Governor of the Concordian Republic
The Governor of the Concordian Republic was public official present in the First Phase of Concordian growth. The former Governor was founder Callum Russell, who also used the power of the Governorship to instate the 21 Orders. The Governor had an unlimited term, but could be replaced by the will of the majority of the Concordian population. The equivalent of the Governor in the later phases is the President, with similar powers to create and enforce national executive orders.
The Governorship of Concordia does not have the richest of histories, having only existed for 68 days (2 months). However, much of the lasting legacy was dictated by the work in the background, the less official and grand actions. These include setting up the website, CMBC, MicroWiki and others.
First Term of Callum Russell
Callum Russell came into the office of Governor on the 30th June 2021, the same day as the founding of the Republic. Despite a hiatus, he returned to his roles as Governor in late July, as he started planning the Twenty-One Orders. On the 6th August, he enacted these orders. After recruiting a new citizen, he decided to let her become a part of the unofficial Cabinet, as she represented Aeonia. However, on the 26th August, following the confrontation that sparked the Guardsman's War, he used his powers to declare the former cabinet member an outlaw. Following three days of warring, he finally resolved to repeal the citizen's status as an outlaw, and hand the role of Governor over to her.
First Term of the Aeonian Citizen
Following the power handover at 3.36 pm on the 29th August, the first term of the Aeonian began. For a few minutes she brainstormed potential actions to take, but eventually decided to use her powers to dissolve the Republic. At this, Russell quickly formed an armed resistance and took back the Governorship at 3.41 pm.
Second Term of Callum Russell
Following the takeover, Russell quickly reinstated the country, just 3 minutes after its ceding back to Australia. Following this, he initiated the Concordian Citizen Expansion (CCE) campaign, and within days recruited a third citizen, then a fourth on the 3rd September. On the 6th September, he managed to recruit three new citizens, which pushed the country into the Second Phase, starting the Presidency of Callum Russell and the Federal Mayorship of Callum Russell. The program continues to this day.