Holcetae City

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Princely County of Holcetae

Official language: Holcetaean English
Date founded: Ogronnos 2510(Coligny Calendar)/September,2007

Religion: Celtic Polytheism, Tibetan Buddhism, Roman Catholicism
Government: Monarchy
Current leader: HIM Emperor John I Princely Count of Holcetae, HRM King Christopher I Viceroy of Holcetae
Currency: Imperial Oro, O<

Demonym: Holcetaeans
National animal: Hawkeye
National food: Stuffed Pizza
National drink: Newcastle Brown Ale

Holcetae City is the capital of the Empire of Holcetaea. It is under the direct control of the Emperor of Holcetaea as the Princely Count of Holcetae. Currently the Emperor's brother, Christopher, is serving as Viceroy of Holcetae. The City contains the residence of the Emperor, the Blue Palace. The Blue Palace also contains the meeting hall of the Seanad Holcetaea, although members are allowed to absentee vote via the internet. The palace also holds an office for the administration of Holcetae City and the Holcetaean Imperial Military.

The Blue Palace

The Blue Palace is the residence of the Emperor of Holcetaea. It is a modest home that is much smaller than the Tagtmeier Palace, the residence of the Eastern Holcetaean King and Queen. The Blue Palace is in Holcetae City and the city itself is administered from the Palace. The Palace contains a parlor, and a small personal temple on the lower floor. On the midlevel is the meeting hall for the Seanad Holcetaea, the Emperor's bedroom, and a guest room. The Palace Kitchen is on the top floor.