Fleet Admiral of the Federation

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Fleet Admiral of the Federation
Service branchNational Navy
AbbreviationFle Ad of the Fed
RankGeneral officer
NATO rank codeAdmiral of the Fleet
Non-NATO rankFleet Admiral (UK)
Next higher rankNone
Next lower rankAdmiral
Equivalent ranksFederal Marshal

The Fleet Admiral of the Federation is the highest rank in the National Navy of Roscamistan. It is higher than an Admiral. The army equivalent of the rank is the Marshal of the Republic. The only holder of the rank was Ali Farrokhzad, Co-President of the Senate and 2nd Governor of Motofia.

People promoted to the rank

No. Portrait Name Life Service Notes
Ali Farrokhzad 2007 – present 29 June 2022 – 1 December 2023 Granted the rank by President Thomas Jacobs as Commander -in-Chief of the Defence Forces. Farrokhzad also served as Commander of the Motofian Defence Force in his capacity as Governor of the Province, serving as the chief naval officer. He was stripped of the rank in December 2023, for his slanderous statements against Roscamistan.