Media and entertainment in Pristinia

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The fields of media and entertainment are among the best developed aspects of Pristinian culture. The nation produces three independent periodical written publications one in the form of irregular one-off articles (the Pristinian Herald); the other two, the Weiherland-Kurier and Pioniermagazin, are PDF publications with multiple articles per issue. Entertainment-wise, while there are no locally produced methods of entertainment thus far in the nation's present development, Pristinians spend their free time in a variety of different ways, as Pristinia is a diverse nation in age and gender. The Herald is a member of the Micronational Press Council. The Albertus Magnus Verlags-UGaA, the company owning both the Weiherland-Kurier and the Pioniermagazin, considered joining but decided against doing so.


Written publications

As mentioned above, Pristinia, with its 3 independent written publications, has one of the richest landscapes of written media in the MicroWiki sphere. This area is capitalised on as a "strong point" of the nation by the Pristinian Government. Hence, new journalists are actively being sought out and invited to the nation by the Government, and entrepreneurial journalists (seeking to start their own publication) are subsidised in Pristinian Mark in addition to being offered the possibility to participate in a government-sponsored patronage program, whereby seasoned micronational journalists from the Pristinian Herald instruct and advise the new entrepreneurial journalists both in journalism itself and running a company in Pristinia.


Journalistic ethics in Pristinia differ slightly from the general Western consensus. Unlike most Western journalists, their Pristinian counterparts do not value the rights to privacy or secrecy unless mandated by Pristinian law. Instead, Pristinian journalists are obligated both by their ethics as well as by law to do every effort to publish any "information of public interest" in order to educate the public. This became an issue when the Herald joined the Micronational Press Council. Its Code of Practice demands that its member organisations publish only information for which they have the source's explicit permission to publish. The issue was brought up by the Herald immediately after joining, and was resolved by adding a clause to the code stating that the Code of Practice was subordinate to any national laws the member publications are bound to adhere to.

International co-operation

The Pristinian Herald is, as mentioned, a member of the Micronational Press Council. The Albertus Magnus Verlags-UGaA, the company which owns both the Weiherland-Kurier and the Pioniermagazin, considered joining but decided against doing so due to the fact that both their publications are German-language, which they foresaw creating difficulties in dealings with the MPC.

The Herald also has correspondents in several foreign micronations. Among the nations covered by dedicated individual journalists are Austenasia, Erephisia and Francisville. The Herald is continually looking to expand that list.

For the PoliNation 2012 conference, the Pristinian Herald is expecting to coordinate with A1BC in its coverage of the events in order to avoid duplicate content.