Hurkish Civil War

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DISCLAIMER: I am uninformed on how to make a good war page, so im sorry for the crudeness of this page. Any help would be appreciated. Also,


The Hurkish Civil War was a civil uprise which took place in the Kingdom of Hurikano since the sometime in, 2013. It began after a rebellious group of Hurkish citizens wanted to leave and become a part of a neighborhood type gang/micronation called The Statos against Hurikano.

The Loyalist side is led by the The King of Hurikano who doesn't want to be named. The branches participating in the war is The Hurkish Royal Army (The sub-branches of the Hurkish army are the Hurkish Armed Forces, The Hurkish National Guard and the Tribes Army of Hurikano) and the Hurkish Royal Air Force (The Hurkish Royal Navy is not located in the combat zone as there are no body's of water). These brave men fight day and night risking injury and near death experiences.


The belligerents of the Hurkish Civil War are the nations of The Kingdom of Hurikano (on the ground combat), Kingdom of Voldenstien (Diplomatically), The Republic of New Potato Land (Diplomatically), Charleia (diplomatically, pledge combat support) and The Federal Republic of Maltivex.

For the Statos side it is the Town Gang of the Statos and the Statos backed Rebels (AKA The Hurkish Statos).

History of the war

For me, not much is known about the war until 2015 when a Hurkish patrol was abused by a Statos militia. The Hurkish Guards were surprised not because of the ambush, but because a Statos member pulled out a knife and nearly stabbed one of the guards. One of the guards punched a Statos in the face and tactically retreated. The Statos slowed down until in 2018 the Statos started firing fireworks into Hurkish territory from Statos land. This went on for 2 months until Hurkish guard stopped them. In 2020 fireworks started up again in late June until July 3. On July 4, The Hurkish emperor and some Hurkish army personnel went on patrol when they heard gun shots. They took and video and retreated. In mid July a temporary ceasefire was signed, but it wouldn't last. On July 20 Statos troops moved in to Hurkish territory and started causing a havoc. A Hurkish patrol moved in and pushed them out. On July 21 The King of Voldestien decided to help by becoming Hurikanos Head of Military and Admiral of the Navy. He ordered a trench system in the in the border town of trenali for defensive purposes. that same day a Hurkish patrol almost met up with Statos, but the Statos left. Since then, some small Statos patrols have been spotted but have retreated at the sight of Hurkish soldiers.


There has been 2 instances of major injury and a few minor instances of lesser injuries. In 2017, a Hurkish soldier fell out of a tree and fell on barbed wire. The soldier as bleeding in a lot of places and was very much in pain. A Hurkish Medic saved him ad brought him back to his residence were they took him to the hospital were he made a full recovery. In 2018 a soldier was hit in the head by a rock thrown by a Statos soldier. Again the brave Hurkish medic corp rushed to help and save the soldier. He made a full recovery without having to go to the hospital.

Medals earned

The medic that saved the Hurkish soldier that fell into the barbed wire won the Hurkish Medal of Valor (The highest medal a Hurkish soldier can get) and the Distinguished Medic Medal (The highest medal a medic can get, the other two medals a medic can get is the Silver Medic Medal and the Medic Merit Medal).

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