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City of Venci
Città di Yesela
Venci flag

Languages spoken Italian

Federation Republic of Yesela
Area 15 km2

Jurisdiction Atlantis.flag.png Republic of Yesela
Mayor Francesco the prophet

Registered inhabitants 150
Inhabitants (de facto) 80

Foundation 6, 2023

Time zone UTC +1

Venci is the capital city of the Yesela, the largest city and political and institutional center of the Federation. Located in central Italy in the region of Rome, the city was the center of many events of the Republic like the Yesela indipendence War. Venci is growing and today the city is also the headquarters of the People's Committee.


During the Atlantis Civil War


Battle of Poseidon

On the afternoon of September 18, Manuel De Felice and an armed group of rebels opened fire (with an airsoft gun) against an Atlantis soldier of the Army in neutral territory. Soon after, the Atlantis Army and Marine Commando counterattacked using airsoft guns as well. At the end of the battle the AnarchoCommunist National Liberation Army surrendered to the Atlantis Armed Forces.

Alhough Manuel De Felice was the Chief of Staff and Vice President of the Autonom Republic, he confessed that the group did not act in name of their Republic. All the rebels involved in the battle were arrested by the Atlantis Armed Forces. De Felice was later released, and together with Virgili later wrote a treaty of surrender. This part of the battle still remains uncertain, as the rebels and in particular Carbone, claim that De Felice never signed a document of armistice.

Poseidon today

Poseidon from the end of the Atlantis Civil War until now is the center of the life of the Republic. Demographically the most populous is an active city with political, military and institutional life. Today Poseidon is also the headquarters of the Atlantis Space Agency and of the IMTO Court of Justice.