Japitty Development Index

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The Japitty Development Index (JDI) is a statistical composite index of demographic, economic, and militarisation indicators, which are used to rank countries within the Inner West Park Annexation Movement roughly inline with their expected level of development. The index was first developed by the Badu Park University of Theology and Cooking under request from the Badu Park Foreign Trade and Financial Monitoring Organisation in order to categorise and track economic, military and population statistics for further intelligence analysis.

The first JDI was published in April of 2024. The index does not consider organisations or political movements, only sovereign states.


The JDI measures three categories of indicators: demographic, economic, and military. The demographic category measures life expectancy, education level, and population density. The economic category measures GDP, income per capita and trade volume. The Military category measures number of personnel, level of equipment, military expenditure as a percentage of GDP, and number of casualties experienced in relation to recruitment rate.


2024 Japitty Development Index
Rank Country Score
1 Republic of Xahastan 0.938
2 Badu Park Municipal Government 0.739
3 Empire of Douglas Grant Park 0.574
4 Republic of Pioneers Park 0.545
5 People's Republic of Nguyenistan 0.522
6 Mugahan Rump State 0.499
7 Free Cities of Provincetown & Charleston 0.327
8 United States of Jubilee Park 0.295
9 Technocracy of McMahon 0.287
10 People's Republic of Odea 0.221