST) when Meritia began a buildup on the Border until the time of the Meritian Civil Flag being planted, and the Military would exit the Occupied Zones following this, with it too being placed under Military Administration. The Battle would receive its name from the timber that Meritia had to pass through during the Advance, with "North" referring to its location relative to the Borders of Meritia.

Meritian Western Offensive

Battle of Sticks and Barbs (9th November 2022)

The Western Front would begin out of Meritian Province District 02 on the 9th of November 2022, following another buildup of troops in the area. Meritia would launch the Advance at 1:43 PM MGT (EST) by Orders of Joseph I, making staggering gains incomparable to the former Battles of the War, yet again completely unopposed. The Army would then for the third time during the War plant the Meritian Flag, giving Meritia the Command of yet another Military Zone. The Army would discover a third structure during their exit of the Territory in the North, and in one final Military Annexation during the Battle would take control of it. The Battle concluded at 2:07 PM MGT (EST) following troops leaving the region, and thus the attack would also become the shortest Battle of the War, with the swiftness of the Meritian Army being praised by the Emperor. The Battle was named for the large amount of fallen sticks passed by the Meritian Army during the attack as well as the barbed wire they encountered during it, a petty attempt to keep the forces out of the US-Controlled Area. The Battle had 0 Casualties or Captures/MIA on either side.

  1. Joe Biden does not recognize this micronational war nor known of it
  2. The United States Army does not regonize nor know this war exists