Republic of New Hessen

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Republic of New Hessen
Die Republik Neuhessen (German)
Flag of Republic of New Hessen
Emblem of Republic of New Hessen
Motto: Gerecht und Mächtig (Just and Powerful)
Anthem: "The Stony Iron Fist War March of Joyous Peace and Undisturbed Tranquility Granted by Estonia Above"
the national anthem of new hessen

Location of the Langley-Dozier Province
Official languagesGerman, English, Spanish
Recognised national languagesEnglish
Demonym(s)New Hessian
GovernmentDemocratic Militant-Benevolant-Dictatorial Republic
• President
Theodore Adam Zopf Von Neuhessen
• Secretary of Defense
General Colonel Louisa D. Handy
• Supreme Treasurer
Captain Ginny M. Forster
• Chief Field Officer
Colonel Zachary Harris
• Adjutant to the Grand Marshall
• Commander of the Phoenix Militia Branch
1Lt. Lucas Harris
LegislatureRONH-SDF Officer's Assembly
• Republic Founded
17 May 2022
• Grand Territories Assembled
11 January 2023
• Total
3.5 sq mi (9.1 km2)
• Estimate
Time zoneUTC-4 (EST)
Date formatmm-dd-yyyy
Driving sideright
Left (In Sealand)
Calling code+1

The Republic of New Hessen, commonly known as New Hessen is a Micronation located primarily in North America, Sealand, and formerly on the island of Great Britian. New Hessen was originally founded by both Theodore Adam Zopf Von Neuhessen and partially by Elizabeth Snowie Langley as the Free Confederate Republic of New Hessen, later called the modern name the Republic of New Hessen. New Hessen has claims to several areas of land in Washington DC and Sealand, a territory on Sligo Creek, a ceded territory in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the the Langley-Dozier Territory in West Virginia. New Hessen formerly had claims to territory in Swindon, England; those claims have now been relinquished.

New Hessen is a part of the United New England Micronations, and is the second security council member of the UNEM.


The name New Hessen comes from the German State of Hesse(n). The name New Hessen was put in place by Theodore Adam Zopf Von Neuhessen.



Before the founding of New Hessen, one of the founders was only partly a member of the micronation community, that founder's name was Theodore Adam Zopf, a micronational secondary founder was Elizabeth Snowie Langley.

New Hessen Republic Era

New Hessen was founded on the 17th of May, 2022. Members grew rapidly in the month of July. On June 15, the self defense force of New Hessen was founded under unitary command of the NHAC (New Hessen Air Corps)/RONHDD (Republic of New Hessen Defense Department). On July 11, New Hessen became a democratically elected military leadership. On September 7, The Delegation was officially dissolved. On September 11, the provincial system was dissolved in favor of the territorial system. On September 27, the Carlos Federation was founded as a puppet of RONH. On 11/15/2022, the President's Office declared May 17, June 15, September 18, and September 27 National Holidays, Independence day, Armed Forces day, President day, and Carlos day, respectively. New Hessian Remembrance day is on December 31, In order to place it directly before New Year's day. Other national holidays include: Hannukah, Estoniamus, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's Day, Easter, Yom Kippur, Valentine's Day, Juneteenth, Labor Day, Indigenous People's Day, Bird Day, Ramadan, April Fools Day, Passover, Cinco De Mayo, VE-Day (WWII), Victory Day, and Armistice Day.

Flag off the GTNH

The Grand Territories of New Hessen started on 11 January 2023, after the president declared the Grand Territories in order to unite all of the Territories under New Hessen.



The New Hessian National Religion is Estonianism. Estonianism emphasizes love for Estonia and nothing else. Practice of Estonianism is mostly optional and one is free to practice their own religion. The one exception being that all are suggested to celebrate the holiday of Estoniamus.

Saint Suki

Saint Suki is the Patron Saint of New Hessen. She is a dog owned by Theodore Zopf. Saint Suki holds honorary citizenship.

National Foods


Schnitzel is eaten on special occasions in New Hessen. It is a type of breaded meat dish originating in central Europe.

Toast Chee

Toast Chee is the holy food of Estonianism, consisting of cheese crakers with a peanut butter filling, eaten to show devotion. Estonianists must eat Toast Chee every six months at the minimum. If they are not, it is considered betrayal of Estonianism. Toast Chee must be capitalized when written, and one must eat an entire package at a funeral. If someone for any reason needs a pardon for not having eaten Toast Chee within 6 months, they may have one.


Poutine is a Quebecois food consisting of fries covered in sausage gravy and cheese curds.

Chicken à la Theo

Chicken à la Theo is a dish invented by Theodore Zopf consisting of a whole chicken atop fries, stirred in chicken gravy, all covered with mex-mix cheese.


American English

American English is the most common language spoken by New Hessian Citizens.


German is only used as a language for formal government purposes.

New Hessian English

New Hessian English is an English Language variant consisting of a DC accent, with slang terms and phrases from British, Irish, and Australian English; spoken by several New Hessians.

Foreign Relations

Map of New Hessen relations approved by UNEM. Current to 2024.

New Hessen has very little foreign relations with other micronations, but the state is part of The United New England Micronations, and the President of New Hessen is the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations of the United New England Micronations Peacekeepers.

Allied States

Mutual recognition

Unilateral recognition

  •  Quebec - The Republic of New Hessen recognizes Quebec as a Nation Independent of Canada
  •  Estonia - The Republic of New Hessen recognizes Estonia as Stony land
  •  United Nations - The Republic of New Hessen recognizes most UN Member States

Unrecognized States

  • w:Taiwan/w:China ROC & PRC - No Recognition of claims to each other's de-facto territory.
  • w:South Korea/w:North Korea DPRK & ROK - No Recognition of Claims to Full Korean Peninsula
  •  Islamic Republic of Iran, on account of recent hostile actions toward the United States of America, and human rights violations.
  •  Northern Ireland, however the rest of the UK is recognized unless otherwise listed.
  •  Florida - The city of Tallahassee is not recognized as the Floridian capital.